This Ain't a Love Song, Baby [1/1]

Dec 28, 2009 21:24

Dear Lovely Flist,

Here is that Demon story I was talking about a while ago. There is smut in it, but the end is just clearly ridiculous. I am giving this to you though, because it might be so ridiculous I might not post it anywhere.

I hope you enjoy it, because I did.

Title: This Ain't a Love Song, Baby
Author: stfu_pwentzz
Rating: NC-17
Beta: stitches_later
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
Summary: Demon!fic.
Brendon smiled against Ryan's face as the club got darker and hotter. Brendon reminded Ryan of Pete a little bit but he couldn't figure out why to save his life. "Let's just say I'm not making the ..." he trailed off, looking straight into Ryan's eyes and he felt himself falling into Brendon's gaze. "quota," He finished, letting the word wash all over Ryan's face. He wanted to help Brendon make that quota, whatever that quota was. And he wanted nothing more than to push Brendon up against the first wall he could see.
Disclaimer: AU. This is an act of fiction. I don’t own any of the characters just the plot. Title and cut credit to Big City Kids' "Wrong Girl"
Author's Notes: This is pretty blasphemous, just saying. The ideas about demons, God, Satan and Angels are not held by me. I do not condone the stealing of souls or owning them for all of eternity. This is half smut, half ridiculousness.

It was a dark club on the seedy side of town. Ryan didn't know why he decided to go to that certain club on that certain side of town but he wasn't entirely disappointed. He just needed a break, and he needed to be cramped with loud bass and he wanted to be sweaty. He almost never sweat, so this was definitely a change of pace for him.

He was dressed in a dress shirt and jeans, which is completely unlike how he used to go to shows. He used to hang out at venues with bands all the time. As he grew older fhe found himself growing older than he was supposed to be. Instead of out partying he just wanted to have a nice evening alone, which spurred the sudden "I need to get to a club" that flashed by his mind earlier in the evening.

He wasn't going to look for someone but he couldn't be blamed if he did find someone. He was a little out of practice. He hadn't been laid in months and the only propositions he got were from this creepy guy named Pete who may or may not be an incarnation of the devil. He had this smile that completely took over his face, and it wasn't a nice smile. It was a creepy smile. A smile that belonged to pedophiles and the picture of evil that was still in Ryan's head even after years and years of him being out of catholic school. Besides. Ryan had a type and that Pete guy was definitely not in that type. And if he was, Ryan was planning on changing the qualifications of that type.

He was in the middle of the crowd as the unknown band was playing He wasn't in the front where everything was pushshovepushshove until everyone reached the stage, and not in the back where he couldn't feel anybody. There was some pushing but not as bad as it could be. Just the way Ryan liked it.

The band was pretty good, not exactly Ryan's cup of tea but they were decent to listen to. The lyrics were fast and dirty, which only added to the two guitars on top of the cohesive bass lines, which was really hard to find in any decent band. Then during the bridge, if Ryan could call it that, started the most insane drum solo that Ryan had ever heard in his life.

He was in awe at the band in front of him that he was taken off guard when someone wrapped their arm across Ryan's lower back. Ryan whipped his head around to the perpetrator to tell them off but it was an extremely hot guy.

Taking interest in him. There would be no yelling of any sort, at least not in the kind that Ryan was originally thinking.

He leaned in close. "Hello, Stranger," he eloquently greeted Ryan. Maybe it was the way that he could hear him over the blaringly loud music, but those two words made Ryan lose his breath. Hot guys just didn't come up to Ryan. This was a miracle and it wasn't even Christmas.

Ryan tried to keep his composure. "Hey," he replied, at the same time that the stranger asked "Wanna dance?"

Ryan smiled to himself. "Sure."

Almost as if it were fate, the song turned slower, and it was perfect music to rub up against someone. Ryan was silently thanking God in prayer for the good luck that he was sending Ryan. The stranger snorted, but when Ryan opened his mouth to ask what he was laughing about, the stranger smiled. Just that smile made the questions disappear from Ryan's head.

Ryan gulped instead and started moving with the stranger. "So, uh," he trailed off, at loss for a name.

"Brendon," he offered to Ryan.

