All I Got Up My Sleeve is Love

Jan 03, 2010 21:45

Un-beta'd. Just a quick something I cleaned up from one of my WIP's just for jack_is_love17

Title: All I Got Up My Sleeve is Love
Author: stfu_pwentzz
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
Summary: Normally, the last day of tour is reserved for pranks and parties. This doesn't change on the New Start. Old Beginnings tour, featuring Panic at the Disco, The Young Veins, The Like and Gold Motel. It was just like Honda Civic, except a lot of people were gone, and a lot of them were shuffled around a little bit. The only plus was The Like, which Brendon had come to love a little bit.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is an act of fiction. I don’t own any of the characters just the plot. Title and cut belong to This is my Suitcase.
Author Notes: This is part of a bigger story I may or may not ditch. It's set one or two years in the future. Dedicated to jack_is_love17

Normally, the last day of tour is reserved for pranks and parties. This doesn't change on the New Start. Old Beginnings tour, featuring Panic at the Disco, The Young Veins, The Like and Gold Motel. It was just like Honda Civic, except a lot of people were gone, and a lot of them were shuffled around a little bit. The only plus was The Like, which Brendon had come to love a little bit.

It was just like old times, except how it wasn't.

A new tour, new friends and new beginnings.

Alex had decided to have the party at his place because the last city was New York anyway. Brendon wasn't really sure how they all fit in Alex's place, but it wasn't crowded. For most of the party he was just sitting on a couch with Z and keeping her beret warm as she went into detail about what she and the girls did for Ryan, Jon and Alex's prank.

"So, Ryan's on top of the bus with a load of spiders, Jon was on Greta's bus in a compromising position with one of the techies, a really, really compromising position and Alex's cape may or may not be on some bum we passed," she gushed joyfully. Brendon leaned into her shoulder as she laughed. Those weren't really pranks, just mean tricks. She shrugged. "So? Ryan screaming, Jon apologizing all day and Alex being crazy silent is the best thing ever. Besides, that cape has had it. Once it hits the year birth date it's over, and it's been like four years."

Ryan sat next to Brendon on the couch with two drinks in his hands. He passed one to Brendon with a smirk, as he looked between Z and Brendon. "Nice hats," he commented.

Brendon looked over at Z who was wearing his headband and he thought they looked pretty good. He pulled out his phone and took a picture of the two of them. They posed the best they could with Ryan elbowing them and laughing at them in the mean time.

He flipped it around and sent it to Twitpic. Truthfully, he was surprised that Twitter was still around. It had gotten bigger and bigger and was raising more money than ever. It was a nice commodity.

Z looked at it first and snorted, and Ryan did the same as soon as they seen the caption: me and my future wife <3. Z got up to find someone more "mature" and "serious" to hang out with. This translated to Spencer and her trying to kill Twitter with all of their photos.

Brendon sighed and stared after her longingly. He slumped his head down on Ryan's shoulder and sighed once more for effect. "I'm not indie enough for her. It'd never work."

Ryan snorted once more. Really, he should just realize how unattractive that was. And no 25 year old snorted anymore. "You do realize she has a vagina, right?" He teased.

Brendon scoffed and lifted his head off of Ryan's shoulder. "I've had sex with vaginas before. Multiple times; multiple orgasms, mind you."

Ryan laughed again. "If you were stranded on an island," Ryan trailed off and Brendon smiled back because this had been this giant tour thing. They would ask each other what they would rather do or have on a deserted island. Mostly Jon's were about who would taste the best, and Alex's were purely sexual gratification.

Ryan sobered up. "If you had a choice, would you bring my dick or Z's vagina?"

Brendon froze. He didn't think that's where Ryan would go with that, and he really didn't think that Ryan would be so specific. Ryan was the one to generalize everything. "Your dick, because in case of a cannibalistic emergency that's one more thing I can get protein off of."

That didn't even make any sense. Not to Brendon, so Ryan's knowing smile didn't make any sense either. Brendon should just know that cock jokes weren't funny past the age of 23.

Ryan was leaning in and God he looked good on stage that night. Brendon just wished that he could touch Ryan like he used to after shows. It had been almost three years since Ryan said they needed to hold off because the time wasn't right, but Brendon still wanted him.

Wanted him so bad, and it seemed like Ryan wanted him a little bit.

Ryan pressed their lips together and Brendon didn't always understand Ryan but he wasn't going to complain. Brendon kissed back timidly because he wasn't going to ruin this. Whatever this was. Then in a split second Ryan grabbed Brendon's neck and deepened the kiss. Brendon tried to breathe, but Ryan was there, on top of him within seconds. There had been no touching for the longest time, that it was almost a sensory overload on Brendon.

Brendon pulled back and gasped out a breathe as Ryan leaned on him, his breathe coming in hot gusts of air against Brendon's lips.

