
Nov 13, 2009 23:37

Title: Assorted Drabbles
Author: stfu_pwentzz
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon, MCR Gen, Joe Jonas/Tom Conrad, Jon/Brendon (Marked)
Rating:: PG-13
Beta: stitches_later
Summary: A bunch of drabbles that I submitted to anon_lovefest
Disclaimer: This is an act of fiction. I don’t own any of the characters just the plots.

Dexter’s Laboratory AU | Gen | PG

Gerard was very concentrated. He just had to add one more line of code and then everything was complete. This would be his greatest discovery to date.

Gerard took a deep breath, wiped the sweat off of his forehead and--

"Hey, Gerard?"

Gerard turned around to his brother standing behind him, licking a sucker. Gerard groaned. "Mikey how many times do I have to tell you don't come in my lab!"

Mikey shrugged. He lodged the sucker into his cheek and pointed to an area on the other side of the room. "What does the green button over there do?"

Gerard just smashed his head onto the desk. He didn't even have to ask if Mikey touched it, because he knew he touched it.

Gerard brought his head up, and all he saw was red. Bright red anger.

"Mikey! You just blew up Atlantis! Atlantis, Mikey," Gerard seethed for a moment before he slammed both hands on his desk. "Atlantis!"

Mikey shrugged again. "Sucks to be them."

At The Coffee Shop | Tom/Joe | PG-13

Joe knew it was going to be a good day as soon as he seen the guy sipping his latte in the Starbucks.

Joe looked around and it was pretty empty, just a single scruffy haired barista and this blonde, equally scruffy haired guy.

He smiled, because he had charm, and wit, and he could totally get this guy in a second.

Joe flipped his hair out of his hair out of his hair and sauntered to sit next to the guy. The guy didn't even glance up from his book he was reading.

He couldn't be sidetracked though. He had wit and charm.

"Hey, you come here often?" Joe asked.

The guy still didn't glance up, but shrugged. "It's a coffee shop." He said bluntly.

Joe opened his mouth to woo this guy, but he opened his mouth and the guy's head snapped up.

"Uh, are you sitting here for a reason?"

Joe was so caught off guard he didn't know what to say. Then, no, no one talked to Joe like that. He had every reason to be at Blondie’s table.

Joe scoffed. "Do you know who I am?"

The guy was still looking at him like he was a bug that was irritating him. "No," he trailed off.

Joe was taken back. No? How. How could this guy not know who he was?

"I am Joe Jonas."

Tom looked away to the barista that was coming up to their table, then back at Joe. "You say that like it’s supposed to mean something."

Then the barista was leaning on the table, their table, and smiled at blondie. "Hey, Tom, who's your friend?"

Tom. Joe liked that it was nice and simple.

Tom shrugged and turned towards the barista. "The hell if I know, Walker. Apparently Joe? Joe Jonas? Ring any bells?"

Walker scrunched his nose. "Is it suppose to?"

Tom laughed then, and it looked nice. Even if they were talking about Joe like he wasn't even there. Tom's features softened and Joe was a little smitten.

Walker turned to look at him, and it looked like at least one of them was acting like he existed. "So, Joseph, me and Thomas here were thinking about closing shop and checking out the animal shelter."

Tom grunted and kicked Walker in the shin and Walker didn't even flinch, he just kept smiling.

"You don't even know him, Jon! He could be a serial rapist or something," Tom tried to look uninterested again.

Joe waved his hand in front of Tom's face. "Hello, I'm right here, and I would never do such acts on cereal."

Tom slapped his face and groaned. Jon was still smiling, maybe even wider.

"See, he's adorable. He'll fit right in at the shop. Come on."

Tom lifted his face, and turned to look from Joe to Jon back to Joe.

He groaned again. "Fuck you, Jonny. Let's go."

Joe smiled to himself. He would woo this guy with his wit and charm if it was the last thing he did.

Don't You Forget To Think About Me | Ryan/Brendon | PG-13

Ryan really doesn’t want to go to college. Every time that Brendon packs a shirt for him, he secretly takes out three more. That might explain Brendon’s questioning stare when he realizes that it took them an hour and a half to fill one suitcase.

When Brendon goes to the bathroom, Ryan unzips the suitcase and grabs a pile of clothes and throws them into his closet. He’ll deal with the mess later when Brendon goes home. Which he will, because even though he’s graduating later this year, his parents still weren’t cool with Brendon staying at Ryan’s house too late.

