Seasons don't fear the reaper. Neither does Bacon, nigga'.

May 27, 2004 20:17

Ever have a song that won't get out of your head unless you blow it out, with a bullet, this is mine.

Besides that, today was routine. First period was Miss To's class which can be described as none other than, "Hey I'm Miss To I talk really fast but theres no need for a pause in my sentences because Im asian insert random story about life make comments make insults ooohhh everyone loves me I should probably be teaching but Im going to give a test instead." Or something along those lines. Second period is Ms. Moore, the unmarried midget with the shrunken finger. She angers me with the fury of the vikings leading me to a path that encompasses nothing more than raping and pillaging. She can also talk for hours about a topic that might even be interesting, if it wasn't her talking. Third period was Dunfee's class (Spanish 2), which sucks. I hear the word nigga' at least 15 times a day which is over my patience's daily quota. Fourth period was gym, shoot me.

Now I'm home. Which really sucks because I'm at home. I'm listening to the oldies mix I made about 15 minutes ago. Dont like oldies, stfu? Don McLean doesnt like you either. Don McLean could kick all your asses with his guitar and still get home in time to watch the Fab Five. Hes just that awesome. Someday I want to be Don McClain.

I'm buying a copy of Mein Kampf merely for the reason of having it. Im not a Nazi or anything but I get off from that kind of thing. See Machiavelli - The Prince. (Typo?)

Im really kinda lonely, Im grounded on every weekday which sucks to a whole new level. I miss the mall, I miss fun, I miss Jackie, and I miss the mall. The mall needs its ninja and I need it, its a relationship. Apparently getting a D in Dunfee's shit class is an excuse to get grounded. Fuck that, Dunfee sux0rz. I r t3h fuxin 1337n3ss. All I want is something to hug, or have sex with, whatever comes first. (215-715-5217 is my cell, the safe word is Rumplestiltzkin.) Meh all I have is my guitar, which has a hole in it, but its protected by sharp strings which protect it from procreation. Damnit. Anyways Im going to go to bed, if you havent added me to your friends list by now repent, and do so. Or die.
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