Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions
I was asked this by
mitchiemarie This had wayyyy better answers but my internet cut out and it didn't save ;____;
1.When and how did you get into slash? The year was 2005... It was right around when FUCT came out (Fall Out Boy album) and I was on livejournal talking to my fuckbuddy (it's essential to the story. He's bi and hates/loves pwentz. Maybe not essential but oh well)and lurking some livejournal communities where I ran into
patrickxpeter and I found slash. I was into girlxguy fanfiction, but this opened a whole new world because I had this whole theory that Patrick and Pete were in love and fucking anyway. Then after months of being obsessed they kept inserting people from another one of my favorite bands Panic! at the Disco, Ryan and Brendon, so that led me to Panic slash. Then later I found the comm
damnyouwentz and that led me to cobra, tai, etc. And here I am now. Never went back.
2.What weird nervous habits do you have? I bite my nails, and when I get really bad anxiety or I get panicked I choke my self. Asyphxication calms me down. Oral fixation + asyphixication = weirdo
3.Have you ever had a bad/sad/mad/weird/awkward romance? (or a my chemical romance? xD) Probably my relationship with a guy I dated in my junior year. Well, I broke up with him once before and not even a day later he asked out two of my best friends Cassie and Katie. W/e w/e, we eventually went back out, but he proposed to me rendering me speechless that entire day. I broke up with him for good. That relationship featured everything on that list except chemical and mad :)
4.What's the funniest way that you can think of to fail at robbing a bank? Does Ryan Ross count as an answer? If not, probably bringing in a squirt gun as a gun and being beaten by a decrepit old man O_O
5.What's your flavor? xD Are we talking about chicks/dicks? I don't really let gender stereotypes hold me down, but I'm more into the dix than the chicks. Someone's in specific, actually. (*coughifyouknowmewellenoughyouknowthiscertainpersonisryanrosscough*) Unless we're talking about a different ~flavor, then I can edit my answer xD