September Twitfics

Sep 30, 2010 21:42

September Twitfics | Characters/Pairings: Dean, Castiel, Sam, Gabriel, Ash, Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel, one-sided Dean/Gabriel, Misha/Castiel and Chris Pine/Dean | G to PG-13

For imisspadfoot21's September Twitfic challenge!

Dean frowned as the dog took up the entire bed. He turned to tell Cas no but was met with big blue eyes. "Fine," he sighed.


Day job
Dean was surprised to find Gabriel sitting with Cas when he returned from his shower. He wondered if Gabriel heard him singing.
"Don't quit your day job," Gabriel told him before he disappeared.
Cas narrowed his eyes and flew off to redeem Dean's honor. Dean smiled and rolled his eyes. Angels, he mused to himself.


Romantic Gesture
Castiel sits in a booth next to Dean in some diner. Castiel isn't sure why his presence was needed, but Dean was quite adamant about Castiel being there with him. Dean had a hamburger and now he was moving onto pie.

Dean had offered Castiel a bite but Castiel refused. He had no need for pie.

Castiel is staring out into space waiting for Dean to finish his meal so they could do something important. Perhaps not sitting and doing nothing, for instance. Dean's eyes are looking everywhere except Castiel and that is quite troubling.

"Dean?" Castiel asks him. "Are you alright?"

Dean sighs. "I'm fine, Cas."

He is not fine and Castiel doesn't understand what is going on. Castiel opens his mouth to push further when Dean's hand lands on Castiel's. Castiel looks down and he is aware that this is Dean in public touching him. This is something they reserve for privacy.

Then Dean turns Castiel's hand over and laces their fingers together.

Castiel lifts his eyes to look at Dean. "Dean?" He asks, not really having a question in mind.

Dean smirks. "Shut up," he tells him, squeezing his hand. Castiel can't help the small smile that the simple gesture brings out on his face. "I--"

Castiel interrupts him. "Eat your pie, Dean."

They hold hands the rest of the meal.


Family Reunion

Sam's eyes must've been playing tricks. It was his parents in front of him. "How?" Gabriel shrugged. "I pulled a few strings."



"What the hell is it?"

Cas pushes the plate closer. "Just try it."

Dean warily takes a bite's actually pretty good. "What is it?"

"Diner Cheeseburger Quiche."

Dean stares at him for a moment before he digs right back in. "You're awesome, Cas."



"One more thing. Remember the Winchesters? You like the taller one, Sam. But can't stand Dean."

Castiel turns to him "Really?"

"He calls you Cas and it annoys the crap outta you."

Castiel nods. "Alright. Thank you for the help, brother," he's still getting used to calling Gabriel brother.

Gabriel smirks. "No problem, bro. Hope your memory comes back." Now Dean's all his.


Black Tie

"Is that Misha?" Jensen's boss asked and Jensen really didn't want to look up. When Jensen originally invited Misha to this black tie event he didn't think Misha would show up. Misha, of course, was offended by such a notion and agreed to come. Then Jensen took in how good Misha looked in a suit. Really good. Sometimes he looked better in a suit than when he was buck naked. Which, that was a lie because Jensen is a man but the point still stood that Misha looked damn good in a suit.

Jensen braced himself and tried to fix his suit the best he could. He couldn't have a wrinkly suit and tie, that would look bad on his part since this was techincally for him, and bad on Misha's part because he probably looked amazing. Jensen looked up and all the breath had left his body.

Jensen was going to kill him.

He excused himself and made his way across the room until he was right in front of Misha. Misha smiled at him and Jensen grit his teeth because Misha was such a cheater. Jensen is mad, he should be endeared by Misha.

"Hey Jensen. Sorry I'm late," he didn't look sorry at all. Especially not sorry dressed like that. Jensen looked Misha up and down-- in distaste of course, not because he looked especially delicious in a suit-- and he was thoroughly convinced that Misha was out to get him.

Jensen grabbed Misha's elbow and led him out of everyone's gaze. He led them to a dark corridor where no one could see them and pushed Misha up against the wall. He ignored Misha's 'kinky' comment. "Are you trying to ruin me?" He asked.

Misha chuckled. "Not at the present moment, no. Why, should I?"

"Then you did this specifically to spite me," he growled out.

"Oh yes. You caught me," he agreed with a grin. "What did I do to spite you again?"

Jensen wrapped his hand around Misha's tie and his breath caught in his throat as Jensen brought him forward. "What part of black tie event do you not get?" he asked being especially quiet.

Misha swallowed. Jensen wanted to be smug knowing that he made Misha utterly defenseless at times like this but it wasn't the time or the place. "I'm very...uh, fluent in ties and events."

