Apr 20, 2011 08:26
Eleven steals all the scenes, doesn't he? I don't know why I've suddenly noticed this now, but whatever was happening in the scene before he's there, it all quickly gets diverted into what Eleven's doing afterwards.
Nine said 'I'm the Doctor, now forget me' and Rose could have done just that, if she hadn't been looking for some way out of her life as it was. She had to go to someone else who had chosen to look for him, and was a bit creepy stalker-ish as a result, to find out more about him. Nine was a look, maybe a wave and a smile, and then vanishing back into the crowd to do his own thing if you weren't following him. Ten tended to assume he was the centre of things, but didn't necessarily have to be getting all the attention, although he was usually unbothered if he was. There was Midnight, though, where for the first part he was just another passenger in a whole ship of interesting characters, and although he became the focus of a lot of attention when he was trying to do something about the situation, characters were questioning his centrality and making him question it himself.
Eleven, though, Eleven takes over almost any scene he's in, to the point where if he doesn't, there has to be a reason why not or it doesn't feel like him. It isn't necessarily always deliberate; he talks to himself and others while solving things, and he moves almost all the time, so in any roomful of normal people standing around talking about something they're going to end up watching or listening to him, but it goes further than that. It's done for lulz in The Lodger, stealing Craig's thunder at football, popping up from behind the sofa to divert an otherwise romantic scene, clearly being the weirdest person even when sat around drinking wine and chatting, but he does it all over everything. He can't leave Vincent's house to take the painting to the TARDIS without coming back to make sure the other two aren't forgetting him in favour of their own concerns, or even leave three people watching him piloting the Pandorica and worrying about the future of the universe without putting himself back in the scene with a written message. 'Look at me, I'm a target' is everything from a research tool to a delaying mechanism to the reason it all happens in The Pandorica Opens, and, well, I realise crashing the wedding is the dramatic climax of the whole series in The Big Bang and he was going to do it in style, but even once he's done that bit, he's clearly hogging the limelight for the rest of the reception too. The brief moment where he doesn't stands out, almost feels awkward, and in other places in the series where someone else turns out to be more useful than him, Amy talking Paisley Boy down, River making the teleporter work, he quickly manages to make it back into being about him anyway. Even in fic, promethia_tenk had to use some seriously big guns to upstage him in meta, and cinderbella333's AU still had to find a way to make him the centre of attention of a community, the person you might have already made a decision about how you're going to acknowledge before you've even met him, to make it feel like him. I know this is his show, I know he's the point, but I think I just realised exactly how far that goes with Eleven.