They had a problem when Brendon was kicked out for two months and Ryan lived with him for a little bit. Ryan was pretty sure that’s when they accepted that Brendon wasn’t coming back to the church and that he loved Ryan.

They accepted their relationship, just still didn’t accept pre-marital sex. What they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them though. As far as they knew, Brendon was still a virgin.

Ryan smiled at that. Brendon was totally not a virgin. If Ryan still went to college, that could make him smile during late nights. All he would have would be memories, phone calls and Ryan didn’t want to forget anything.

But, that was a what if. As of right now Ryan was all for taking a gap year before Brendon would join him in college. UNLV was too far for Ryan to go without Brendon until December.

Ryan looked down at his bed and frowned. The suitcase shouldn’t even be there, Brendon should be on his bed. Brendon should be lying on Ryan’s bed so Ryan can have the image for months. He looked down at his keys and had a great idea.

He couldn’t drive off to college if he lost his keys. He grew an evil grin and tossed them into his top drawer that was always open. He heard the sink turn off and quickly ran over to his dresser and shut the top drawer with his hip.

Suddenly Brendon was standing in front of him, but Ryan tried to act casual. Brendon cracked a smile for his efforts.

“What are you up to, Ross?”

Not taking his hips off of his dresser, afraid that the drawer would miraculously open to reveal Ryan’s plot, he just shrugged his shoulders and shot Brendon a smile. “I’m not up to anything.” He told Brendon confidently.

Brendon rolled his eyes and walked over to the bed. Ryan turned to watch him walk, still leaning against the dresser. Brendon looked down at the suitcase and turned around to shoot Ryan a look. That look said too much.

Brendon huffed out a breath and crossed his arms. “Mind telling me why your suitcase just won’t fill up?”

Ryan shrugged his shoulders, feigning innocence. Brendon rolled his eyes at him, with a smile playing on his lips. “I don’t know, maybe I don’t have enough clothes.”

That made Brendon laugh; full and boisterous, and it really shouldn’t make Brendon seem sexy, but it just did. Brendon crossed the room and wrapped his arms around Ryan’s torso.

“Ry, you have clothes from every decade pretty much. Don’t lie,” he laughed in Ryan’s neck and he felt the hair’s stick up. Brendon was breathing hot air on him and that made Ryan want to stay even more.

Ryan squeezed Brendon closer to him, never wanting to let him go. As if Brendon was the one who was leaving and not Ryan. Ryan didn’t want to go.

Ryan kissed Brendon’s cheek. “I love you,” he whispered. Ryan kissed across Brendon’s cheek until it reached his ear. “But, I don’t have anything from the fifties. Sorry to disappoint.”

Brendon let go of him and bit his lip bashfully. “You’re full of such shit. I know you have a Danny Zuko costume in your basement from Halloween last year.”

Ryan did, but Ryan didn’t think of that of the fifties. That was more seventies, masquerading as fifties. And Halloween costumes didn’t count.

Ryan looked at Brendon’s face, his trusting eyes, and full lips and Ryan could stare at him all day. It was the face of the boy who saved his life. If it wasn’t for Brendon, Ryan still wouldn’t be sane.

Brendon took care of him when his dad died, just absorbed all of his derogatory comments and just smiled at him until Ryan broke. Brendon was so good to him and if Ryan left for college it was like he was just abandoning him.

Two years, one month and twelve days they’ve been together and they were going to be separated four months. Four months that they didn’t have to be separated. Ryan had it all figured out. He could just work for the year; earn money for when he and Brendon went to college. He never had to leave.

Ryan just looked at Brendon, really looked at him and realized how much he didn’t want to leave. Brendon tried to look away, he hated when Ryan looked at him for a long period of time, but Ryan made sure he couldn’t look away.

They were just looking at each other when Brendon whispered “I don’t want you to go.”

Ryan smiled down at him. “Fine, I won’t go.”

Brendon groaned and finally tore his eyes off of Ryan. Brendon slumped against Ryan’s chest and Ryan automatically wrapped his arms around him. “Do you think I want you to go to college and leave me alone for a year? This is harder on me than it is on you, Ryan.”

That made Ryan stop. Brendon was all happy go lucky as he was helping Ryan pack for college, not once complaining, not once saying that he didn’t want Ryan to go. Ryan just thought Brendon didn’t care if he stayed or go.