Jensen yanked Misha closer and he's glad he decided to do this in a dark corridor. "Then why the hell are you wearing a red tie?"

Jensen raised his eyes to gaze at Misha's expressions and another giggle bubbled up to the surface as Misha smirked. "You've got to be kidding me. You're mad that I'm wearing a red tie? Should I remind you that this is your favorite tie?"

"I'm aware that it's my favorite tie. But this was important, Misha. For once could you just," He was interrupted as Misha leaned forward to kiss Jensen.

Which, okay. That was nice. "You're crazy," Misha mumbled against his lips and Jensen snorted before leaning away. "No, seriously crazy. I'm wearing your favorite tie at your banquet where everyone is only interested in you. And don't deny it. You'd want to meet someone whose boyfriend was wearing a red tie. It's intriguing."

Jensen smiled. "Well, if he was as good looking as you, I wouldn't really be interested in the tie." Misha smiled and kissed him again. "Not a ruse to ruin my good name?"

Misha shook his head. "Not tonight, at least." Jensen yanked him forward again and the red tie was really growing on him. Misha growled against his lips. "And if you knock 'em dead, maybe I'll let you take the tie off of me later."

Jensen smirked. "Can we keep it on?"

"Oh, you always have the best ideas." Jensen nodded because that was just a fact. He smoothed out Misha's tie so it didn't look like they had a quickie while they were gone which was downright impossible because of the sheer existence of Misha's hair. He gently took Misha's elbow this time and they made their way back to the event.


Social Networking

Dean thought it was sad when an angel of the Lord looked at you in confusion when you said you didn't know what twitter was.


Classic Rock

"This is crap! How is this classic? This isn't even music!" Dean shouted at the radio. The radio was a bad idea, Castiel noted.


Flying or wings

When Dean wakes up the next morning he stretches like usual. It's not until he hears a fairly recognizable scream that he's alerted to another presence in the room. "Dean, I am not accostomed to your wings remember?" Cas wails, covering his eyes. Dean looks over to his wings that are taking up the entire space of the hotel room. He doesn't think any permenant damage was done.

"Oops?" He offers but Castiel just groans and heads to the bathroom. Dean figures they should probably find a way to switch their bodies back. Soon.


"Are you ever going to tell Sam?"

Gabriel looks over and smirks at Castiel. "Nah, he'll realize we're married sooner or later."



It was like looking into a mirror. "This is fascinating," Misha looked him over. It was him but it wasn't. It was confusing which made it better for Misha. He didn't wish to understand. He lifted the lapel of the trenchcoat but Castiel yanked it back. "Really fucking fascinating." Misha was going to have fun with this.

Castiel stared at Misha with his blue eyes. "Could you please explain what I am doing here?"

Misha smirked. "You're the one who popped into my trailer," he pointed out. Castiel made a face and Misha could tell he wasn't amused which made it even better. He couldn't wait to trick Jared and Jensen with this.



The sound of Gabriel singing "Kum-bi-yah" echoes through the forest. Dean leans down to tell Cas this was the worst idea ever when he notices Cas is wrapped around his leg looking at the stars. Dean just sighs and tries to block out Gabriel.


Kidnapping or bondage

"I hope you realize I can easily break these bounds," Castiel told his captor.

"I'll gag you again," the captor threatened.

Castiel rolled his eyes. "But Dean-"

"Damn it Cas!"

Castiel sighed and repaired the bounds. "I mean menacing nameless captor."



Baby, baby, ooh echoes through the parking lot before Dean makes it back to the Impala. As soon as he is within earshot he hears the quick change to Bob Segar.

He sits down and gives Cas a quick glance. "What was that?"

Castiel doesn't make eye contact. "Bob Segar I believe."

Dean doesn't believe him. "Sure it was."

They don't question it until the next time they stop and Sam is fiddling with the tapes. Sam pulls Dean to the side.

"Why do you have a Justin Beiber mixtape in your car?"

Dean rips the mixed tape out of Sam's grip. "I don't want to know why you know that," before stalking off.

He listens to it later and figures Justin Beiber might be an angel. His ears hadn't bled that much since the first time he met Castiel. He was going to have a talk with that angel on what qualified as good music and what did not.


RPS or Human AU

The car started to slow down. Which, Jensen was prone to having bouts of inspiration and he would pull the car over and find some napkins to write his ideas on. That was not odd. What was odd was that it was raining, and they were in the middle of the forest. And it was the middle of the night.

"Jensen?" Jared asked, and Misha could tell that he had the same questions in his tone that Misha had in his head.

