Fic-You're A Sick Son Of a Bitch (And I Kind Of Love You) [S/A]

Nov 04, 2009 21:58

Title: You're A Sick Son Of a Bitch (And I Kind Of Love You)
Author: stfu_pwentzz
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon, brief Jon/Cassie
Rating: NC-17
Beta : stitches_later
Summary: Future-fic. Brendon is sick and Ryan brings him home some soup, but Brendon has something on his mind. Ryan tries to resist him and fails.
Disclaimer: This is an act of fiction. I don’t own any of the characters just the plot.
Author note Domestic!fic set in the future.


When Ryan walked in the house a bowl of soup straight from the subway down the road, it looked not unlike a wolves den. There were bottles of Gatorade everywhere, vitamin and pill bottles ever and Brendon was curled into a ball on their futon.

Ryan thought that he was sleeping, so he set the soup on the table and tried to sneak by Brendon without waking him, but as he tip toed past his head, he felt Brendon's hand circle his wrist and tug lightly. "Ryan?"

Ryan stopped and crouched next to him. Brendon turned to face him and he had a little more color in his cheeks than he did before Ryan left to go check some things out. All was good; Jon said the new baby was doing well. Just a lot of crying, which Jon had expected and Cassie didn't want to kill him every few minutes now. But all Ryan could think of Brendon sick and laying on the couch.

Ryan tried to tell him that it was just a flu. Just a flu and not some national epidemic because he really didn't know what he'd do if Brendon got sick and died. And he even got the shot and Ryan didn't want to go down that road, he just moved some of the hair out of his eyes.

"Hey Bren. Feeling better?" He asked softly. Brendon nodded and nuzzled into Ryan's hand. Ryan looked down at him and didn't matter if he was sick or healthy as a dog, he was just as affectionate towards Ryan and it made Ryan's heart melt a little bit.

Brendon coughed, but Ryan could tell he was trying to keep it in for Ryan's sake. "We should have sex." Ryan laughed out loud at that, the act making Brendon smile a little wider. "I'm serious. Sex, me and you, right now."

Ryan raised an eyebrow. "No offense but I think you'd die in the middle of it," he smiled down at him and kissed his cheek. Brendon put his hand in Ryan's hair and just started patting it down lightly. He wasn't going to win by using his own touches against him. "You have the plague, Brendon."

Brendon snorted and started coughing again. Ryan reached behind him and grabbed for the Gatorade bottle. Brendon sat up a little bit and gulped it down. Ryan couldn't help but smile down at him. He couldn't help it. He took a deep breath after the drink. "Am not."

Ryan ruffled his hair and climbed over him. "I'll lay down with you, but it ends there."

Brendon made an indignant noise and maybe cursed Ryan's first born child under his breath but Ryan just blamed the haze he was in for that. Ryan laid his head right underneath Brendon's chin and while he resisted Ryan knew it wouldn't be for long. Brendon loved cuddling. Always did.

Brendon sighed and turned on his side to wrap his arms around Ryan. He counted it as a win. Ryan just relaxed into the futon and he really wished that Brendon decided to die on their bed. Their bed was a little more comfortable than this measly futon but the way Brendon was snuggling into his side, bringing his arm down, down--

"Brendon," Ryan warned, grabbing his arm and bringing it back to Ryan's side. Brendon was smiling into Ryan's neck and it was hard to pretend to be mad at him.

"Hmph," was the answer Brendon came back with, trying to wriggle his hand out of Ryan's grasp. "Give me back my hand," Brendon groaned.

"No, because I know how you work, Urie."

Brendon pouted, and used his other hand to reach down and rub at Ryan's crotch. He grabbed the other hand, and they were in this weird human pretzel position, with both of Brendon's hands in Ryan's possession. "Sleep first and I'll fuck you."

Brendon smiled and nuzzled against Ryan's neck. "Sleep after. Please?"

Ryan sighed. "No. You're sick. Sick people don't need sex."

Brendon pouted. "Sick people need sex. That's why they're sick," Brendon pointed out. Ryan rolled his eyes. He was pretty sure that was most definitely not why people were sick. And there would be some kind of cure, but he knew how Brendon would get when he wanted some.

Ryan groaned. "Eat your soup first?" He tried to be defiant but he felt himself slowly giving in. It could have something to do with how languid Brendon was underneath him. His eyes were just begging for Ryan and Ryan was trying his damnest not to give into those damn eyes.

Those brown eyes would be the death of him. Brendon bit his lip and looked at Ryan through his eyelashes. "Later?" he whispered, rubbing the back of his palm against Ryan's hip since Ryan's apparently let go of his wrists. Ryan closed his eyes and imagined Brendon throwing up, imagined him wheezing and all the ailments he had which led to the "you can not fuck him" place in his head.

He tried to stay there as long as he could, but Brendon was ghosting his cold fingertips against Ryan's stomach and fuck it. Brendon totally sucked. Being sick or not, he was getting his way. He usually got his way.

He bounced on his knees just to test out the futon because they weren't as young as they were when they first got it. They were in their late twenties and it was kind of humorous how Brendon was like a little boy whenever he was sick. He had Ryan answer to his beck and call, while being completely sweet the entire time. He would pester Ryan until he got the exact brand and flavor of soup he wanted, and would always be down for snuggles. Even if Ryan had things to do.

Ryan really didn't mind. And he really didn't have a problem with having sex with Brendon. He had some shitty morals. That had been decided years and years ago.

He grabbed Brendon's hips and slid him down the futon. Brendon knew exactly what was going on before he was flat on his back. He was trying to yank his Pajama pants down, but they wouldn't get past his knees. Ryan helped pull them down, and pulled his jeans off in the meantime.

