I originally posted this as a comment to
rahirah's essay "Why I give a shit." A common question I heard May 30th was, "Why are there still so many people/comms with interests such as rape and incest if they were 'purged'?"
It's because, when initiated through the web interface, a user interest search times out when it hits 400-500 matches. This is a common web site practice to avoid strain on servers.
When you search on "writing," for instance, you learn 458 people have the interest "writing." To find the real number, you must visit the LiveJournal popular interests page, here:
http://www.livejournal.com/interests.bml?view=popular&mode=text There you learn 660,919 are interested in writing.
I believe this proves Six Apart did zero research of their own after they caved to Warriors For Innocence's demands. They did not even bother to perform a thorough search on the supposedly vile interests. Instead, they went with WfI's abbreviated list, which was based on a search that timed out at the 400-500 mark. That's why Six Apart suspended about 500 and no more.
The support staff who performed the purge may have known this [I hope they did!] and said nothing. Anyway, it seems no one explained to Berkowitz why WfI came up with only 500 sinners. Or maybe no one at 6A knows how their search function works.
Berkowitz, supposedly deeply concerned about child safety, didn't even ask the most basic questions, such as, "Can we trust these numbers?"
Just more evidence 6A's pedophile witch-hunt was botched: it was based on shit information.
By the way, I've stopped referring to the events of May 28th-29th as "Strikethrough 2007" because I don't believe it's an accurate description. It was a pedophile witch-hunt, so I'm going to call it that.