
Jan 23, 2010 10:33

I went to school yesterday. Every monday, wednesday, and friday, I have an eight o'clock class, and then another class in the afternoon/evening. So I got there for this class. Then I practiced. Then I got some music (although I do hate spending money in an unsure fashion) -- duets. Blah blah... Then I had lesson. ... Took the bus home, decided to get off at robin, and found that mr arnold was in, and that led to jabbering and a little trumpeting across I think about two hours.

During that big chunk of time twixt the first class and lesson, I practiced. I also played duets with Euphonist Will. I like doing duets, but I never feel like I am "working" at anything when I do them. That is, I did not find it satisfying to play them for as long as we did. At some point there was a break, and I saw Mr Meidenbauer. I mentioned this desire for "concert" duets, and he said "get this book." So I did. And I came back for lesson.
     The desire for duets arose again because of the way the BCE panned out the evening before. I always feel a little enthusiasm towards BCE because it is a smaller group type of thing, only brass, and when it works -- as I have seen and heard in performances -- it is pretty nifty. So the plan was to read through this one piece I had acquired from Mr Meidenbauer. We got through the first movement, and then part of the second, and then everyone threw in the towel. They all said, "this is a cool piece," but they did not seem to show a matching interest to that statement. So then I, who had copied the score, suggested we practice according the metronome markings indicated in the score. This was not disagreed with, so I began to read off the various spots. And nobody made note. They were getting packed to leave. But who essentialy was left behind but Euphonist Will? I like his attitude towards music-ing in general. So I thought about getting some concert duet or another arranged with him.
     I then returned for lesson. Now, during winter break I had worked away every day except maybe one. In my head, the scenario went, "Oh, boy. Now I will go into lesson, and be all like, "Hey, Dr B, listen to this!" and I would play one piece from memory, and then I'd say, "That's not all!" and play another. And so on." This did not occur. Apparently duets hate me and make me fail more than usual at playing later in the day, at least when Euphonist Will is involved. I think he cares not for pacing; maybe he should play a trumpet. So I did not do so well, and then some comment was made that included me and the phrase "out of shape," which was vaguely, though I think unintended, insulting. I felt that was essentially accusing me of not doing my work (for what else leads to being "out of shape"?).
     I find it incredibly discouraging when I find that it seems I can try and try and try, but it does not count for much.

Aside, I have to go to denver in february. potsdam in a week or so. If none of that pans out, I think I may go for that walk I used to always consider. Or maybe I could do that television show. Or conducting lessons, though probably not.
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