The Bryar Bunch [17/24]

Jan 10, 2010 22:24

Title: The Bryar Bunch: Episode Seventeen
Author: stfu_pwentzz
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon, Brendon/Tom
Rating: Overall NC-17
Beta: stitches_later
Summary: The Brady Bunch AU. Spencer is the glue that holds his family together, three messed up boys that needed a place to stay. Bob holds his own family together, four boys in a band called My Chemical Romance. Spencer and Bob fall in love and get married. How do their families react? This is their story
Disclaimer: The last time I checked, Bob and Spencer weren't married. And I don't think there would be this much drama.
Previous Chapters Masterpost

"Jon! Come on. Give it to me," a voice asked. The group in the lounge looked at the door and exchanged looks with each other.

Frank looked over to Ray. "Aren't you two like...?" He made a vague gesture of sex. And by vague, it was very elaborate. Ray shrugged and turned his attention back to the door that was shut.

There was some shuffling and a loud sigh. Frank noticed that Brian had shut the television off so they could hear what Ryan and Jon were up to. The search for Brendon was on pause also. Ryan had to take the attention from everything, but Frank really wanted to know what was up with whatever Ryan and Jon were doing.

"I was. I was saving this, Ryan. It means a lot to me," Jon lamented, sounding resigned.

"Thank you so much, Jon. Seriously. You're the best. If it comes to it," Ryan paused. "I'll let you shoot first."

There was a loud "Whoa!" that rang out through the room Frank was kind of shocked to say the least. What the hell. Ryan was not making out with Pete Wentz a few days ago, distraught that his "love" Brendon was missing, and now was jumping into the sack with Jon? What. The. Fuck.

Spencer got up first, looking wary. "I'm gonna. I'm gonna go see what they are up to," he mumbled walking over to the sliding door. Frank was afraid that as soon as Spencer opened the door, they were going to be naked and already in position or something. Frank could go a long ass time without seeing Ryan Ross naked.

Spencer pressed the button to open the door and it opened very slowly. Frank was at the edge of his seat because even though he didn't want to see it, didn't mean he would be opposed to actually see it. And that would be the shittiest thing ever. Your friend is missing and you are banging your other friend behind a sliding door. What a douche.

The door opened and Spencer yelped out loud, and Ryan looked caught. But there was absolutely, 0%, nudity. Ryan was just holding a gun.

"What. What the fuck are you doing with a gun?!" Spencer shouted.

Ryan walked into the lounge, a scared look on his face, but it wasn't because he was caught. There wasn't a hint of red on his face. He looked generally scared out of his fucking mind. Frank could relate because that's how he felt. He didn't have a gun, though.

"We found him, Spence. We found Brendon and we have to go get him," Ryan tried to bolt out of the door, but Spencer held onto his wrist and pulled him back into the lounge. He led him to the couch and Frank and Gerard made some room for him. Albeit a little grudgingly.

Gerard looked down at the gun in Ryan's shaky hand and scoffed. Frank shot him a look but he just rolled his eyes. "Kid can't even handle a gun. Look at that. He's shaking."

Frank looked down and shrugged. So what if the guy was shaking holding a gun. Most people would. Not Frank. But Frank was awesome and he would rock the fuck out of holding a gun.

Spencer was rubbing at his temples. "Why on earth do you have a gun, Ryan?"

Ryan put it on his knee and tried not to aim it at anybody. Frank scooted closer to Gerard anyway because he didn't really trust Ryan Ross with a gun. "We found him; Spencer and he could be in trouble. He got. He got a hotel room in Vegas and we have to get him before something bad happens, alright?"

Spencer stopped rubbing his temples and stared at Ryan. "You found him?"

Ryan nodded, getting jittery once again. Like he wouldn't sit still. But then again maybe he couldn't sit still. Frank was jittery knowing that they knew his location. "We were refreshing the page on his credit card accounts and he just booked a hotel in Vegas. We have to go, Spencer," Ryan begged, and Frank could feel the tension in his face and fuck Frank felt for him.

Pete stood up a little awkwardly. "You guys can use my jet if you want."

Ryan and Frank both looked at Pete. Frank honestly had no idea that Pete had a motherfucking jet. And Ryan just gave Pete weird looks whenever he said anything recently. Perhaps that was the effect of making out with Pete Wentz. Mikey made out with him constantly and he gave Pete some weird looks, also.

Ryan smiled at him, and it was a small little smile that lit up his face in one of his darkest moments. "Really?"

Pete nodded and gestured for Ryan to follow him. "Yeah, you and Jon, follow me."

Ryan got off the couch to follow Pete, but Frank stopped him. He couldn't let Ryan go. It was just out of the question. "I'll go, Ryan."

Ryan glared at him, and Frank was well aware that Ryan was still holding a gun but it wasn't fair that the very same person who sent him away. He informed Ryan of this, but he just frowned. Frank still didn't like his odds of that. Ryan was upset, with a gun. Who in the world would let that happen? They were stupid. Or crazy. Or knew Frank would try to fight Ryan for it.

Jon gave Frank a look and Frank already knew he was going to lose. It was useless to fight.


