
Feb 10, 2020 07:46

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words of comfort. The family is beginning to rally, getting things done and looking out for each other.

After my brother and his wife were each released from the hospital, they spent most of a week in a hotel until they signed a lease on a rental. Sight unseen. Imagine!

A moving company brought some essential furniture, and then the hospital bed company moved their beds into the master bedroom. Someone else drove my SIL to the new house, and I drove my brother. The place is nice, in one of those developments that were popular in the 1990s, with zero property line, all the same color brown/tan, same size, etc. I laughed at my brother's mini freak-out when he first laid eyes on the neighborhood. "This is a suburb!" he shouted. "I'm not a suburbanite, fer crissake! Do I look like a suburbanite to you?!" Uh, you're 50 years old with a family and a beer gut. Guess what--you're a suburbanite. Now put on your barbecue apron and quit yer bitchin'.

He is finally in a mental space to talk about our mother's memorial service. We agreed to hold it in March. I have lots of friends, local help and resources to make this happen, which relieves me beyond all expression. More later. <3


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