Jul 31, 2004 22:54
My fucking family and dining out. I'm telling you.. I thought this summer my Mom'd be my saving grace because she's so anal about the Point System. But no. Suddenly her phobia of dining out has lifted and she's taking full advantage of the reprieve.
And it's not like I can deny food or only pick at it because of last summer and my previous history with EDs. Fuck.
Well anyway.. Tomorrow I'm going to fast, definitely. It's not going to be hard at all, considering as soon as I get up I have to go out with my Mom &then Dan is picking me up at 5 so we can go to The Cure concert:) Easy cheesy, with any luck. I have an outfit picked out, so if I eat I'm not allowing myself to wear it. I've realized that taking simple pleasures away is a great motivator. And I also just realized that I'm not so crazy about food these days.. I feel like I don't need it. Now if everyone'd just get out of my way I'd be fine. With any luck, tomorrow will be the first day of my ten day liquid fast. I should be able to do it free &clear and if not, then I should at least be able to do six days. So yep. I'm looking forward to that, bigtime.
Tonight I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Keira, who is at a party that involves alcohol. She's already started drinking, so I guess a drunken 1,2,3am phone call will be my indicator of how much alcohol she's consumed. We shall see. Dan wanted to tailgate before the concert tomorrow night and I think I crushed his dreams because I told him I put an alcohol ban on myself. -Shrug- I'm sticking to that, whether or not it gets really tough.
Au revior mes amours.
*Les courageux restent beaux*