Jensen's eyes were rounded and he finally turned to look at Jared who was in shotgun with a smile. "Yes?" He answered innocently and that was the moment that Misha knew they were fucked.

Misha groaned the same time that Richard started laughing. Misha should have known better than to let Jensen drive them home. They were going to die in the forest and it was all kinds of ironic. Misha was going to be eaten by a bear when he had given up meat. That was the crime of crimes. Poetic justice at its worst.

"Did you forget to fill up the car, Jensen?" Jared asked, Misha was groaning into his own hands, so he couldn't tell if Jared was doing the Mishae.

Richard was still laughing and Richard didn't get it. He's never been stranded places with Jensen before. Misha turned to him. "Richard, have you ever been stranded in a snowstorm with Jensen?"

Richard stopped laughing and he looked confused. "I thought it didn't snow in Kansas."

"It doesn't. But imagine, we are all in Chicago and we get snowed in your house for days. Me, you, Jared and Jensen. Imagine when he gets stir crazy, and just plain ole crazy. That is not even as bad as we've seen it."

Jensen scoffed from the drivers seat. "Whatever, I'm not even that bad when we get stranded places."

Jared turned to him and waved his finger in his face. "June seventh, 2006. Me, you and Misha were stranded in the middle of the desert because you just needed to get away, but you forgot to fill up your car so we were stuck there for hours. After ten minutes you went crazy because you didn't have any signal or anything."

Jensen opened his mouth to object but Misha glared at him through the rearview mirror. For the sake of arguments he had to bring certain things up. "Last June when we were running to the store to pick up Jim's present."

There was a staring match in the mirror and Misha could sense Richard being confused next to him but he was busy arguing with Jensen in the mirror. Sure they found things to do, stranded, but for the sake of argument he had to bring this up. It counted, even if Misha got a blowjob out of the situation.

"You did lock your keys in the car that one time when we were stuck at a gas station from running out of gas," Richard shrugged. Misha gave him a high five. Richard was a team player It was one of his most outstanding qualatlies.

Jensen scowled and crossed his arms over his chest. "Whatever. You don't even know if the car ran out of gas," he mumbled to himself.

"Did it?" Jared asked.



Supernatural creatures for hire

It isn't until Dean passes the cage containing the angel with bright blue eyes that he considered buying one of the Supernatural creatures. He signals the man in charge. "Him," he points. Ash, he thinks the man's name is just snorts. "Your funeral."


Hunting or case!fic

They were in a motel on the side a busy road. There was a highway somewhere above them and railroadtracks somewhere north of them. It wasn't the best sleep decision they've ever made.

Castiel was laying on the bed with Dean sleeping on his chest with one arm thrown over his stomach. Castiel could hear Dean's heartbeat, it was in tune with his breakthing. How Dean could sleep through lights and noise Castiel would never know.

Castiel couldn't sleep.

He could not force his body to sleep. But if he did sleep he wished he could fall asleep to the sound of Dean breathing.

As if hearing his thoughts, Dean squeezed Castiel's middle. As soon as Dean woke up he would roll away from Castiel, saying it was a big day because they had a hunt but that was alright. Castiel liked Dean in his sleep more. He looked so peaceful when he was asleeep. There was no anguish written on his face. No guilt. Just contentment.

Castiel wished Dean would look at him that way when he was conscious. Castiel wrapped an arm around Dean and let himself pretend he was sleeping.

It was the best pretend night of sleep he'd ever had.



Dean Winchester teaches Gym in these short red shorts. It should be illegal to look good in something that ridiculous. Not that Castiel, Dean's collegue, will ever retire his daily suit. He's not complaining either. He likes the red shorts. Makes Dean easy to spot in a crowd.

Dean frowns whenever Castiel mentions it. If Castiel's telling the truth, he only says it for the effect of one of two possible outcomes.

First one, Dean huffs and stalks away where Castiel gets to really see the red shorts. The other involves Dean's office, Castiel, and to a lesser extent Castiel's tie.

And if Castiel is really lucky, Dean stalks away only to check the hallway before coming back over to Castiel. Castiel tries to keep the grin off his face as Dean yanks Castiel into his office by his tie and clicks the lock closed.

Castiel is feeling lucky today.



The house is eerily quiet and Dean sits in his living room just basking in it. There is only one light on it's right next to where Dean is sitting. The television isn't on, but the truth is it's rarely on. Lisa and Ben are out somewhere. The blinds are shut. His truck is locked safetly in his garage. It's perfect.

Just like a king alone in his castle.

A king next to a bottle of whiskey and a cell phone. An anachronism of sorts but Dean was in no mood. He had been in a no-nonesense kind of mood since he was awake but it had gotten progressively worse as the day had gone by. It was little things that was getting him upset. Little things that didn't even really mean anything. Except to Dean. He took another swig of whiskey and waited for a phone call that was never going to happen.