Ryan smiled again. "So you come here often?" He almost stuttered, but controlled his tone because that would be bad. Really bad.

Brendon was holding onto Ryan's hips and Ryan longed for this physical touch. He had needed it in the recent months and it felt as if Brendon's touch was a glass of water as they danced in the dark room. "I'm just pretty swamped at work. Y'know how that goes. What's a pretty little thing like you doing in a club like this?"

Ryan felt himself start to grind, not with Brendon anymore, but against him. He couldn't explain it. Maybe it was the fact that Brendon was really hot and was taking interest in him and giving him the physical touch he wanted, but all he knew was he couldn't get enough of him. "How so? How are you swamped?"

Brendon smiled against Ryan's face as the club got darker and hotter. Brendon reminded Ryan of Pete a little bit but he couldn't figure out why to save his life. "Let's just say I'm not making the ..." he trailed off, looking straight into Ryan's eyes and he felt himself falling into Brendon's gaze. "quota," He finished, letting the word wash all over Ryan's face. He wanted to help Brendon make that quota, whatever that quota was. And he wanted nothing more than to push Brendon up against the first wall he could see.

"Maybe I can help," he offered, wanting nothing more than to push Brendon up against a wall and have his way with him, or let Brendon have his way with Ryan.

Brendon smirked, and Ryan knew exactly that was what was going to happen. He couldn't help this feeling that was coming over him, but it was nice. All that was in his head was Brendon. It wasn't like he was controlling Ryan's thoughts or anything, but the fact that his face was hidden in the corner of his mind and he was all too conscious about it. "Maybe you can."

Ryan gulped. "Wanna, wanna go back to my place?" He asked. And Ryan never did this. He never asked guys back to his apartment but he was asking Brendon. He needed to bring Brendon back to his apartment.

Brendon leaned forward to press his lips against the corner of Ryan's mouth and all of the breath left his body, and he felt light headed. "I thought you'd never ask."


It felt like he blinked and they were already at Ryan's apartment. Ryan couldn't recall walking to his apartment, or driving, or sitting on the bus, all he remembered was Brendon's touch all over him. His lips brushing against his ear and how it wasn't enough. Ryan blinked and Brendon was on his knees in front of Ryan.

"How. How did we get here?" Ryan asked, honestly confused. He knew where Brendon was gong, and he could continue on the path to Ryan's cock, but after he knew how the fuck they got to his apartment so fast.

Brendon smiled as he pulled down on Ryan's zipper. "We drove your car, remember?" He asked. He unbuttoned Ryan's pants and dragged them slowly down his legs; inch by inch. "You drove here, and I placed my hand on your thigh, making you press on the accelerator harder," he breathed against his boxers.

Suddenly, Ryan remembered. He remembered Brendon's hand on his thigh. Brendon had lifted the council up in his car and was whispering the dirtiest words in Ryan's ear, making him wish each and every red light to the very depths of hell.

Ryan blinked back to the present and Brendon was on his knees, holding on to his cock. It felt like Ryan's cock fit perfectly in Brendon's hand. Brendon started to stroke it and smiled. "Perfect fit," Brendon whispered and Ryan agreed completely. It felt like it was meant to fucking be.

Brendon started stroking harder, and his mouth was so close and Ryan just wanted it. No, he needed Brendon's mouth on it. He could just die if Brendon would just suck his cock.

Brendon leaned in closer, his breath ghosting over his fist and Ryan reached behind him to hold onto the couch. He couldn't fall over that would be very, very bad. Brendon laughed against him again, and Ryan couldn't help but fall over onto the couch. Brendon shifted until he was leaning right over lap.

All Ryan wanted was for Brendon to put his cock into his mouth. It would feel so good. Brendon smirked and Ryan had a feeling he knew exactly what Ryan was thinking. "What would you do for me to suck your cock?" He whispered. And there was something off about the way that Brendon asked it. He whipsered it out but the words went straight to Ryan's cock. People have spoken those very same words to Ryan, some even more attractive than Brendon, but he had never reacted that way before.

He threw his head back and couldn't help but thrash around. He wanted Brendon's mouth on him now! "Anything," he choked out, trying to grab the couch, but he couldn't grab anything.