He looked down at Brendon and debated about taking their shirts off. Brendon was sick, and he didn't want him to get sicker because he was parading around naked. Which he probably did anyway, but he wasn't going to risk it on his behalf. He'd just push his shirt up or something.

He hopped up from the futon and tried to breeze past Brendon, but Brendon held on to his wrist again. "I got it, I got it," he let go of Ryan's arm and reached down until his hand resurfaced with lube.

Ryan shot him a look, but smirked. He was always prepared. He grabbed it out of Brendon's hands and coated some on his fingers. Brendon set his legs on Ryan's hips and Ryan pushed his index finger in only to find that Brendon was pretty stretched down there. He pushed two fingers in and he wasn't met with that much resistance. He coated his cock with lube and shot Brendon a look.

Which Brendon avoided. Ryan rolled his eyes and pushed in. Brendon felt so good; Ryan was forgetting why he was so against this in the first place. Ryan should listen to Brendon's ideas all of the time.

He was suddenly plagued by suggestions made by Brendon to rob a bank, be a modern day Bonnie and Clyde. He shook the thought out of his mind, and tried to focus on Brendon underneath him.

He was trying to go as slow as possible, which was incredibly hard because Brendon felt so good, and it had been a few days. Ryan remembered when people said that he and Brendon wouldn't have sex as often when they grew older but he threw it to the side. He couldn't believe him and Brendon would limit to once a day, let alone once a week.

But here they were. First time in a good five days and he couldn't believe it. Ryan was too old for this shit. He was too old to be getting old. It was ridiculous.

He stopped his straying thoughts and started to fuck Brendon. Brendon was leaning up, when Ryan started thrusting harder into him. Brendon's hands grabbed Ryan's hips and shoved him closer. Ryan couldn't help but go a little bit faster and harder.

Suddenly, Brendon started having a coughing fit, and his muscles clenched around Ryan's cock and Ryan's breath stopped. He was a horrible human being, but that felt really nice. It was like Brendon's ass was choking Ryan's cock. And his cock must like it almost as much as Ryan did back in the day because he was getting closer and closer.

Brendon's coughs subsided and he froze inside Brendon. "You okay?" He gasped out, his sweat slick hair sticking to his face. Fuck their house was way too hot for this shit. Brendon nodded and jerked his hips forwards and Ryan got the message. He started pushing in again, and lifted Brendon's shirt up before jerking Brendon off.

There were still little coughs and Jesus Christ, he could not keep this up. He started thrusting harder and pumping his hand up and down rougher. Brendon gasped and pulled Ryan down, which made Ryan slip in further. He groaned as Brendon started kissing his cheek.

It was sweet how no matter what Brendon just couldn't have sex with Ryan without kissing some part of his body. Ryan felt Brendon spurt out against his shirt, and he forgot to take his shirt off. He was such an idiot, but he didn't care because a second later he was coming too.


They were laying on the futon, Brendon's breath was a little harder and more rugged than Ryan's, but he wrote that under him being sick. Ryan was wrapped up in Brendon and he couldn't get up for the world.

Brendon turned his head and his breath was heaving fast on Ryan's face. "I want a sweet potato."

Ryan turned to him with an exasperated sigh. "What?!" He just needed to relax. Brendon was twenty seven, he couldn't just keep forcing Ryan around like that. Ryan was twenty eight, and Brendon couldn’t' expect him to jump up right after sex and be at his beck and call.

Brendon snuggled closer. "I want a sweet potato. I'm kind of craving one right now."

Ryan raised an eyebrow and sat up, leaning on his elbow. "Are you pregnant?" Brendon answered that question by hitting Ryan in the head. "Or is it tapeworm." Which he got hit again, but Brendon was laughing so he didn't take him that seriously. "For real, is there something you're not telling me? If there is an alien life form in there I won't judge you," Ryan kissed his cheek as Brendon started laughing hard. He was swatting at Ryan but wasn't even coming close to hitting him.

So funny.

Then he started a coughing fit, so that was less funny. He might not be able to jump up and move around for food, but when Brendon was coughing, he immediately sat up and lifted Brendon up with him. Brendon slumped against him and started coughing, almost as bad as in the middle of sex.

This made Ryan think of amazing things. Like how it felt like Brendon was choking Ryan's cock, and how good it felt. Brendon stopped coughing, but Ryan wasn't paying attention, his mind was still in the past. That made the hit he bestowed upon Ryan make a little more sense.

"Don't smile at me choking, asshole," he rasped out. Ryan knocked their shoulders together and Brendon didn't seem really mad, which wasn't new. Brendon got really mad a lot, but only for serious things. Not Ryan smiling. Ryan's lack of responsibility when it came to paying the bills on time. Which that hadn't changed no matter how old Ryan got.

Ryan bit his lip though because it was funny. "Do you remember when you had that coughing fit when we were fucking?"

Brendon glared at him for changing the subject. "Yeah, maybe because it was three minutes ago?"

"Shut up. Well, when you were coughing, your muscles must have clenched or something. Tense. Whatever. But it felt like you were choking my dick."

Brendon froze, turned to look at Ryan and started laughing again. "You're a nerd. Go make me a sweet potato."

Ryan sighed, and got up to find his pants. He hoped to God that the local grocery store had sweet potatoes or he was screwed. And not in the way he wanted.

Other Stories

genre: domestic, fandom: patd, character: brendon, pairing: ryan/brendon, rating: nc-17, type: standalone, character: ryan, type: fic, fandom: bandom

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