veebloging dilemma

Jul 24, 2012 10:10

I’m pretty much a boring personality. There isn’t much going on ‘up in my life’ that is blog-worthy.  But….you see…because I’m more of a life observer than a life doer, I’ve done what I can to surround myself by interesting personalities.  I’ve been lucky in that.  Those around me do such interesting things on a regular basis and I have such a huge desire to blog about these things. However, I’m also very aware that those interesting people might not want me to write about their private lives…….so, I have to be careful.  Of course, Stewart and I discuss everything that we know is going on in the lives of our friends and families with each other. And….at the end of those discussions, one or the other of us will often comment, “Oh my gawd…that is sooooo blog worthy….too bad we can’t blog about it.”  We both shake our heads and move on.  But, don’t you think that we should blog about those things?  We learn about ourselves based on our reactions to the situation of others. One of the great things about the internet is a person can glean all kinds of information about situations without actually experiencing them.  Maybe we’ll loosen our limits on blogging about friends and family.  Nothing disrespectful….nothing ‘too’ embarrassing… but, some information is ok…right? What should be ‘off-limits’ when blogging about those close to you?
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