Brendon had never known anyone who enjoyed hearing Brendon's problems and still think that he was cute. The entire ride to Vegas Brendon spilled his heart out to Tom. He told him how his parents, his own parents, kicked him out so he moved in with Spencer and Ryan. Tom listened as Brendon retold how he fell for Ryan and how it ruined his relationship with Frank.

Tom even let Brendon cry on his shoulder for a bit. Brendon felt vulnerable but all tom did was pat his back and tell Brendon his own story.

"He was my best friend and I was too high to know something was wrong. We got high all the time, and he wanted to lay off the hard drugs for a little bit, but that just made me angry. I lashed out at him, saying that he thought he was better than I was, or something. It seems stupid now. So he left to get super fucked up. I guess he ended up in someone's car and was headed west.

"After that I stopped using. I just couldn't do something that ripped my best friend away from me. And after that night I didn't like who I had become. So, I cleaned up, and got a job. I found out he got a job somewhere in Vegas so I’ve been saving up to find him," Tom confessed, his own eyes looking bloodshot. "I miss him a lot and I just need to apologize."

Brendon felt closer to Tom and that could explain why hours later, he was making out with Tom on some hotel bed.

They argued when they got to the hotel about who would pay for the room. Tom insisted he paid. Brendon had felt alienated from those he loved the most and Tom didnt' want to make him pay.

Brendon argued that Tom saved all that money to find his best friend and Brendon wouldn't forgive himself if he spent the last of it on the room.

Brendon won out and he called dibs on the first shower. It felt nice to shower somewhere that wasn't at a venue or on the bus. It was a full fledge shower and he didn't have to squish or time how much hot water he used. He could get used to that.

He didn't need all of that room or to take an hour long shower, though. He actually missed Jon knocking on the door, yelling that Brendon was taking so long. He shut it off, feeling a little bit nostalgic. He kind of missed having a small shower where he was only allowed to take a three minutes shower.

He shook his hair off in the mirror and wrapped the towel around his waist. He didn't know what he was going to do about clothes but he could wear his old ones for the time being.

There was a knock on the bathroom door. "Yes?" Brendon answered back.

Tom coughed on the other side. "I bought you some clothes. They're by the door," Brendon sighed at that. He opened the door and Tom was leaning against the wall in a nonchalant manner, and Brendon really hoped that his towel wouldn't fall off. "It's tourist clothes, so don't freak out."

Brendon bit back a smile and took the clothes back into the bathroom. Upon further inspection it was flowery swim trunks and a t-shirt. IT was a nice thought. He threw it on and found it kind of funny. There was no way he was going to woo Tom in a t-shirt and swim trunks. Flowery swim trunks, at that.

For once, Brendon was pretty excited that he was wrong.

Brendon walked out of the bathroom, Tom looked him up and down with a smirk and Brendon walked forward until they were kissing. Tom was scruffy and he wasn't used to that, but other than that he liked kissing Tom.

Tom kissed rougher than Frank or any other boy Brendon's kissed before. He was all tongues and teeth. They found Brendon's lips and occassionally his neck. Brendon pushed Tom against the wall and opened his lips against Tom's.

Tom broke away with a breath. "Bed?" He asked, taking gulps of air.

Brendon nodded and pressed their lips together again. Tom pushed Brendon forward towards the bed while Brendon held onto Tom's hair. IT was like his anchor. They finally reached the bed and Brendon fell on his back. Tom was standing above him still, and he motioned for Brendon to scoot up the bed. Brendon did as he wished, and Tom crawled over to him and straddled him before leaning down for another kiss.

Brendon clutched Tom's head and pulled him closer. Brendon could get really used to this. Just him and Tom looking for Tom's friend and making out on a hotel bed. It made the thought of Ryan and Pete making out hurt a lot less.

He felt the pain hit his chest right once again, and this should stop. He couldn't just dwell on Ryan his entire life. He couldn't keep hoping that Ryan would just bust in his life with romantic declarations anymore.

Brendon twisted his hand in Tom's hair, and Tom groaned, pushing up against Brendon. Brendon sighed, and caught Tom's lips in another kiss. Tom slid his tongue in his mouth and Brendon could definitely get used to this.

There was someone knocking on the door, but they just ignored it. They couldn't be deterred from their making out, and it was probably room service. Brendon pulled Tom's face down once again, and the knocking was back.

Brendon sighed, and rested his hands on Tom's hips. "We don't need any room service, thank you."

There was a shout on the other side of the door, which made Brendon sit straight up. He didn't know what was going on, but room service had gotten a little more hostile than the last time he was in a hotel. "I can't open it. Help?"

What the hell?

Then the door busted open, and Jon Walker was rushing into the room. By the looks of it he ran straight into the door. Then strutting in behind him, like a young prima donna that Brendon knew he occassionally was, a very angry looking Ryan Ross. Brendon scowled and he couldn't understand his luck. God seriously hated him or something. "Ryan Ross, you are a goddamn cockblock!" Brendon shouted.

Tom sat up on the bed and Brendon really liked it when he was making out with Tom. Ryan had to ruin everything. Brendon was fine, making out with Tom, and Ryan just had to get rid of all Brendon's fun.

