Um, some guy just said that his wife's water broke...

Nov 27, 2008 11:35

Yesterday was an interesting night at work. There was a couple who came in and got food of some sort, and they were sitting there eating when the woman's water broke! She was so embarrassed because of the mess, and well because her pants were all wet, but we just cleaned it up and congratulated them (and then I went and threw all the cloths in the washing machine with lots of bleach). They had ordered a brownie earthquake to have later, and ended up forgetting it in the freezer 'cause they were a bit distracted. I left a note saying that if they came back and told the story then they would get a free brownie earthquake, I'm sure people were amused today reading that story.

Last sunday night I took mum to see Hairspray, and it was awesometastic. It was hilarious and bouncy and just so much fun. The newer movie was my first encounter with Hairspray, and I loved that, but the play was even better. I don't think anyone who likes musicals could watch that one, with all the bouncy songs and dancing and cool 60's costumes and funny lines, and not like it. You can't stop the beat!

Next week I get to see Great Big Sea (twice!) and I am so excited for that. I have to figure out what to wear though, and how to smuggle in a camera because the venue says no cameras/recording devices. I'll figure something out.

For now I have to worry about my Invert lab exam tomorrow, and then studying for the Invert final, which is at 8:30 am the day after the second concert, bleh. I did pretty well on my paper though, I got 8/10 which isn't too bad considering I wrote 13 out of the 15 pages the night before it was due. I get to find out my mark for my presentation tomorrow.

Don't forget to give me your address on my previous entry if you want a holiday card! And Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans reading this!

Speaking of Thanksgiving: The Macy's Parade was RickRolled! I find it funny that I only have to see the word "RickRolled" and the song gets stuck in my head.
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