Brendon's breath ghosted against Ryan's cock and that was better. A lot better. He just wanted Brendon to make that extra step. "Kill a man?"

Even though that sounded tempting, Ryan laughed. "Maybe."

Brendon was silent and licked the tip of Ryan's cock. There was this pressure sitting on Ryan's chest and it hurt. He wanted to push his hips forward but Brendon was holding him back. "Would you give me your soul?"

The room got eerily silent, but Ryan thought that it had something to do with Brendon not sucking his cock. The weight was still on his chest, and he wanted to laugh that off, but he couldn't . He needed Brendon. He needed him like he needed air to breath and he couldn't last much longer.

"Sure," he moaned offhandedly. Brenodn's lips were against the tip, his tongue not touching, just hovering over it.

Brendon pulled off and Ryan gasped a breath of air. No. No no no. He couldn't pull away like that. Ryan sat up to look into Brendon's eyes. There was something different about them. His eyes seemed darker and more intent on Ryan's face. He wasn't smiling, but his hand didn't falter in stroking him. Ryan blinked and Brendon was back down to his cock.

"Say it," Brendon whispered. Ryan was confused but his cock was finally in Brendon's mouth. He went halfway down before he came back up. "Say you'll give me your soul," he stressed. His eyes looked wild and maybe he was just as horny as Ryan.

He swallowed Ryan all the way to the base and Ryan couldn't help but yell out. "Brendon! Okay, okay. My soul, you can have my soul, just blow me already!"

Ryan felt that weight lift off of him, and Brendon was swallowing around Ryan's cock. Ryan had never felt something so good. He tried to reach down for Brendon's hair but he didn't need to push Brendon down, he was already there. There was only a little resistance and Ryan was in total love with Brendon's mouth.

Brendon rose back up and was breathing heavily. He was laying against Ryan's chest, just breathing, and he looked so fucking fuckable. Ryan's cock needed some attention, but just him stroking up nad down was enough.

Brendon stood up, and was looking at Ryan. Ryan didn't know what he was thinking, but his cock was starting to hurt a little bit. Brendon started smiling against and unbuttoned his pants. They were off within a minute and before he knew it, Brendon was straddling him.

He leaned down, and kissed Ryan hard. Ryan reached for his hair and yanked. Brendon groaned and opened his mouth for Ryan's tongue. He wanted to be in Brendon. Someway, somehow but he just needed to be inside him. He didn't know what came over him. He just wanted Brendon, and it didnt' feel like before. Before there was a gray film over his attraction for Brendon, and now it was open and he couldn't stop it.

Before it felt like he was supposed to be attracted to Brendon but now he just wanted Brendon so much, whether it was supposed to be that way or not. They were grinding against each other on Ryan's couch, when Brendon pulled away.

"Fuck me, Ryan," he begged, and Ryan was not going to turn him down. Brendon laid against the arm of the couch and ripped his shirt off. Ryan looked around, and shit. Fuck. He didn't have any lube laying around. This could not work in his favor. Brendon got his attention and waved him away. Ryan just sat back and watched as Brendon sucked his fingers in his mouth. He couldn't look away as Brendon pushed his fingers in and out of his entrance a few times before he took his fingers away, and reached for Ryan.

Ryan moved forward, and Brendon honestly couldn't be ready for Ryan. He wasn't stretched but the look of pure pleasure on Brendon's face showed him differently. Ryan couldn't control his hips when they moved forward against his will. It was like his libido had a mind of his own.

He pushed in and jesus fucking christ. Brendon was so hot. He was hotter than any other girl or boy he'd ever been with. The heat was engulfing Ryan's cock, and all he could do was push forward. He didn't even care that
Brendon was barely prepared, Brendon felt so good. He was all tightness and hot hot heat, Ryan wanted to stay inside of Brendon forever. He felt like if he did he would die happy.

He sucked in a breath and pulled out wishing immediately for that head to come again, but this time he pushed in full force, pushing Brendon into the arm of his couch. His legs wrapped around Ryan's waist and Ryan wanted them to turn into one being. He started pushing in harder, and it felt like the heat just got hotter.

