[OOC: Canon Update for timeandtides]

Apr 29, 2011 10:27

name; Manda
personal lj; glowing_sunset
messenger; AIM: PiratedPanda
e-mail; glowing_sunset@hotmail.com
other characters played; littleprotector, championofwutai, bearitproudly, and magicalfury
character; Palom of Mysidia
series; Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
age; 22
class; Black Mage
special abilities; Palom is an exceptional Black mage, knowing many of the higher-level spells. His ability Bluff boosts his Intelligence and in turn increses the damage done by his Black Magic. He also has the Twincast ability, which allows him to cast spells with his sister, Porom.

He also carries the Band ability, which allows him to combine attacks with his teammates.

history; The kid has a big mouth. As an adult, he really hasn't changed either.

The Mysidian Genius. That's what Palom called himself. As a kid, he truly believed that. They had called him [and his sister] a prodigy, and he fully believed it. Even as a kid, he was brash and conceited, with one hell of a mouth. He'd be the first to tell you that you were a moron. He really isn't cruel, but he's brutally honest, to the point where you might question his tact. He'll say what's on his mind when he wants to say it, no matter what's going on or who hears it. If he offends someone, he'll more than likely just tell them to get over it rather than apologize. And he will argue with Porom if she tries to make him apologize. He has no regrets saying what he does. If he didn't mean it, he wouldn't say it.

As an adult, however, he really hasn't changed much, unfortunately. He's matured, yes, but he's still egotistical and full of himself. One thing has changed, though. He knows what his own flaws are. He's come to realize that because of his success, he hasn't pushed himself as he should have. Even though he knows his flaws, he still chooses to mouth off to everyone. He isn't as concerned about protecting his ego anymore, and easily gets annoyed with titles. He doesn't like them, and he doesn't like to use them either. He's also quite a flirt, and if given the opportunity, might flirt shamelessly. It's nice to be famous sometimes. Palom doesn't mind it if it gets him chicks.

One defining characteristic about Palom is his other half: Porom. He cares about all of his friends equally, but Porom will always be at the top of his list, no matter what he says otherwise. They are nearly inseparable, close enough to finish each others thoughts or sentences. He might get annoyed that she's over-polite and respectful, he'd rather die before she got hurt. What it boils down to is that he resents her for treating him like a kid all the time. He prefers to do things his way and he often finds himself at odds with her. Even though he acts like he doesn't care, Palom has a desire to still protect those he cares about and does what is right. He isn't afraid to selflessly put himself on the line to stand up for others.

point in canon; Post game.
place of arrival; Fum
starter task?; Sure!

first person sample;

third person sample;

He really shouldn't be eavesdropping on them.

First, Leonora had gotten up, mumbling something about needing to think and needing fresh air. Fresh air? On the Moon? He wasn't going to begrudge her the alone time. It was a few moments before Porom got up as well. He eyed his sister suspiciously as she left the campfire. Why Porom had left was beyond him. He didn't even want to know, especially after their previous talk. She had infuriated him! Teasing him like that, goading him to get a reaction. The nerve of her!

So whatever those two girls wanted to talk about, he'd let them. Nope. He wasn't going to get up. Besides... it would probably be something boring like nagging people or worrying or white magic stuff. Stuff girls talked about. Brushing hair or something. Whatever.

But then Luca got up minutes later. Now this was getting a bit out of hand. There had to be something going on, and this Black Mage was determined to find out what it was. He debated it for a moment, then excused himself from the campfire as well. As he exited the area, Luca was just rounding the corner of the cave. Palom jogged forward, stopping at the corner. He could already hear the girls' conversation.

Wait. What in the world was Luca talking about? Leonora didn't like him. She was his apprentice and there was this respect (which had been slowly learned) between them. Surely she didn't mean-

And the blood drained from the mage's face when Leonora spoke.

I'm not asking for the gory details. You like him, don't you?
Ah... well, yes. Yes, I do.

How could this- Oh man. This... he really shouldn't be hearing this conversation. He would have been better off not knowing until Leonora got the confidence to tell her himself. Or vice-versa.

At least Luca took it well.

Palom sighed. Women can be fearsome things, sometimes, he thought to himself as he headed back toward the campsite.
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