07 // video

Jul 19, 2011 16:39

[The Dreamberry flips on halfway between being carried and slammed onto a table, the camera finally facing one very frustrated and damp young woman as she falls with an annoyed huff into a chair. There's a window behind her, and if you look closely, you can see the very small amount of snow still falling outside. She folds her arms over her chest, both in an effort to warm her hands and also appear more cross.]

First the world floods and then it decides to give us all four seasons in the course of a week! Honestly, has this ever happened before? This may be some strange collective dream, but up until now the seasons have at least made some sense. It's even making the people out on the street act that much more rudely.

[She pauses to absently run a hand through her hair, fingers hooking onto the curly ends as she tries to ring out the moisture that the snow left behind. But the angry expression drops from her face as she turns away to look back out the window, and she only looks pained in exchange.]

It feels like so long since I've had a real dream...how long can a person really sleep for without dreaming?

[She looks like she wants to say more, but is cut off with a shiver that probably has very little to do with the cold itself. A short, 'Ridiculous...' is muttered before she leans over and turns the feed off.]

violence solves everything tbh, why does everything suck, i'm allowed to be a brat, weather how does it work, screw this

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