ваши творческие планы

May 08, 2018 16:46

May 1, 2018 at 2:27 pm
It would help to know you’ve at least given some thought to what happens if you find you cannot complete the series, for whatever reason.
THE SILMARILLION wasn’t complete, but what there was of it was edited and released after Tolkien’s death anyway. Would you allow something similar in the event you can’t realistically be expected to write another monster book like A DREAM OF SPRING after WINDS OF WINTER? Perhaps a quick summary of plot points you had planned but were never able to reach, due to Acts of God?

May 1, 2018 at 7:45 pm
I don’t plan to die any time soon.

Знатоки мартиновской саги, конечно, тут же добавили бы - or ever.

сезоны, большой выбор сигов, рогатые и копытчатые, на себя посмотри, список литературы

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