app || @badfic_manor

Aug 30, 2010 16:32

OOC Information:
Name/Alias: Demi
Age: ...we've been through this~
E-Mail//MSN//AIM: || none || SexyNinjaMWAHA
Personal LJ: demi_rabbit

IC Information:

Character Name: Daida Hibana
Character Journal: stfuhomework
Canon: Deadman Wonderland
Point in Canon: After the fight with Owl and Genkaku.
Age: 7



Hibana was raised by her single mother with a very prim and proper upbringing. However, her mother was fairly unstable. She was determined to train her daughter to be the perfect little woman and thus forced Hibana through some very cruel and unusual punishments for simple things like wetting the bed or throwing up her mushroom soup.

Still, Hibana loved her mother and when she hung herself she continued along this path of becoming a perfect little lady. She detests being called anything other than a "lady" and has been known to react violently to any indication that she is still a child - be it a small boy attempting to horseplay with her, or an older man calling her a toddler.

However, while prim and proper and polite, Hibana is not below asking for help or asking questions. She is, however, hesitant to ask them as ladies should be seen and not heard. She also has some major trust issues, as it has been engrained in her head that anyone who she cares for will hurt her and them hurt themselves, or just leave or die, like her mother.

But Hibana, like Minatsuki and Genkaku and just about everyone else who was ever in the Deadman Wonderland, is less concerned about people and more so about killing those under her. She is a fair bit of a sociopath, who doesn't feel guilt at killing people as much as she does trying to kill them and failing. And while she keeps up the sweet facade of a cute, innocent girl a majority of the time, she has her trigger buttons and when they're pressed, she flies off the handle and there are very few ways to appease her.


Hibana was born innocent and was a very cute little bundle of joy. Her mother loved her, even if there was never any father in the picture, and was determined to turn her daughter into the epitome of perfection. She figures if Hibana is a perfect little lady, she'll get married and won't end up like she - a single mother.

However, her teaching methods are rather unorthodox. Whenever Hibana did something wrong - from wetting the bed to messing up her dress to throwing up - her mother would punish her physically, in grotesque ways that ranged from olden style tortures to beatings. Since this started at a reasonably young age, Hibana did not fight back. She developed some sort of Stockholm Syndrome effect, and even started researching different torturous ways for her mother to punish her.

But the woman just couldn't do it. Be it mental instability which had been there forever or something else entirely, she hung herself in the living room of her and Hibana's home. The young blond girl had long since learned that tears would do her no good, and didn't shed any over her dead mother. Instead, she went to school - starting her first grade year - and attempted to make herself better than all the other children. She got 100% on her tests, read faster than all the kids, did her work faster than all the kids and was ultimately the definition of perfect by her mother's standards.

No, nothing was wrong with her. It was all the other children who acted like neanderthals and ran about screaming, pushing and shoving. In fact, when one nameless classmate shoved her, Hibana flipped her lid at the childish act and proceeded to murder him, dismember him and bury him in the soil of the school's pea patch. And when the body was discovered, Hibana - thinking she'd done well - admitted to it and was sent to Deadman Wonderland.

She, however, was not a Deadman. She did not have a Branch of Sin to work with like almost all the other characters in the series. She just became an inmate on death row, and befriended the Super Monk, Genkaku. Genkaku is the Super Monk of Deadman Wonderland, who is supposed to offer religious salvation to all the prisoners who are supposed to die, but instead of praying for them he usually tends to just kill them as that is the ultimate salvation.

Naturally, with their twisted and sadistic ideas of salvation and punishment, the two of them get along splendidly. Although while Genkaku is all business, Hibana is often more concerned with things like doing her homework and being a perfect little girl than taking over the Deadman Wonderland prison or killing off the Deadmen or the prison resistance.

While she does mercilessly murder a good hunk of men and women with her insane sword skills - the sword is about twice her size as well - and does so without any problems until she confronts Nagi - known as the "Owl", who is one of the inmates with a Branch Of Sin in his body. He just manages to confuse her, and he is still ultimately taken down by Genkaku.

Hibana didn't get to see this, however. Nagi confused the fuck out of her and left her rather "passed out on the floor" after she exerted herself in their dual.

First Person Sample:

[reusing app samples~ 8D you know me!]

Hibana would appreciate it if there could be a scheduled time in my common room in which everyone would be quiet. She has a lot of homework to do, you know, and the library is too full.

Hibana would also appreciate some sword polish. But no questions, okay? It would cut into homework time if Hibana were to answer them all.

Thank you.

Third Person Sample:

[also reusing~ lemme know if I need to rewrite~]

Hibana swung her feet in the oversized arm chair. An equally oversized book was between her hands, held up to obscure her face from the rest of the common room. Her eyes, big, blue and glossy, skimmed each page as her tiny pink tongue tapped against the top of her mouth in time with her heart beat.

She had started humming quietly while doing her homework, and had been doing rather well. Until some noisy, loud, angry sounding older boy stormed into the common room and started screaming about lost house points or something. And while she tried her hardest to ignore the boy, but…but he was so loud…and he needed to shut up.

This was homework time!

Hibana closed her book, careful to mark her place and slipped from her chair. Her cute little shoes, polished to perfection, clicking on the stone ground of the room as she almost waddled over to the older boys. She almost recalled that this boy and his friends were seventh years and she barely stood at their waists. But she still waltzed right up to the group.

"Excuse me." She voiced, and waited for recognition. But the other by just continued to rant. So Hibana tried again. "Excuse me!"


"You need to be quiet." She huffed sweetly, both arms behind her back. "Hibana is doing homework. It's homework time, you know."

"Tch." The boy was more muscle than anything. He didn't even have a neck from this angle. "What are you going to do about it, huh, pip squeak?"

Hibana cocked her head. She kicked the back of her shoe with her other shoe and shimmied her shoulders and puckered her lips. There was a dog designed case back by the chair, and while not many people had been privy to see what was inside it - many thought it was simply a guitar - she thought…perhaps this boy would be worthy. Salvation, Genkaku would call it. She missed him a little bit.

And Hibana smiled ad gracefully ducked her head in a show of respect. "I'd be more than happy to show you."

Links: n/a

Notes: She's a psycho. But I'll be sure to NOT have her kill anyone

ooc, app

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