2F2F yo'

Jun 06, 2004 15:10

So today I was sitting here all alone at a friend's house because everyone was gone when I woke up, and all of a sudden I get an instant message from Brian's friend Emily's little 11 year old brother Liam!

His profile reads...

My name is Liam.
I like wrestling.
My favorite wrestlers are Chris Benoit, Goldberg, and Stone Cold Steve Austin and Chris Jerico, and Eddie Guararo, and Ray Mysterio.
Ray Mysterio has the coolest moves.
Brock Lesner can suck me, he is a crybaby and lost his title Eddie G. Brock is a Goldberg wannabe. And I bet Spike Dudley could beat him.
I love my dogs Ben and Betty. They're awesome.
I like rap music.
And 80's rock.


cripcr0ssface: hi
stfutierney: WHO IS THIS
stfutierney: holy shit who the fuck are you
cripcr0ssface: a frand of brian
stfutierney: What's your name
cripcr0ssface: liam
stfutierney: Do I know you...
stfutierney: I absolutely HATE your profile
Auto response from cripcr0ssface: I am away from my computer right now.

cripcr0ssface returned at 2:58:58 PM.
cripcr0ssface: why
stfutierney: Because I just, HATE IT
cripcr0ssface: what do you hate about it
stfutierney: the fact that you talk about wrestling, oh, and you have a 2 fast 2 furious icon. I HATE YOU
cripcr0ssface: o
cripcr0ssface: the to fast to fereas icon was atomadlicy ther do you now wer4e i could get a new 1
stfutierney: how old are you
cripcr0ssface: 11
stfutierney: Wait so you're a friend of Brian Oley?
cripcr0ssface: ya
stfutierney: how do you know him?
cripcr0ssface: he is frands with my sister emly
stfutierney: Your sister EMILY you mean?
cripcr0ssface: ya
stfutierney: You should learn how to at least spell your immediate relatives name's correctly, even though you're only 11, it would be a good idea
cripcr0ssface: o
cripcr0ssface: are you a girl because you sond like 1
stfutierney: You won't be saying that when I crush your skull with one hand!
cripcr0ssface: lets see you tri
stfutierney: aight sucka' bring it on
cripcr0ssface: i alredy brout it bich!
cripcr0ssface: are you going to say some thing
stfutierney: No, you're too intimidating, sorry
cripcr0ssface: ok
cripcr0ssface: by


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