Ryan reached down for Brendon's hips, and held them down into the couch as he pounded away at his ass. The room was foggy and sweaty and Ryan wouldn't have it any other way. He never wanted to be cold again, and he never wanted to stop fucking Brendon again.

With every single thrust, he felt more animalistic. He leaned forward and held Brendon's head back. His hips were slamming into Brendon, and he twisted his fingers in Brendon's hair. He was never into having sex like this. He was usually a pretty vanilla guy but Brendon just brought it out in him.

He yanked Brendon's hair and bit down on his neck. Brendon made a strangling noise against his cheek, but Ryan didn't care. "Fuck Brendon," he groaned as Brendon squeezed his thighs against Ryan's torso. That felt amazing and it made Ryan start thrusting harder and harder into Brendon.

"Harder Ryan, harder. Fuck me into Hell," he moaned, and Ryan gasped at that. He didn't know why, but those words turned Ryan into someone he didn't even know. All he knew was that he had to make Brendon come so hard.

He was pushing into Brendon's hot entrance so hard that he was bumping his head against the arm every few times. Ryan's head felt so stuffy. He needed to get Brendon off so he could get off. He reached down for Brendon's cock, which felt even hotter than Ryan's cock at the moment. He spread the precome over Brendon's tip and started stroking roughly.

Brendon started making these whiny little moans against Ryan's ear and Ryan felt him fall apart underneath him. He started jutting his hips against Brendon, and he cried out as the first spurt of come came out . Ryan jerked Brendon off harder and he watched as it decorated Ryan's stomach.

Brendon was catching his breath laying on the couch and Ryan was almost there, almost to the feeling where he was going to...

Brendon shoved Ryan off and jumped on top of him with catlike reflexes. "Fuck you, you better not even think about coming. We're not even close to being done," Brendon threatened. Ryan moaned as Brendon leaned down to lick into his mouth.

The next morning as the sun was peeking over Ryan's blinds in his bedroom he blinked wearily at Brendon, who was standing getting his pants back on. He looked around and realized that they were in his bedroom and he scrounged the bottom of his sleep enduced brain for what happened the night before. He rememberd the club, he remembered the living room (Dear God he remembered the living room) then it dawned on him that they moved things over to the bedroom.

No wonder that Ryan was wore out. He didn't even want to go to work. He looked over at his alarm clock and it read 9:24, which made him one hour and twenty four minutes late for work. And the best part was he honestly didn't give two shits if he was late. They would burn down without him and they knew it.

Ryan wasn't sure where he got this sudden confidence from but he liked it. He looked back up at Brendon who was smoothing out his shirt in the mirror. He caught Ryan's gaze in the mirror and winked at him. Ryan smiled at Brendon's reflection in the mirror, which made him want to just lay in bed with Brendon all day. Do nothing.

Brendon's smirk made it even harder to get out of bed. He was filled with lust and he couldn't help it. Brendon turned around and winked at Ryan again.

"So, last night. That was really something," Brendon pointed out.

Ryan felt himself smirk a little bit as Brendon drew closer to him. "Yeah. Loved every minute of it."

Brendon took a few steps backwards. "Thanks for the soul, too."

Ryan laughed out loud at that. He was going to like this Brendon guy. "No problem. It's yours."

Time stopped as Ryan watched Brendon's smirk turn from good natured to purely eveil back to good natured. It was so quick that Ryan almost missed it. He felt off, and he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Mm," he moaned, stealing one final kiss from Ryan. "Just don't be upset if I use it for bad intentions," Ryan's heart stopped again. Just the way that he said that made his blood boil and over flow. "Like my own personal sex slave for instance."

He felt all of the tension leave him again, and the need to have Brendon in him was gone again, but it was still a dull thought in the back of his body. Ryan sighed long and drawn out. "Guess I have to go along with it, since you do have my soul and whatnot," he trailed off.

Brendon smiled.


Brendon tried to straighten his shirt the best he could. Ryan just insited on one more fuck for the road and Brendon couldn't agree more, but he already knew that Pete was going to be a whiny little bitch about the whole thing. Despite Pete's bitching, he was going to really enjoy the rest of eternity once Ryan died.

He contemplated just killing Ryan just for the hell of it, but he figured he'd wait for his actual death. Lord knows that it wasn't going to last that long. And he didn't want him to be too pissed when he ended up in Hell with Brendon owning his soul. He would just have to make more trips to Earth.

