(no subject)

Dec 19, 2005 10:36

I was with Jazz yesterday, and we were looking at the photos on my wall.
We talked about how we remembered that party, or that dance, or that day, & how it was so much fun. & Then I was like; it's funny how things have changed since these photos were taken. Jazz pointed out all the people who are couples now, whose gotten together, whos broken up, what friends aren't friends with eachother now, and how in general each&every person has changed in some way shape or form, & the fact about how much everyone has changed in only a few months. It's pretty crazy, actually. We change so much, in such short periods of time, without realizing it. Actually, I think many of us realize & know we change, but theres a few that don't want to admit it. It's not like I'm saying all change is bad, cause I know people, even myself in some aspects have changed for the better. But yeah, I guess my point is that Things Change, People Change, Shit Happens. This isn't going to be something that happens just in High School, but in general all throughout the rest of our lives.

"Many of the friends your best friends with in Freshman year, won't be your friends once your Junior year comes around."

It's so true, Because I can speak for myself when I say this, some of the friends that i was so close with my Freshman year, I'm not anything more than aquaintances with now. It's sorta ridiculous, but I guess it's part of growing up. I'm thinking about it, & I remember people always telling me that the friends you make in high school are going to be your friends forever - But is that seriously the case? I mean, even once we get to college, we're not going to see a big majority of the people you spent four years (maybe more) with, because everyone goes to other colleges. Granted, there will be a few that stick with you, but still. Maybe i'm going to far ahead in life, actually I know I am, but hey,   It's been one of my concerns & thoughts lately, just with everything going on. Yep.

& No, I'm not depressed, My life actually is going great right now, I'm lovin' it in all aspects, friends, family, boys, school, etcetc.. always great to end the year on good terms & stuff, it's a plus.

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