And now that he thought about it, he seemed like the worst boyfriend ever. Here he was, getting ready for college and being selfish. Brendon was probably torn up about it. Brendon might have saved Ryan’s sanity and life, but Ryan knew that Ryan saved Brendon from different things.

“I don’t want you to go but I know you have to. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” Brendon whispered.

Ryan bit his lip and suddenly felt horrible. “I’m. Well, I’m sorry, Brendon.” He confessed meekly. This was not how he wanted to spend his last day with Brendon. There was supposed to be kisses and snuggling. Not fighting and Ryan generally hating himself.

Brendon kissed the side of Ryan’s neck. “It’s okay. I know you don’t want to leave, but for once I have to be the adult. I don’t want you to leave either, but it’s not up to me,” Brendon tensed up for a moment before he spoke again. “It’s what your dad would have wanted.”

Ryan tensed up too. It’s not like they haven’t talked about Ryan’s dad since he died, it was just they didn’t don’t talk about him often. Usually it’s Ryan to initiate conversation. But Ryan knows that Brendon’s right. Brendon’s usually right.

Ryan finally let go of Brendon and kissed him on the cheek. He sighed and slumped against the dresser. “I know.”

Brendon kissed the corner of his mouth. Ryan smiled into it and shifted a little bit so their lips met. Brendon smiled into it also. “There, no frowns. Today is a special day. Today I have presents.”

Ryan laughed and just fell that much more in love with him. Ryan was being a drama queen and Brendon brought him presents.

At first Brendon wouldn’t give in. He just laughed when Ryan asked for it. Ryan glared at him and tickled him onto the floor until he just gave in.

“Fine, fine,” he yelled. Brendon was the loudest person alive when he was getting tickled. Just another thing that Ryan loved about him. One of the millions of things. “It’s on top of your suitcase.”

Ryan and Brendon both hopped up and Ryan just looked down at the ground as Brendon gave him the look again. Ryan was not going to miss that look that was some good news.

Brendon coughed. “Well, it was in your suitcase.”

Ryan rolled his eyes and started mumbling incoherently as he trudged over to his closet to start looking for something that wasn’t clothes. He just started chucking clothes back onto his bed before he came to a big manila folder.

He held it up for Brendon and Brendon nodded. Ryan tried not to let his excitement fall to much. It’s not that he didn’t appreciate it, he did, and it was just a manila folder. He’d seen enough of those in the last year to fill a lifetime.

He hopped up from the floor and joined Brendon on the bed. Brendon grabbed the suitcase and tossed it onto the ground to make more room on the bed. Brendon rolled his eyes. “Don’t look too excited about it, Ry.” He said.

That made Ryan sound like he was being a spoiled child, and that wasn’t it. He just didn’t really know what could be in a manila folder that was so great.

He brought the metal prongs up and opened the yellow folder. Looking inside it was a bunch of pictures. He looked back at Brendon and raised an eyebrow. Brendon laughed and just told him to look at the pictures.

Ryan shrugged and shook the pictures out of the envelope. At first glance he wasn’t sure what to make of it, but then he realized it was a close up of him playing his guitar at Jon’s bonfire a few weeks ago. It was dark, and the light was different so that was why it took him a while to figure it out.

Ryan looked up at Brendon and Brendon just signaled for him to continue looking at the pictures. Ryan flipped over to the next one. It was a picture of the two of them. Brendon was hanging off of Ryan’s shoulders smiling into the camera and Ryan didn’t even know that anyone took that picture.

He kept flipping the pictures and it went from pictures of the two of them to just pictures of Brendon. And then there were pictures of just Brendon. Ryan blinked and looked up at Brendon.

Brendon had a warm smile on his face. “There for you. When your away from school and we can’t talk or whatever, you’ll have something to remember me by.”

Ryan didn’t want to sound cheesy and say like that could happen. So he didn’t. He kept looking through the pictures and it seemed the closer to the end that Ryan got the less clothes Brendon was wearing. By the time he got to the last picture he was simultaneously happy and bummed that Brendon was wearing clothes.

Happy because most likely Jon was taking these pictures. “Jon took these?”

Brendon laughed in Ryan’s ear. “Yeah, but don’t worry. I didn’t show him the goods. I’ll send those via text message.”