To say that he was surprised that Pete was standing outside of Ryan's house would be a downright lie. He was kind of expecting him. He knew that Pete couldn't wait until they were back in Hell to bitch and complain to Brendon. About Brendon.

He was leaning against the side of Ryan's car glaring at him. "You didn't have to fuck him you know."

Brendon shrugged. He did, he totally did. He didn't have to have Ryan fuck him but it was so awesome. Ryan's eternity was going to be full of fucking. Lots of fucking but lots of Pete, also. He might not like that part of that, Brendon mused, but he would get over it. Hopefully.

"Oh, I did, Peter."

Pete rolled his eyes, and Brendon could tell that he was not enjoying this in the least. "I've been here for weeks trying to get this kids soul and you just swoop in and get it in one night? And fuck him multiple times? Unfair," Pete whined.

Brendon laughed. "You're just mad that Dad loves me best."

Pete's eyes grew twice their size and started guffawing. "What. No. Dad does not like you more. No way. Just because you get him more souls than anyone else doesn't mean anything!"

Brendon rolled his eyes and started walking down Ryan's street. He loved teasing his older brother. It was that more sweet that it took barely any effort from him to get Ryan's soul, and to get into his pants. It was just a natural gift.

Brendon smiled to himself. "How many souls did you get last month?" He inquired even though he knew the answer was one.

Pete stomped his foot, and Pete was seriously the worst demon ever. Demons didn't stomp their feet. Only girls did. "Unfair. You know for a fact that Patrick soulblocks me!" He whined.

Brendon snickered and just like Brendon predicted Patrick showed up. Brendon looked at him and high-fived him. Patrick soulblocked Pete so much and it was hilarious every single time. Brendon wasn't sure how Pete ever got a soul, but he did get the occassional one. But most of the time Patrick would come in, show his good influence and the object of Pete's affection would run the other way.

Patrick looked pretty smug himself, and he was the coolest angel because he helped Brendon bust Pete's balls constantly. He was also the coolest angel because angels and demons weren't supposed to talk to each other but Patrick didn't really give a fuck.

Pete crossed his arms and they started walking to the main road while Patrick just hovered next to them. "Soulblocking should be a sin."

Patrick snorted. "Patrick, Patrick, you know Ryan right?" Brendon asked.

Patrick nodded. "The soul that Pete's been trying, and failing, to get for the last month?"

Brendon laughed. "The very one," he was wary about telling Patrick because he was an angel and an angel of God and God was very against getting souls and homosexuals. But Patrick is usually awesome, so he gave it a shot. "Well in a single night I got his soul, and, um, had my way with him a few times."

Brendon held his breath for a moment before Patrick held out his hand. Brenodn looked at Pete, then back to Patrick. "Wait, shouldn't you be all condescending now?"

Patrick snorted. "Dude, you did that all in one night? You beat the shit out of Pete's ego, didn't you?" He looked at Pete real fast, then turned back to recieve his high five. Brendon relunctantly high fived him. "Besides, old man Jeeves needs to get with the times. Gay sex is where it's at."

Brendon laughed at that and seriously, how is Patrick still an angel? That is the most blasphmous thing he's ever heard and his father is Satan for Christ's sake. This was starting to become an awesome day. He got to fuck Ryan, the guy he planned on fucking the rest of eternity, busted the balls of his brother, got another soul for his father even though he was going to keep this one for himself, and Patrick the angel was talking shit about God, calling him Jeeves.

"So, can you like send me to hell, or do I have to do this the hard way," Brendon asked Patrick. He loved jumping out in front of a car as much as the next demon but he didn't mind being sent there by Patrick.

"Sure thing, Bren," he shrugged. Pete gestered to himself. Patrick snorted. "You can get ran over by a bike." Patrick sent some of his warmth to Brendon and the last thing he heard before he opened his eyes to the fiery depth of his home in Hell was "He got your guy in one night that is the funniest thing I've ever heard."


character: pete, character: brendon, pairing: ryan/brendon, rating: nc-17, type: standalone, character: ryan, genre: demon!fic, type: fic, character: patrick

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