Ryan stood up straight and glared at Tom. And Ryan had a gun. Tom looked in between Ryan to Jon back to Ryan. "Um," he mumbled, still looking in between the both of them.

"You," Ryan pointed the gun at Tom... "Shut the fuck up! I don't wanna hear anything out of you." He was steaming out of his ears and Brendon didn't even know why the fuck Ryan was so pissed off about it. This was probably not the best train of thought because Ryan had a gun but Brendon didn't really give two shits.

Ryan should have just stayed on the bus. Brendon was even more confused now that Ryan was standing in Brendon's hotel room. He didn't want Brendon but he didn't want anyone else to have him? It didn't make any sense. None of it. Even the gun. Why the fuck does Ryan have a gun?

Jon was blinking at Tom behind Ryan's. He placed his hand on Ryan's shoulder. "T-tom?" He asked, voice trapped in a daze. He was starry-eyed and he couldn't look away from Tom. Brendon turned to Tom and he was looking at Jon with a similar expression on his face.


Ryan turned back to Tom in a rage. "Shut. Up!" He growled, then turning to look at Brendon. The fury was in his eyes, and it was reflected in the barrel of the gun. Brendon was half pissed, half scared. He really didn't want to die. He didn't think that Ryan would kill him, but there was the whole "he has a gun thing" that had him all messed up. "What the fuck do you think you're doing here?"

Brendon scoffed at that, how dare Ryan just barge into his hotel room and yell at him. He didn't even know how Ryan found him. He totally forgot about the gun and started to yell back, which probably wasn't the best thing to do but whatever, he didn't care. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked, taking a step closer to Ryan. He could vaguely see Tom and Jon out of the corner of his eye. There was major hugging going on but he wasn't really paying attention. He heard Tom exclaim "I can't believe it's you!" but he was on a mission. "How the fuck did you even get here?"

Ryan looked taken off his guard. He looked towards the door, then back to Brendon. "Pete's jet but what does that have to do with anything, huh?"

Brendon lost all of his anger and just let out a wistful sigh. "Oh," he sighed.

Behind them Jon's face was so bright. "What are you doing in Vegas, man?"

Tom laughed and his face looked equally, if not more bright than Jon's. "I came looking for you. I found out that you ended up in Vegas so I knew that's where I had to go."

Brendon crossed his arms and he just wanted Ryan to leave. Of course Ryan used Pete's jet. Why wouldn't Pete let his boyfriend, probably life mate, borrow his jet. "Well, you can go now," he gestured towards the door. "Don't want to keep your precious Pete waiting, do you?"

Ryan's eyebrows furried together, it would be a cold day in hell when he would let that happen. "Fuck you, Brendon. I'm not leaving you with him," he pointed his hand, that didn't contain the gun, at Tom who was just gushing with Jon.

"Where did you get the money to come to Vegas?"

Brendon uncrossed his arms and was just so pissed off. "No, fuck you. I don't give two shits what you want," Brendon glared at him and Ryan took a few steps back. "I was happy before you walking...busted down the door!"

The gun slipped out of Ryan's hand and it was quiet in the room with the exception of Tom and Jon.

"I got a job. As soon as I made enough money to get here I got on the first bus," Tom explained and it seemed like the entire room was on the same wavelength.

One after another apologies were falling out of everybody's lips.

Jon looked into Tom's eyes and whispered "I'm Sorry," as Tom scratched the back of his neck whispering the exact same to Jon. Ryan was staring at the ground and Brendon was almost positive that he didn't hear anything when Ryan mouthed the words "I'm so sorry."

Brendon took a step back. "What?"

Ryan didn't look up and Brendon didn't take a step further or closer to Ryan. Brendon noticed how Tom and Jon ducked out of the hotel room though. Obviously they knew something that he didn't and Brendon wasn't the biggest fan of surprises. If there was a clock in the room Brendon knew that it would count down the seconds that Ryan stayed silent. "I just thought," Ryan started to speak but abruptly stopped.

Brendon took a step closer to him. "Thought what," his voice was softer but he was more worried than mad at this point.

Ryan still wouldn't look at Brendon but he shrugged so that was a start. "I guess I thought that you'd be, I dunno, happy that I found you."

Brendon crossed his arms. There was the fact that Ryan traveled from God knows where to find Brendon, and Brendon didn't even know how Ryan found him but that was the least of his worries. Ryan found him and barged into his hotel room with a gun, yelling at a complete stranger. That wasn't sane.

"Not when you're making out with Pete fucking Wentz one minute and then fucking yelling at me the next for doing the exact same. Then I will not be happy that you found me," Brendon pointed out.

Ryan looked crushed for a second but Brendon didn't care. "That's not fair."

Brendon sighed, long and drawn out, he was just so sick of this back and forth game that was his relationship with Ryan Ross. He couldn't do it anymore. "Do me a favor and just go back to Pete, okay?"

Ryan looked up at him then. Ryan was looking right into his eyes, and Brendon's breath stopped. Ryan's eyes had captivated his own and he wasn't really sure what was going on.

"It's kind of hard to do that when, y'know, I'm in love with you."


bryar bunch, fic

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