Ryan melted in Brendon’s arms when he said that. Brendon had a firm rule against dirty pictures and cell phones. But suddenly going away to college didn’t seem like such a bad thing after all

Good Times Never Seemed So Good | Ryan/Brendon, Spencer/Jon, unrequited Spencer/Gabe | PG-13

It was just another Wednesday for Ryan. Another Wednesday morning he didn't want to wake up, but he was bribed when he thought about his morning English class. He knew it was two things he held dearly: coffee and Brendon.

Brendon was this kid who went from quiet to loud as fast as he went from the row behind Ryan to right next to him.

Ryan groaned and very slowly pulled himself out of bed and to the coffee shop to get coffee for him and Brendon. He was 99% sure that it was his day. (Brendon got Monday's while Ryan got Wednesday's.)

He finally made it to class and of course there were only three people there. It was him, Brendon and Gabe. Gabe was in Ryan's history class, and that's how they met. Gabe was either sleeping, or still wired from the night before.

This certain Wednesday he was sleeping. Or at least trying to sleep, which Ryan called faux-sleeping in his head.

"Morning Sunshine!" Brendon beamed before he realized there was coffee in Ryan's hand.

Brendon made grabby hands at the coffee in Ryan's hands. Ryan rolled his eyes and thought about teasing Brendon for a minute before he gave in.

It was too early to be that mean, even if Brendon looked a little more wired than usual.

Ryan took his seat between Brendon and Gabe and laughed at Brendon's cheerfulness. "Morning, Bren. Nice PJ's."

Brendon looked down at his hamburger pajama pants, and scoffed. "These," he bent his head down to point at his pants with his nose "are not PJ's. Not mine anyway."

"What do you wear to bed then?"

Gabe laughed in his faux sleep. Brendon smiled at Ryan. "Option A: boxers. Option B: no boxers."

Ryan laughed at him. "Why are you so jumpstarted this morning? You're usually like the dead until class starts."

He was. Brendon's prime happened twenty minutes after class started.

Brendon braced his hands on the table. "Duh. Cobra's playing tonight. I'm stoked."

Gabe smiled in his sleep. "Mm. Cobra's," he lifted his arm a little before he dropped it back down onto the table.

Kids started to trickle in the classroom. Then it was five minutes until class started and Ryan looked up when Brendon bounced up out of his seat.

"What are you doing?"

Brendon shrugged. "Getting us some breakfast at the court."

Ryan looked back at the clock. "You only have four minutes."

Brendon beamed him a smile "I'll make it," and he bolted out the door.

Ryan watched him run by the window outside the classroom and he most definitely did not sigh after him.

"You got it bad, Ross."

Ryan looked over to a fully awake Gabe. Gabe had a slight smirk on his face. Last time he had that look Ryan found himself in the middle of an almost orgy. "I got your mom bad, Gabe."

Gabe shrugged. "Whatever how's Spencer these days?"

Ryan shrugged too, a smug smile on his face. He was feeling an evil mood overcome him. "Good. He and Jon are getting pretty serious now."

Gabe blanched and sunk lower into his seat. "Fucking Walker."

Ryan smiled to himself. That was totally a Ryan Win. Gabe had it bad for Spencer. Stalking and flowers bad. It was a pretty weird courtship, what with Spencer taken and Gabe never being a one-man (or woman) kind of guy.

The door slammed and most of the classes, including Ryan, snapped to it before it opened again. "Here Ms. Loust, let me open the door for you."

Ms. Loust smiled at Brendon, and Ryan kind of did too.


She should dye her hair rainbow y/n?

The note was set on top of his notebook, and that was making taking notes real easy. Then he read it and smiled despite himself.

Brendon was ridiculous and Ryan kind of like him for it.

haha. n.

c'mon. Her mole could turn into a horn and she could be a unicorn!!

Ryan read it as soon as Brendon passed it. Then he tried, and failed, to contain his laughter. The professor looked at him and he forced himself to look back at the board.

A few minutes passed before another piece of paper found its way on Ryan's notebook.

He looked down and it was a hangman, with the words (Author, Last name) with five blank spots.

Ryan stared at the blank spots for a minute before he took his guess. Wilde?

Brendon glared at him and scribbled it out. When he was done it was still an author but it was two words now. The first word was four letters and the second was five, with a tongue smiley next to it.

