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Aug 10, 2010 19:57


yeah...i had been thinking about this exact thing a couple weeks ago...seeing as i'm interested in a girl who i think is too good for me...i noticed i'm more willing to change and do other things for her than i have for other girls in the past...i had also concluded that it's better this way because i'm much less likely to take her for granted and will always be thankful to be with her (if i was to be with her, that is)...however i wonder how it feels for the girl, would she just take me for granted? guess i may not ever know....i don't meet girls very often who i think are too good for me...perhaps it's a pride issue of mine and that i need to get that checked with God, i'm not really sure--maybe i think too highly of myself?

but of course in the end...God's got something planned and things will work out with whomever it is

I was just in the shower and thinking about the link I just posted and I realized that it could be generalized even more. It comes down to an issue of pride...if we are prideful we begin to raise ourselves above others and that's when the problems begin -- we feel superior, and cease to be thankful for even the opportunity to be with someone -- and I mean this in any sort of relationship.

In the context of that article, I suppose it means that the ultimate relationship would be where both people think the other is too good for them and they both try to compensate for the perceived difference.

I think about the situations in which I've been angry with someone or impatient with them -- and it really boils down to an elevated sense of self-worth. "Why is this person making me wait? My time is valuable" -- you wouldn't do this with someone you see as way above you. If Ellen Page wanted to come hang out with me and was 30 min late...would I be angry? No, I'd be like "deng girl, you looked good in Inception."

I believe the first test of a truly great man is his humility. I do not mean by humility, doubt of his own powers. But really great men have a curious feeling that the greatness is not in them, but through them. And they see something divine in every other man.
--John Ruskin

I believe this is a small part of God's call for us to be humble

Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves.
--2 Philippians 2:3

This is truth that transforms our lives and allows us to love others more in the way they were meant to be loved as opposed to the selfish love we often see and feel. It always sucks when you're showing someone love and you begin to feel resentful because the love isn't returned...but is that really love?
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