Oct 08, 2005 22:32
hell yes homecoming is this saturday we are going iceskating during the day and then to dinner and then the dance and then the after party and then we are stayin up all night and having fun and then going to dennys in the morning lol to get some freaking coffee cuz i cant go to church and fall asleep thats new church every sunday its a lot of fun and have a lot of friends that go there! frederick high school is alright it is really small and diffrent from GJ and no freaking ROTC either thats GAY! oh well oh and no swim team either lol topher you would die here... i know i havent called you since i have been up here i just dont think i can bring myself to that yet so if you dont hate me or anything... then yeah i still love ya bro! your my best friend no matter what! as for krissy... you dont ever call me and everytime i call you its not on or something so... yeah Chelsea! cant wait for next year our apartment is gonna be kick awesome. I cant wait! lol nancy and whitney im talking to you right now and you better comment or im gonna kick you... well or call you and... talk or danmnit lol. everyone else... i love you all and i will hope to see you next year oh oh and wtf rhiannon what happened you and courntey are supposed to be twins! i love you both and when i come back next year im putting super glue on both of you and sticking you two together! you two are best friends and need to stop fighting over stuff that is just stupid i dont know the whole story but GET OVER IT AND LOVE EACHOTHER.. robbie you need to go get my paintball stuff cuz .. .i dont want it and i figured you or brett would be the best to have it... Addison lol... you hate me but god do i miss you! every freaking time i watch one of those old videos were we catch on fire and shit HELL YEAH! god i miss fire... lol nicole i havent forgot you your a sexy beast and i miss you too! D-lo... who the hell is david... ok and everyone tell lionel and hua and seargent and all the rotc peoples i miss them and i will be back next year especially miller cuz we havbe to make a kick awesome duel and win first! oh and han and valvo and leah... i so miss taco night and cant wait to go back to champs and hang out with you guys! allysa i love you. miranda i love you. AND OMG lol mandy i miss you so much call me little girl jeez and liz i lust you... well not really but oh well. just well i miss florida and i miss everyone there... i love you guys and freaking GET ALONG all of you just be happy you can see eachother! have a great year ... while i freeze my ass off here its snowing outside!-krissy... except it actually is lol. i love you chelsea i will be home soon and we can freaking finally get that apartment together! yay party at my house!!