Ryan bit his lip. He thought for a minute, and guessed again. Mark Twain?

Brendon huffed and huddled over the piece of paper before handing it back to Ryan.

You can only guess one letter

Ryan smiled despite himself. It's because I'm right, isn't it.

You comin' to Gabe's show tonite?

Ryan softly laughed at Brendon's subject changing skills. Don't change the subject. And maybe.

Brendon bit his lip and wrote jerk. He passed it back to Ryan, but before Ryan could even touch it, he slid it back to his part of the table. Come please?

Ryan replied Maybe if you beat me at hangman once.

Brendon laughed, but still wrote down hate you.

Ryan looked at Brendon out of the corner of his eye, a small smile on his lips. You love me.

Brendon didn't make a facial expression when he passed the last note.

Yeah, well...you're a jerk


Spencer groaned. It wasn't that attractive of a sound, but it seemed Spencer used that more than words.

"You're taking me and Jon to one of Gabe's shows? Have you lost your mind, Ryan?!"

Ryan shrugged. He half wanted to go for Gabe's band and he half wanted to go because Brendon asked him. The second was the bigger half, even though he'd never admit it.

Not like anyone would know either way.

"I haven't heard them in a while and you and Jon need to go out more often."

Spencer glared at him, but he was texting Jon already. "If he dedicates a song to me or something, I swear to God I'm gonna kill you."


Ryan shot Spencer a nervous smile, but Spencer wasn't smiling back. Ryan lost it. It was Spencer's fault anyway. He basically jinxed the entire thing.

Gabe started their set by dedicating a song. "Spencer Smith, this song is for you because you are one hot piece of ass," then some feedback on Ryland's guitar before he continued "and I totally respect you for that."

Spencer glared and then it got worse. Gabe started to sing. "I came here to get Spencer's ass tonight," and Ryan tried to do some damage control but there was only so much he could do.

Ryan tried to grasp at straws but that wasn't even working. "You pretty much asked karma to do it because you said he better not," Ryan trailed off because he saw someone behind Spencer's head.

Spencer bit something else out but Ryan couldn't even pay any attention. Holy fucking shit. There was a guy right behind Spencer and Ryan really wanted a piece of that hot ass. Not even being metaphorical. That ass.

He was kind of maybe still in his bi phase.

Ryan was pretty much drooling at the hot guy before he turned around and. And it was Brendon?

Ryan rubbed his eyes and yep it was Brendon. He didn't have his glasses on and he was warring tighter clothes but it was him alright.

In a bold move he walked up to Brendon and spun him around from whoever he was talking about. Brendon was in the middle of a sentence, but as soon as he realized it was Ryan his mouth dropped.

Ryan felt Brendon's gaze sucking Ryan's appearance in and it was just as awkward as it was hot.

"Wanna dance?"

Brendon nodded but not before he apologized to whoever he was talking to. At least he was polite. Ryan knew he kind of let Spencer keep talking but whatever.

It was one of Gabe's new songs playing through the speakers and it was really nice to grind to. Which was exactly what Brendon started doing when they danced.

"You clean up good, Ross," Brendon said, low and hoarse. Ryan just nodded, not trusting himself to say anything. This could not be the same Brendon who was the dorkiest guy Ryan knew and went to English in PJ's.

"Really fucking hot," he panted into Ryan's ear. Oh fuck. Ryan was so gone.

Ryan pressed closer to Brendon and started grinding down also. They were getting pretty into it when Ryan snuck a kiss.

It wasn't long, but as soon as it was over Brendon's eyes opened. "Oh man. Do you, uh, want to go back to my place to check out my PJ's?"

Ryan laughed and the mod should be shot but it just shifted a little bit. It was more comfortable but the want and attraction was still there. And Ryan wanted Brendon. Dorky or hot, he just wanted him.

Ryan leaned in to nip at Brendon's ear. Brendon held onto his shoulder for balance. "Don't kick me out though. I'm your source of caffeine every Wednesday."

Brendon laughed and tightened his grip on Ryan's shoulder and just led him towards the exit.

Agent Bryar | Gen | PG

Bob was sitting with the medic, trying to figure out ways to off himself and trying to make it look like Ryan did it. That part was too easy. The thing was Bob didn't really want to die. Ryan being in prison, he could deal with, but if he was in any perimeter of Bob, he was going to die.

