...I promised to write 17 sheyla fics but unfortunately I can't really write sheyla. Slight problem lol. Anyway here's number 3, a little humourous, a little general and absolutely no Teyla...(how is it possible? oh it's possible...)
I can't rightly remember when this was done, but I do know it belongs here on the GW LJ....since we didn't have the LJ at the time I hosted the fic, or actually the round-robin we did....Hope you all remembered this....we must do another soon.....:-)
Started with an innocent enough statement from HyperCaz, and slowly evolved into a very interesting
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Some of you may have seen this on MSN if I was talking to you, but here is a drabble I mixed up for Sheppard/Teyla from a drabble making site - that is, I entered words and it spat out something amusing. I'm not sure about the rating but uh...LOL.
A Sunglasses In Time
On an aloof and flirty morning, John sat in a Puddlejumper. It was Valentine's
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Some of you might have seen that I posted in the thread on gw that I might write 17 short ficlets to celebrate my birthday. Not sure about 17, but here's number 1. It's my first ever story on just sheppard/teyla and I'm a bit worried about it. =)
Title: The Black Notebook V: Freudian Slip Author: CeeKay Sheppard Rating: T Summary: I know I said I wouldn't do it, but here's the sequel to "Abandonment Issues." This grew out of a discussion sanssong and I were having in the comments to "AI" about John's so-called "kirking."
Title: Never Alone Again Author: Cpt. Ritter Rating: T+ Circa PG15 (Violence, Language, and Torture) Summary: A Misson To A Nearby Planet Goes Horribly Wrong. Characters: All, couple of OCs... anything else? Applies for all chapters!
Well, I had some time to write, and as I've been feeling profoundly ignored lately (in RL), this is what happened. So I hope you can forgive a little projecting
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I'm posting this chapter in it's entirety because it's got a really big J/T smut scene in it. Thought you all might enjoy! If you're interested in the previous two chapters, you can find them at my personal LJ
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