[fic] It's Just a Matter of Time

Jul 29, 2010 20:27

Title: It's Just a Matter of Time
Author: stfu_pwentzz
Pairing: Pete/Gabe
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Who am I kidding? Look at you. You, who got hot and went after everything, And me who can't even make a good decision on my own," He ranted, not noticing that Gabe was leaning down over hum until he felt Gabe's lips on his.
Disclaimer: This is an act of fiction. I don’t own any of the characters just the plot.
Author Notes: Written for schmoop_bingo with the prompt "drunken love confession". This is dedicated to beckettzor because apparently I'm whipped and she's been trying to get me to write Gabe/Pete forever, even though I already have a college au in the works :D This was also beta'd/looked over by jack_is_love17

Pete never could quite say no to Gabe. Even in the face of imminent alcohol poisoning, it was no use.

Gabe held out a single shot glass. "One more. Just one more and I'll stop," Gabe never stopped something that Pete enjoyed about him. "I didn't even roofie it this time."

Pete rolled his eyes and grabbed the glass out of his friends’ hand. Gabe stage-whispered his triumphant "yes!" before turning around and grabbing his own from the bar. Pete fell inexplicably happy and he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Gabe's smile was practically lecherous as he met Pete's eye. and clinked their glasses together. Pete swallowed in one smooth motion. When he opened his eyes Gabe looked almost sated and Pete reached out wanting to touch but knew he couldn't.

His name was Pete "Shitty at Relationships" Wentz (The Third) after all.

Pete dropped his hand and felt resigned as he watched Gabe's smile straighten, almost leaving the gleam in his eye before he grabbed Pete’s wrist. Pete’s breath caught which brought the full fledged smile back to Gabe's features.

"Let's go sing some karaoke, Wentz," Gabe offered.

Pete shook his head firmly no before he dragged Gabe to the other end of the bar.


They ended up singing some song by Abba and "Steal my Sunshine" by Len. Pete wishes he was kidding but traces of the chorus were still leaving Gabe's mouth as they made the quick walk back to Pete’s place. Even drunk Gabe was a good singer. Perhaps he was better that way, but Pete was biased.

Pete felt like he was floating to his apartment. Gabe was a constant against his side, occassionally putting his arm on Pete's shoulders and that wasn't helping Pete's situation at all. The alcohol wasn't either.

Pete always loved Gabe after the sun went down. He had this energy about him that Pete wished he himself had. He was more confident, more grateful and more Gabe, if that was even possible.

And it was at night that Pete tried to voice his opinions on Gabe and the state of their relationship, and the state he wished it was at. But he always got a bit more sober everytime he went to say something. His fears bubbled up, insecurities ever present and it was never worth it.

But tonight Pete didn't give a fuck.

They were in front of Pete's building and he grabbed Gabe's hand that kept hitting his side. Gabe raised and eyebrow and Pete lightly pushed him against the wall.

Gabe was humoring him he was sure but he didn't care. "You’re tall," he whispered, making Gabe snort in laughter. Pete had a point with this. Maybe. "Taller than practically everyone. You...you take my four am phone calls that don't make any sense to anyone, even me."

Gabe nodded, not sure where Pete was going with this. Neither did Pete. Not really. "And? We're friends man."

Pete shook his head harder and crowded in closer to Gabe even though he could leave if he really wanted. He was at least three feet taller than Pete.

"You bring me burgers at work even though you're a vegetarian and just roll your eyes at my crazy. You buy me ridiculous things when you're barely off the street yourself and I've been stupidly in love with you since I can even remember."

It was so eerily quiet. Even the wind had stopped howling. Gabe swallowed. Pete watched his Adam’s apple bounce up and down. "Pete," he warned.

"No, I mean it, man. Since that day in senior year when you pantsed Chad Summers. And in college it only grew because you were the only one who stayed. Everyone left and you could leave, but you decided to stay in this one horsed town with me," He shook his head and turned away from Gabe a little bit. "Who am I kidding? Look at you. You, who got hot and went after everything, And me who can't even make a good decision on my own," He ranted, not noticing that Gabe was leaning down over hum until he felt Gabe's lips on his.

Pete froze and Gabe smiled against his lips, leaning back just a little bit. "You were saying?"

Pete blinked. "I think you should kiss me again."

Gabe shrugged like he could really didn't give a fuck and Pete hoped he did give a fuck. "Say it again."

Pete was too drunk of Gabe's lips made him stupid by a single kiss. This would explain a lot of the girls he ended up dating...

Gabe brought his hand up to cup the nape of Pete’s neck and suddenly Pete was up against the wall. Gabe’s forehead pressed against Pete's.

"You love me," he mumbled, fingers gracing against the corner of Pete's lips.

Pete blinked and he got it. He smiled. "I really, really do," he whispered. Gabe leaned down to kiss Pete once again.


for: schmoop_bingo, character: pete, type: fic, character: gabe, type: standalone, pairing: gabe/pete, rating: pg-13

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