Ryan was jittery. "I'm really sorry Agent Bryar," Ryan apologized for the eighth time since he was ushered to the medic. Bob didn't care. He could apologize until he was blue in the face, but he still shot Bob. And they were all blanks! Walker, Urie and Smith were the smart ones and decided to leave as fast as they could. But Ross was not the smart one out of the group.

Bob just grunted and he even clicked his heels three times and Ross was still right there annoying the shit out of him. Bob turned to Ryan. "You want me to forgive you?"

Ross nodded vigorously. "Please."

Bob clenched his teeth together. "Then get out of my face." Bob didn't know if his vein that occassionally popped out, popped out, but Ross pretty much bolted from his seat next to Bob. Bob could have sung, seriously.

The medic got Bob all cleaned up and it was a pretty good shot. Bob would give accidentally kudos to Ross' accidental shot. It hurt like a bitch, but his head didn't hurt like when his four protégé’s were around, so he took some casualties.

Bob was about to leave, do something where he didn't have to see or speak to anything when Agent Stump walked into the room. There was idle chit chat for a few minutes before Patrick got to the point. "So, do you want a break from Ross' group?"

Bob could have kissed Patrick. Yes, yes, yes. Anything. He would do anything.

Afterwards, Bob wanted to kill Patrick and was silently praying that he would be reassigned to help out with Ross' group again. They were annoying as fuck, but they weren't a group of six Alex's!

The Show Must Go On | Jon/Brendon | PG-13

Brendon was sitting in his chair, while Ryan got his make up ready behind him. Brendon didn't mind waiting because he had his chance to check out Brendon's favorite stagehand, Jon, fix the wall that Brendon accidentally broke the other night. He had his tool belt slung low on his hips and he looked so concentrated while he was hammering the wall back together. It was the hottest thing that Brendon's ever seen.

He still heard Ryan rustling behind him so he knew he was safe to lick his lips and just stare from afar at Jon. He had tried to go up to Jon before, just say "Hey, I'm the lead and you should meet me in the closet during intermission," but everytime he did that, it messed up somehow.

Ryan was spinning him around before he realized what was happening. Brendon scoffed at him, but Ryan wasn't looking at him, he was looking at Jon. "Is he fixing the wall that you broke?"

Brendon frowned. It wasn't like he meant to break the wall down. It just...happened. During his speech he was giving Jon, but his speech didn't quite happen like that. He got the sexy "Hey," down pat. It was the rest of it that got lost in translation, or in Brendon's case, lost in the wall. He didn't realize that the wall was as hollow as he thought it was.

He had tried to lean on the wall, to give him more leverage, when in fact leverage was what he lost. He fell straight through the wall, and Jon didn't say anything at first. He looked down at Brendon for a few seconds, and then busted out laughing. He laughed and walked away. Not really how Brendon had that planned out, but he could work on it.

"Breaking walls is just part of my job description," he informed Ryan.

Ryan looked down at him with eyeliner in his hands. "Really? I thought it was only your pretty face and your singing."

Brendon scrunched his nose up and stopped looking at Ryan. Ryan knew that was Brendon's only weakness, that he was only a pretty face. Didn't mean he wasn't, but he was afraid that they didnt' want him just for his talent, which was quite larger than his pretty face. "Speaking of jobs, aren't you supposed to be doing yours right now? I could have your fired, never to touch another kohl pencil in your life."

Ryan pursed his lips and started to work on Brendon's eyes. Brendon just sat back and tried to watch Jon work on the wall while Ryan worked. It was very calming. He was always worried that Ryan was going to stab him in the eye with the pencil, so it was nice to look at Jon work.

He was probably sweaty too.

"So, what do you see in that Walker guy anyway. I mean, it's pretty obvious you have a crush on him," Ryan tried to say nonchalantly but Brendon could sense the hostility in his tone. He tried to ignore it. He wouldn't apologize about firing Ryan anyway, because one he never apologized, and two, he'd never fire Ryan. Ryan was the best makeup guy in the business, and truth be told he was pretty much Brendon's only friend in the show.

Brendon sighed while Ryan's back was turned to get the eye shadow that brought out Brendon's brown eyes. Brendon scoped Jon out and it wasn't just his body, even thought that was a large part of it.

"He's pretty good looking, that's one part of it. And do you remember when we had to stay late that one night and he called to his apartment to talk to his cats? Who does that?"

