[fic] There's No Stopping This

Dec 09, 2010 23:17

Title: There's No Stopping This
Author: stfu_pwentzz
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Summary: High school senior Dean Winchester was shit at relationships. That's why when he started dating Castiel he didn't want to mess it up.
Disclaimer: AU. This is an act of fiction. I don’t own any of the characters just the plot.
Author's Notes: This is silly and short and high school-y. I guess this can go for my schmoop_bingo square "Watching the Stars" but it doesn't have to be.

Dean was kind of shit at relationships, any one could back him up on that. He was a lot better at being a pretty face than be in a serious relationship. It wasn't for lack of trying; it's just how life worked out for Dean Winchester.

That's why when he started dating Castiel, a boy for Christ's sake, he didn't want to mess it up. He hoped the different gender would be different but he wanted Castiel to stay for once. So he pulled out all the stops that he seemed to miss in previous flings.

He had too many priorities which was ridiculous because his only priority, really, was his brother Sam. A lot of girls didn't like how much of his attention was focused on his brother and that was their loss. Sam was his brother; he practically took care of the kid, so they could get bent if they didn't like it. Most of the time they did in fact get bent, right out of Dean's life but if they didn't get Dean, good riddance.

There was also the Impala. Girls didn’t understand cars to begin with so he couldn't blame them. But at least sit in the garage while he worked on it and just babble with inane chatter. They would sigh about how it was boring and it wasn't even that good of a car. Not like that new BMW Z3 that came out. Or Z4, Dean couldn't really remember what it was.

He remembered how Jo complained that his life was all football and the truth of the matter was, it was kind of true. Sure, he liked being on a team and he was good at football especially because it seemed like they were staying at that high school for a while. But, in his defense none of his girlfriends seemed all too eager to come to all the games or even talk to Dean about it. At least Castiel understood about Sam.

That was one of the plus factors of going from friends to dating.

Castiel had been Dean's first friend at the high school that he came to just under two years ago. He thought it was just going to be another two week school, once again, but he enjoyed talking to Castiel. Castiel knew he could leave anytime so they just hung out because Castiel was kind of weird.

He had this interesting way of talking, the way he spoke the words put them in a different perspective. He didn't have any patience for anyone, especially any of his brothers. He worked with his family in their family-owned pizzeria down the street from the school and he enjoyed reading up on dead languages that no one else cared about.

He was an interesting find to say the least.

Then when Dean's dad found out he was scheduled to stay there it didn't put a strain on the fast lane friendship they had. Eventually it built up to a kiss and well a month later Dean found himself sitting in a pizzeria parking lot waiting for his boyfriend, his first boyfriend.

It was kind of funny to be waiting for Castiel in his Impala outside the pizzeria. If they didn’t know Castiel was dating "that Winchester boy" before, they did now. He watched as the lights shut off one by one and then he was greeted by Michael, Raphael and Castiel's faces. They were all covered in flour so Dean had a feeling there had been one of their infamous fights Dean's heard so much of.

Michael narrowed his eyes as he passed Dean's car. Dean just smiled at him and Raphael as they passed him up. Castiel opened the passenger door and slid in fluidly. Dean leaned over to press a kiss to Castiel's lips, trying to keep it as PG as possible.

But he was Dean Winchester after all.

"Mm," Castiel moaned, trying to push Dean's lips away. "Dean. Not in front of my brothers."

Dean sighed and sat straight in his seat. He drove away from his brothers because he might not want to mess this up, but that didn't mean he didn't have needs.

They ended up in some field somewhere near Dean's house. They were sitting on the hood looking up at the stars.

It was kind of girly, if Dean had anything to say about it, but Castiel was there so it didn't matter. Castiel had his head on Dean's shoulder with Dean's arm wrapped around him and it was a perfect night. Every so often Castiel would press up and kiss Dean's neck which ruined the romantic setting that Dean had made because Dean wanted him to kiss more than just his neck. He looked over at Castiel and his eyes weren't filled with the innocence that was usually there but they were a darker blue than Dean had ever seen.

Castiel leaned up and Dean met him half way and their lips collided. Dean tilted his head and enveloped Castiel's lips in between his own. He tried to hold onto this innocent reputation he had but Dean knew differently. Before he knew it Castiel had rolled on top of Dean making Dean pant into his mouth. Cas pulled away looking well debauched which was probably the hottest thing that Dean ever saw. His lips were read and swollen and his hair...well his hair probably had gaps that would fit Dean's fingers perfectly.

He looked up into Castiel's eyes and bit the bullet. "Come to the game," Castiel tilted his head and Dean rushed up to gently kiss his lips. When he pulled back Castiel had the same expression on his face. "I don't care if you bring a book I just want you there, please." This was the close that Dean would get to begging even though he would if it was necessary.

He wanted Castiel to be there. He wanted half time to start up and as he made his way to the locker rooms he would look into the stands and see those blue eyes that enraptured Dean's attention. He wanted to come up after the game and kiss Castiel and punch Sam in the shoulder for missing the best throw in the game.

He wanted it all.

Before he knew it Castiel was kissing him once again, softer and more drawn out than before. He was probably evading the question which was okay because Dean couldn't ask everything of Castiel.

"Yes," he whispered in between kisses and that made it perfect. Under the stars Castiel had finally said yes to some stupid question. Maybe, if Dean was being optimistic, in the future Dean would ask more questions under the stars and Castiel would say yes. "I don't know anything about football except that you're amazing at it."

They stayed under the stars kissing until Dean had to get Castiel home. He would deal with getting yelled at his dad for being out passed curfew but that following Friday his dad would get to meet Castiel at one of Dean's football games and he was sure it would be awesome.


They won that game Friday by a landslide. After the marching band walked around the field in victory Dean looked up to the stand and found his very composed boyfriend and Dad cheering him on. Sam just smiled at him, not being interested in sports, and that was enough. Dean ducked his head and headed for the showers.

type: fic, pairing: dean/castiel, fandom: supernatural, rating: pg-13

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