Apr 20, 2006 08:25
So I'm in the car this morning on my way to work and on the radio they're talking about all of these outbreaks of Mumps here in Michigan. They're also talking about how there are outbreaks in Iowa and a few other states throughout the country. Now, I'm no expert, but in the last few years there has been a significant increase in parents not immunizing their children, and now there are outbreaks of mumps spattered throughout the country. Am I the only one seeing a connection? Did I not say that as more parents stop immunizing their children, we will begin to see illnesses returning after years on hiatus? I believe I did. The thing is, the illnesses weren't gone, it was just that we couldn't catch them! Crazy concept, I know. So now there are children getting mumps. I hate when I hear people say "I don't immunize my kid because we live in a really safe country where there aren't many diseases" because the only reason we don't have those diseases is because we immunize. *sigh* It just seems to me that if you don't want your kid to get mumps, you should take action to prevent that. If I were a parent and my kid got mumps because I didn't immunize them, I think I'd feel horrible. That's just me. So yeah, watch out for mumps people.