Ryan turned back around and knelt down next to Brendon to work on his eyes. Ryan looked concentrated also, but in a different way. Ryan wanted Brendon to look perfect, and Jon just wanted to make sure the wall stayed put together.

"You've heard me call Hobo before," he said offhand. That was true, but Brendon didn't know who Ryan was bringing it up in the first place.

"Anyway, he's just super nice. Remember how Jessica chewed him out that one day about how he placed her prop on the wrong table during rehearsal? Then, later that night when her boyfriend broke up with her, he was sitting with her and actually talking to her, like he honestly cared. And he probably did care."

Ryan grunted to himself, so Brendon took that as his cue to go on. "And he does have quite a... package. If you know what I mean," Brendon laughed and the only sound he heard from Ryan was the cracking of the eyeliner pencil.

Brendon looked up and Ryan looked down at the pencil. "Oops," he muttered unapologetically. Brendon didn't really know what was up with Ryan, but it was weird.

He ignored the eye pencil mishap because he really needed actual advice. "Ryan, I need you to help me."

Ryan rolled his eyes and threw the pencil back on the counter and grabbed the powder and started banging the brush against Brendon's cheeks. "Why," he emphasized the word with an extra powerful fluff "Do you need my help?"

Brendon tried to bat the brush away. "Ryan, I'm not playing a ghost, Jesus Christ." Ryan finally stopped trying to kill him with powder and went for the lip liner. "I need your help because you’re my friend, my best friend."

Ryan smiled down at him, and that was the softest his face had been all day. "Really?"

Brendon nodded and smiled to himself. "And as my best friend, you need to tell me how to get into Jon Walker's pants!" he shouted triumphantly.

Ryan sighed and leaned against the counter. "I dunno. Maybe try not being an asshole?"

Brendon scoffed and spun himself so he could look at Ryan in the eyes so he could tell how against that idea he was. "I asked for some advice, not an entire life altering decision."

Ryan sighed and finished Brendon's face up a little. "All I'm saying, is try not to be a giant asshole, okay?"


"You come here often?" Brendon asked, leaning on the wall again. He knocked on it multiple times to make sure it was hollow enough to take his elbow. He wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

Brendon was painting a different flat and wasn't paying Brendon that much attention. "Yeah, I work here you know."

Brendon shined his nails on his shirt. This was perfect. The perfect time to set up shop on Jon Walker. He took a step away from the freshly drying flat and started to fan himself. Ugh, Brendon could do this.

Hook, line and sinker.

"Do you know what I love about you Jon Walker?"

Jon shook his head, and brought his hands to the crook of his shirt. "That you enjoy calling me by my first and last name?"

Brendon laughed, but out of sheer force because he needed to be witty and seem to have a sense of humor, because that was obviously a joke. "No, I love..." he trailed off as Jon took off his shirt muttering It's fucking hot in here and Brendon lost everything he was saying.

Jon looked back at him, throwing his shirt over his sweaty shoulder. "You were saying?"

Brendon stuttered and slipped against the door. He crossed his arms and leaned against the flat. "I love how every... I love how..."

Jon's lips curved upwards. "You love how you're covered in paint?"

Brendon furrowed his eyebrows together. "No, and I'm not covered," he looked down to show Jon that he was most certainly not covered in paint except he kind of was. He looked down at his arms, and he turned around and the back of his shirt was soaked in blue paint. Why didn't he notice?

Brendon glared at him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Jon shrugged and just started laughing. Brendon didn't even want to hear his excuse why he didn't tell him. He was the lead actor god damn it and he demanded respect!


Ryan was doubled over with laughter when Brendon told him. Brendon was not amused. Not amused at all.

"Yeah, go ahead and laugh. The longer that Jon Walker thinks I'm a fool, the closer you are to unemployment, and I am completely serious," he warned, his eyes narrowing at Ryan as his laughter slowed down until it completely stopped.

"Did you take any of my advice?" Ryan asked, slightly exasperated.

Brendon scoffed. Of course he took Ryan's advice. What was Ryan's advice? Not be an asshole. Oh. "Actually, no I didn't. But you had the shittiest advice ever!"

Ryan rolled his eyes. "How in the hell is not acting like an asshole so hard for you? Maybe, you know, someone would actually want to date you if you weren't an ass."

