Baby Come On

Jan 16, 2011 20:31

Title: Baby Come On
Author: stfu_pwentzz
Pairing: Dean/girl!Castiel, Sam/Jess/Gabriel
Rating: R
Summary: The first time Dean meets Cas she pukes all over his shoes.
Warnings: Genderbend, angst
Disclaimer: AU. This is an act of fiction. I don’t own any of the characters just the plot.
Author Notes: Fill for “gender bent” on my au_bingo card. Title and cut belong to Plus 44’s “Baby Come On”.

The first time Dean meets Cas she pukes all over his shoes

Dean doesn't understand how he keeps getting roped into being the key master at Sam's college parties. Dean has better things to do like get drunk himself and not watch his brother giggle and fall down on grass repeatedly. He doesn't really mind he likes his brother closer to him instead of out in California.

This is the third party of Sam's that Dean had attended. The first one was when Sam was dating Jess, the hot blonde who always gave Dean the best hugs much to his brother's behest. That party had a small gathering since Sam had recently moved there so it wasn’t all that bad.

The second party was when Sam started dating Gabriel. Gabriel was this snarky kid who was a good two feet shorter than Sam. He wasn't even sure they liked each other all that much. They seemed to argue a lot but Dean was plenty dysfunctional so he really didn't mind that much. Gabriel was kind of popular so that party had a few more.

Now Sam was in this weird dance with Jess and Gabriel and the party was kind of huge. Dean didn't want to ask what was going on because he didn't want details, really. He was just the lowly key master.

He didn't have a lot to do the rest of the night which was good because that's when he saw him. Her. Dean couldn't get into the mechanics of it all.

By appearance Cas looked like a boy from behind. Even looking at Cas' face it was stoic but still soft around the edges and she had the deepest voice but Gabriel introduced Cas as his sister so Dean was kind of at a loss.

Cas looked straight into Dean's eyes and Cas had the most vibrant eyes it was distracted. Cas ended up closing them and Dean wished for the distraction because that was the point Cas puked all over Dean's shoes.

Almost immediately she went back to a keg and Dean was pretty sure he was in love even if he was a little bit confused. He tried to keep up with her but she was too fast for him. He could keep track of the keys and Cas at the same time so he gave up. She was Gabriel’s sister so he had a feeling he’d meet her at another time.


“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this,” Dean tells her the next time they meet. It’s at another party but he’s just enjoying himself so he can focus all of his attention to Cas but she only focuses on the red cup in her hand.

She puts her eyebrows together in confusion. “Have we met before?” before she wanders off again and Dean should be a little hurt by that but he shrugs it off and tries to find someone else to go home with.

He goes home with a girl who reminds him just enough of Cas that he can pretend it’s her.

It’s harder to pretend in the morning so he leaves before the sun is even on the horizon.


It starts to become a tradition amongst them. Every single party that Dean goes to he sees Cas and they hang out like it’s the first time. For Cas it is the first time everytime. Whenever Dean introduces himself Cas looks like she’s going to remember who he is but she just squints and tells Dean that she thinks they’re running out of alcohol.

Dean asked Gabriel what was wrong with her one day and all he could do was shrug helplessly. “She’s lost her way and nothing I do can fix it. She won’t tell me what happened either.”

Dean feels bad for Gabriel but he hates who or whatever made Cas this way. He blames this town.


The one night Dean gets drunk is one of the biggest regrets in his life.

He’s just in between tipsy and incoherently drunk but he can focus enough to know that Cas searches him out, calls him Dean and kisses him. That’s the most Dean can remember. When he wakes up with her next morning with Cas curled up in his side he’s pissed at himself that he can’t recall a goddamned thing. He tenses when he feels her move closer onto him.

“Go back to sleep Dean,” she croaks, sleep still evident in her voice.

Dean can’t help but smile. “Sure thing sweetheart.”

He lies back down and lets Cas snuggle with him even though he pretends he hates it. Things are so weird when it comes to Cas. When he wakes up again she’s gone but her pillows are tear stained so he doesn’t know what to make of it.

He throws all the pillows across the room except the one she slept on.


The next time they meet it’s a few months later. Dean’s ready for the girl who falls at parties, doesn’t remember his name, the stunningly gorgeous eyes matched with a frown. He runs into a girl in a tshirt and jeans who has not had anything to drink the entire night.

She nods his way and holds out a hand. “Hi I’m Cas. You look familiar what’s your name?”

Dean gives her a quizzical look and he doesn’t understand her, probably never will but this is the first time she’s not drunk and she’s smiling so that’s a first. “Dean,” he introduces for the millionth time knowing it’s going to be the last. She smiles at him and yeah. He’ll never have to introduce himself to her ever again.

type: fic, pairing: sam/jess/gabriel, pairing: dean/castiel, rating: r

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