OMFG i am so friggin excited!!

Jan 17, 2007 19:20

I dont think i have ever been so happy in my life, I can honesty say that things are finally looking up for me!! :) ok so my dad is still looking for a job and my mum is still unemplyed BUT my personal life is amazing!! I have a fabolous best friend, an amazing boyfriend and friends that i could not live without and people ( like you guys ) that i have barely met and have still suported me and been there for me!! and i am so thankful for that! But things just got better i finally left a uni course that was making my life hell, I have decided what to do withmy life, a maths degree with open university, I shall be moving in with rory next year AND the people at  my old job which I had to leave due to uni called and asked me to go in  tomorrow for an informal chat but basically she is pregant (my old boss) and she wants me to cover for her while she is on maternity leave, she has asked them to pay me more than they did before and to offer me a permanent position when she comes back as she "values me highly and i am a hard worker" her words!!! this is awesome!! I was really dreading going to find another job so this is AWESOME!! :)
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