Brendon shrugged. "Maybe, but look at me. He should want me just because I'm hot. You obviously do."

Ryan crossed his arms. "Just keep that attitude, and you'll do awesome with Jon. Now get out of my apartment."


Three attempts later and the most Brendon's done has been break things, embarrass himself and make Jon laugh. This was not working in his favor. And on top of that Ryan wasn't talking to him. Brendon would tell Ryan to go cry him a river, but Brendon actually felt bad about it a little bit.

And now, he had no one as his conspirator anymore. It was just him, and ever since Ryan had left the mission, all of Brendon's ideas had fell flat to the floor, sometimes bringing Brendon with him.

He had the pick up lines. The pick up lines were there! They were good. They should have had Jon eating out of his palm.

" I'm not wearing an invisibility cloak, but do you think I could still visit your restricted section tonight?
which ended with Brendon taking a step forward but forgetting the "wet" signs and playing slip and slide with the floor, bruising his forehead, which made more work for Ryan.

"Hey, want to see my wookie?" which ended with Jon just laughing in his face. That was the closest to "Hey, touch my dick" that Brendon was willing to go, because he was still trying to take Ryan's advice, whether he realized it or not.

"Can I have a band-aid? I hurt my knees when I fell for you. which just turned into "Can I have a band-aid?!" because Brendon was sliding his hand on the railing and he got cut on the metal. Jon just sighed and ran off to get him a band aid like the nice guy he was, and Brendon was starting to think it was less than sex that Brendon wanted from him. Then he came back, hot from the running and the sex thought was back in his mind.

Then there was the "multiple orgasm" one Brendon was shouting as he was running around in a smock because he needed to get his haircut but Jon walked past so Brendon decided to run after him, scream something charming, full of wit, only to have his windpipe cut off because the smock got caught. And he didn't want to relive passing out, with everyone huddled around him.

And Brendon didn't know what he was doing wrong. It all worked out on paper. Jon should be in his lap already.

There was a notebook in front of Brendon with a large list of three more plots that should work. And if all else failed, Brendon was just going to say...

"Hey, do you want my number?"

Brendon's head popped up, and he was 100% sure that he did not say that out loud. He slowly turned around and there he was. Hot Jon was standing in his dressing room with him. Alone.

Brendon took a gulp of fresh air and he could not mess this up. He was alone with Jon Walker in a room, and he could not cause bodily injury to himself. That would just be embarrassing.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a good flirter?" Jon asked, inching forward towards Brendon. Brendon took a few steps back until he was against the counter. Jon was still inching forward.

Brendon gulped. "Yeah."

Jon was finally right in front of him, and Brendon could practically feel the heat rolling off of Jon's body and onto his. Jon was leaning closer and closer until he finally settled on leaning his cheek on Brendon's cheek. "You should tell them that they're a liar," he whispered, hot air brushing against Brendon's ear. Brendon laughed and that caused Jon's cheek to rub against his and that kind of hurt. Jon had a beard.

Brendon swallowed and Jon took his face back a few inches. Now they were face to face, mouths barely a foot apart. "So," Brendon croaked. He cleared his throat and tried to continue. "Um, how did you know? Know I wanted your number, I mean, unless i just give off that vibe or something."

Jon smiled. "No, your friend Ryan, you know, the makeup dude? Well, he came by to talk to me, and told me about your incredible, pathetic crush on me, and I should at least know about it because you weren't sending the message clearly enough."

Brendon smiled, and then he frowned. Ryan. Ryan told Jon about his stupid, embarrassing crush on Jon?! That backstabber! That no good rotten---

"I wish I had a friend like that. Save me all the trouble, and do some damage control if the friend is kind of spastic."

Brendon froze. Oh. Maybe it was a good thing that Ryan told Jon. Maybe. Maybe they could still be friends, but there were more important issues to worry about at the present moment. "Spastic?" He raised his eyebrows at Jon.

Jon smiled and brought his hands down to Brendon's hips. "Well, let me see if you're only spastic during the wooing," Jon brought his lips to Brendon's and Brendon tried his hardest not to flail his arms a little.

character: mikey, character: jon, character: brendon, genre: gen, pairing: ryan/brendon, character: gerard, character: ryan, rating: pg-13, character: joe, type: fic, type: drabbles, character: tom, pairing: joe/tom, pairing: gen

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