Brendon didn't know what he meant to say. But he was surprised when "Spare bedroom?" came out instead. Ryan smiled and led them into the spare room. Brendon shoved Ryan’s jacket off his arms as Ryan crowded him against the door. This was always where they connected the best. They could gauge each others body language in public, but here they were always on the same sync.

Brendon got Ryan out of his clothes in record time. This deserved recognition because Ryan wore too many fucking layers of clothing. The fact that Ryan pulled Brendon's t-shirt over his head and yanked his jeans down at the same time was recognition enough. Brendon reached out to pull Ryan closer to him, but Ryan pulled him towards the bed.

Brendon didn't care. Wall, door, bed or floor; he just needed Ryan in him immediately. It was mostly a blur that he didn't see Ryan get lube until he felt the cold against his entrance. He knew Ryan was taking his time but there was a sense of urgency that Brendon could feel from Ryan's fingers. Slow with intent.

Brendon pulled on his wrists after two fingers. He wasn't stupid. He knew that the chance of this still being "the wrong time" were pretty high.

He wanted Ryan in any way he could. He squeezed down on Ryan’s wrist and Ryan nodded, quickly leaning over Brendon to get the condom he threw on the bed, again with no previous recollection from Brendon.

Brendon leaned up on his elbows to watch Ryan. He knew that Ryan enjoyed an audience. Not like a room full of people, but the complete attention from his lover. It wasn't that hard because this was one of the only things Ryan could do gracefully. Their eyes locked as he rolled it on his cock. One line of communication was all that they needed.

Ryan was kneeling in between Brendon's legs and Brendon gave him a single head nod before Ryan pushed in. It felt similar to months and months of touring, sleeping on bunks and hotel beds, that first night in your own bed. The familiarity, the comfort, the feeling of missing something that you didn't miss until it was gone.

That's how Ryan felt inside Brendon. Brendon knew that he wouldn't be able to let Ryan go this time. For three years nothing felt as right as this. He'd had sex. He'd had girlfriends, boyfriends, friends with benefits, but nothing felt like this. It was like a puzzle piece. They it together like a puzzle piece...

"Stay with me, Bren," Ryan grunted out mid-thrust. Brendon nodded and pushed back against Ryan's hips. He watched Ryan's face as it contorted and his eyes closed. He was beautiful like this. Brendon clenched his muscles and Ryan's hips stuttered. "Fuck, Bren," he held on to Brendon's hips and started going faster.

Brendon grasped onto Ryan's shoulders and finally rested on Ryan’s hips, trying to pull him closer.

They created a separate rhythm with each other, each getting more forceful with each thrust. And after one extremely hard thrust Brendon started to come. A string of curses came out but not because of pleasure, but because it was too soon. It was too soon and he was pissed.

But Ryan finished almost right after him, which was odd because Ryan could hold off for a long time, but he came almost at the same moment Brendon did. Brendon didn't want to delve into that.

Brendon just laid there. Ryan was resting on him not getting out of him, just there. Brendon just watched Ryan's relaxed facial expressions. He didn't know why Ryan initially kissed him. Ryan rarely did something without thinking about it.

There was movement above him. "I need you," Ryan whispered, pulling out, which made Brendon think that he said something out loud. But that couldn't be he knew that it was silent.

Brendon sat up quickly. He wasn't exactly sure he heard Ryan correctly. "What?" It just couldn't be.

Ryan's eyes shot open, obviously realizing that he accidentally just said that out loud. "I need to. I need to go the bathroom," he scrambled to get off Brendon but Brendon pulled him back down. Ryan couldn't do that. He couldn’t say he needed Brendon, and then pretend that it never happened. Brendon looked him dead in the eyes, which made Ryan sigh. "I need you, okay?"

That was Ryan's own personal 'I love you' even though it meant a lot more than just that. "I thought it was gone, alright? The... what I feel for you. I love you, and fuck. I just need you."

It was all he was waiting for since he was seventeen. What he needed to hear everytime Ryan come into his bunk. What he attempted to read in his body language when he was ending it.

Ryan hung his head, not meeting Brendon's eyes, but drawing little patterns on his hip bones. "If. You know, if you still love me too. I mean, I know it's been years, but. I love you, and I want to be with you for good," Ryan looked up to show him that he wasn't kidding this time. He was serious. As serious as Ryan Ross could be.

His eyes told Brendon everything he needed to know. He could read the 'Please tell me I haven't fucked this up for good' behind his eyes. Brendon surged forward to pull Ryan's face down to his and kissed him. It felt like finishing the 10,000 piece puzzle after weeks, and weeks of it sitting on your kitchen table. Brendon was relieved. It was perfect

character: brendon, pairing: ryan/brendon, rating: nc-17, type: standalone, character: ryan, character: z, type: fic, genre: future fic

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