Dude you just got shatnered VOL2

Mar 30, 2005 21:30

Ight so today was the best day of my life let me brake it down. Ight so i woke up today and my mom told me she wasnt sending me 2 school witch was hella sweet, then she took me to get some new cloths i got some pretty sweet stuff, then she took me 2 get my ipod witch was even fuckin sweeter. then i went home set up my ipod then went out and skated when i got home my bro gave me his present to me witch was a fuggin new guitar witch was bitchen, then we tried it out sounded sweet then MY mom took us all to the texas road house were are waitres was fuggin hott, now im at home messing with my ipod and playing with my guitar the only down part to my b-day is that their is school tommarow but besides that one hell ogf a bitchen day.
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