There must be so many ways to say goodbye.

Aug 30, 2004 12:48

This had to be published, its such an amazing story by Brandon haha. but his handwriting sucks so i can't tell if this is supposed to be a #S, a #5, or a #3.


#5 Supsersized: The Help of the Mammoth

It was October 3rd, 1943 and a man with the name of #5 Supersized was hitch-hiking to a land called Muskrat Turd. #5 wanted to go there because there were many great things there such as Paul. #5 was suprized when a mammoth with no legs and burnt toenails as tusks picked him up. The mammoth said, "Hey, you get in my furry kangaroo pouch and I will take you to the land of Muskrat Turd." #5 Supersized was so happy that he grew some corn, shaved mammoth's sack and got in the pouch. They began galloping to Muskrat Turd. Out of nowhere, Skittle Spank jumped out in front of Wooly Mammoth. Mammoth said, "Why did you jump out like that?" Skittle Spank said, "I saw your sexy Mammy body and I want to take it for a spin." So #5 got out of the pouch and Skittle Spank and Mammoth went under a rock and had smooth and smelly oral with an egg baking on Mammoth's labia. When it was over #5 was done waking so they all continued to the magical land. #5 was sleeping just minding his own business in the pouch when Mammoth got goose bumps. Usually it doesn't matter but this time one of the bumps got a hold of Skittle Spank's sack. Mammy was getting excited but Skittle Spank was hating it. Mammoth was screaming out "Soggy bacon!" Finally it was over and Mammy exploaded his load all over the ground, making a river to Boston. They all decided to take a swim in it so they did backstroaks for a mile. They continued on to Muskrat Tard. Mammy wanted to get there faster so he let one out and that launced him to the sky and they cut off 30 minutes. #5 Supersized was bored so he took it out. Skittle SPank said "Hey! You have a bowl cut on the tip of your dick." #5 said "Hey you're right" so he waved it around. Skittle Spank was sad so he put a mullet wig on his and they had a tea party. Mammoth knew he had an ugly one but he took it out anyway. #5 said "Mammy what the hell is that, it looks like a hairy bean burrito that came out of my ass, put that shit away." Mammy cried and ate it, no one said a word for hours.

The end!

Admit it, Brandon's a genious.
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