Just got back, actually it was 30mins ago, from helping Chris’ uncle, Mark, move into his new home in Litchfield. Yes, unfortunately I didn’t go to UMass Lowell so I can PARTY with Kendra, but maybe tomorrow night ... wait! I can’t, dam it ... or next wk, YEAH. Glad you called to give me your new cell #, and congrats on your 1st ScrName ever, WooT! WooT!
Well anyways, it was a very fun night. Various things such as making fun of complete strangers to getting cracked on myself (not too fun) to riding in the truck (ghetto machine) with Chris B.'s Uncle Mark and big Chris. Having a "ghetto" and "manly" talk while Chris B., or squeaky (lol), was following us on his lonesome to chilling with the “big [old] boys” after we unloaded everything back out again. Dam, us 3 busted the 24 pack on a 15min drive from Nashua to Litchfield? No sir not me, lol?!?! The house is dope with a lots of land for 4-wheeling surrounding it ... “ a lot of space for partying ... and hunting ”- big Chris, lol ... Squeaky [Chris B.] and I propose for his Uncle Mark, and the wifey of course, to initiate a housing contract for us down at the “Bachelor Pad” too -> $75 each a month! Yo, that would be phat son!
... Oh man, what adults say to you when you are, I mean they’re trashed HAHAHA after you ask them questions or just bring up a topic. One of the random topic was 'Aw, the Joy of getting nudered' ... not me I want my MoJo just the way it is right now. I can’t wait ‘til tomorrow night man! I might have to make some altering with plans in which unfortunately certain ppl might get upset over, but there is always next Friday. :c)
* give me a call on my cell for directions *
I’m going to go eat something now and go to bed early
see I knew you wouldn't call ... awesome
You’re 17, evil and mean, comfy and cozy nowhere scene
You can’t deny the loser inside all of your bad taste won’t subside
You’re outta sight keep me up at night you dress funny strapless and skin tight
You’re outta sight you keep me up at night you make me crazy you wear it out of spite
Ban the tube top tonight
You’re magical mystery girl tick tock you don’t stop rockin’ my world
You give high fives to all the guys you let me know that I'm alive
You’re outta sight keep me up at night you dress funny strapless and skin tight
You’re outta sight you keep me up at night you make me crazy you wear it out of spite
Ban the tube top tonight
There's a party that were all invited to but I don't care because I hate everyone in school
I ignore all the girls but you
Beautiful girl, ugly shirt you are a fashion red alert
But I can’t resist, you've never been kissed and I've never been in love like this
You’re outta sight keep me up at night you dress funny strapless and skin tight
You’re outta sight you keep me up at night you make me crazy you wear it out of spite
Ban the tube top tonight
KEEPSAKE-alcohol dairy, papercuts&broken hearts