Trenchcoat <3

After the second time Dean found himself at the county jail picking up Castiel he decided the trenchcoat had to go.

"It was just a simple misunderstanding, Dean," Castiel assured him.

Yeah. Who could misunderstand a guy who wore a trenchcoat, enjoyed sitting in parks and stared at everybody. Just a simple misunderstanding. "Just buy a new coat."

Castiel wouldn't budge and the next week when Castiel found himself being picked up by a cop once again he conceded that maybe Dean may have a point.



Castiel is there the night Dean dies. He sits with Dean and is the last person Dean talks to before he finally kicks the bucket. He figures he was dying and there was no reason he couldn't say it moments before he died.

"Cas? I just wanted to...thank you. For everything." Castiel nods, perhaps like he didn't really need an apology but Dean needs to say it. "I know I never said it, but I'm glad you stuck around. Until we had to say goodbye."

Castiel smiles at him. "This isn't goodbye, Dean."

Dean doesn't believe him and when the pain starts up again he reaches out and squeezes hard against borrowed flesh.


When he opens his eyes after the pain dulls and disappears he knows exactly where he is. He's surprised that he finds Sam, his dad, his mom and a lot of other people he thought he'd never see again. Heaven was a ...solitary kind of thing.

Within the crowd of small people who hold a special part in his heart, he sees a figure that cannot be human and he knows immediately that it's Cas.

He goes to him and it's weird to look up at Castiel after being used to Jimmy's height for so long. He shrugs, or what Dean thinks is shrugging. Gabriel's not the only one who can pull some strings up here, he tells Dean. His mouth doesn't move but his voice is scary powerful that Dean doesn't doubt that he spoke.

Maybe it wasn't goodbye after all.


Historical AU or crossover

The pirate shoved Dean up against a wall and he was kind of pissed he forgot his dueling pistol.



"But why papa? Why couldn't he play in any of the reindeer games?" Dean sighed and wished Cas would come home already.


Bad Habits/Addictions

Castiel tipped the glass up to his lips and watched Dean converse with his friend in the middle of the bar. It was bad but Castiel found himself getting a drink there a lot over the past year. He told himself it was for the beer but he knew that wasn't the reason. Neither did his brothers.

Dean was smiling, which was nice. Castiel didn't realize how much Dean never smiled freely like that. He was laughing and socializing and just making small talk that Castiel could not ever master.

One of these days Dean would notice that Castiel frequents the bar but he knows today is not that day. He never notices the pair of eyes on him. Perhaps he's not looking for him.

He hears a rustling and suddenly one of his brothers is next to him. "Castiel," they say. Castiel just takes another drink and tries to ignore the scrutinizing gaze of his brother. "This can't be healthy."

It's not healthy. He goes to a bar to watch a human and he can't help it. He just has to. Dean's always been his weakness. Always is and always will be.

By the time Dean looks over Castiel is gone, back to Heaven. Castiel enjoys his addiction and doesn't know what would happen if he had to stop.



Dean walks into the backyard only to see Ben and Cas blowing bubbles at each other. Their mirrored smiles nearly warm his heart.


Around the World

"What about Japan?"

Castiel thought it over, it was do-able. "Yes."

Ben's eyes nearly bulged out of his head. "That is awesome! Could you take up sot Antartica?"

"How about I deliver us to dinner so your mom doesn't kill me."

Ben sighed. "Fine."


Round Robin


Rarepair or unlikely

"Mmm pie," Chris moaned in the diner. "Love me some pie," another voice said along with Chris. He looked over and their eyes locked and that's how Chris Pine met Dean Winchester. Love at first slice.


Free for all

Dean rolled his eyes and it took more than sad eyes for Cas to win this fight. Castiel had a point, Dean couldn’t refute that fact. He had one point. Dean had a lot more and he couldn’t budge on the matter, he was sure of that. “No,” he said and that should be the end of that.

It wasn’t.

Dean was slammed against their living room wall and Castiel was pressed close against Dean, who was having a little trouble breathing. As was per usual when Castiel got like this. He wasn’t really doing anything and that’s what made it worse.

Castiel’s eyes narrowed and fuck. “Alright. Gabriel can come to dinner with Sam,” Castiel held him against the wall harder and kissed him.

character: castiel, character: dean, character: chris, fandom: star trek xi rps, pairing: castiel/misha, pairing: dean/chris, rating: pg-13, type: fic, pairing: dean/castiel, type: multiple, character: gabriel, character: sam, fandom: supernatural, character: misha

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