Apr 05, 2006 17:59
eileenyvette: well i'm afraid i'm going to have to let you go so i can finish sense and sensibility
eileenyvette: you know, because i wanna know how it ends
ffiretrucksti: fiery ball of death is what I heard
eileenyvette: sweet i guess that comes after the alien invasion
LadyGnat: awwwwwwwwww
LadyGnat: make a shirt.
LadyGnat: Dear P**** L***,
I love you.
LadyGnat: ps-... no... REALLY.
ffiretrucksti: hahahaHAHAHA
ffiretrucksti: do you want to go out with me? check the yes or no box
LadyGnat: YES! oh my gosh!
LadyGnat: ON the back!!!!!!!!!!1
I changed the name for privacy. :D