05/31/2007 04:05 PM In a move that surprised no one, Six Apart/LiveJournal announced earlier today that CEO Barak Berkowitz is leaving the company, effective immediately. A nine-year-old girl from Daly City, California, has replaced him.
The girl, identified only as Molly because of her age, was selected by the LJ Abuse Team.
"It was somewhere after the sixteenth Red Bull," said an abuse team member, who preferred to remain anonymous. "I'm not really sure, because I haven't slept for three days."
Experts said it was the logical conclusion to Berkowitz's recent plea, "Think of the children!"
Molly has the approval of Brad Fitzpatrick, who started the LiveJournal blogging service, then later sold it to Six Apart. Speaking via satellite phone from the Andes, where he is currently on a backpacking trek with Frank the Goat, Brad said, "She sounds like a nice girl."
According to LiveJournal's terms of service, the new CEO cannot have a LiveJournal blog without her parents' permission until she is thirteen.
Molly's parents have stated they will not grant their daughter permission to set up an account.
"It's okay, though, because my sister Emily already has an LJ. She's fourteen," Molly said.
Asked what her first act as CEO would be, Molly said, "Everyone gets a thousand icons free."
During the final days of Berkowitz's reign, LiveJournal suspended five hundred users for "promoting illegal activities," based on "user interests," which are search terms selected by members.
Molly said her sister's LiveJournal was suspended for two days. "She had 'pretty boys' in her LJ. Boys are gross."
Asked to clarify her statement, Molly said, "Except for Sammy Winchester."
Molly has already made plans for the day she turns thirteen and gets a LiveJournal account.
"I'm going to read my sister's Supernatural stories on LJ. She wrote one where Sam and Dean meet a girl named Emily, who saves them both from the demon. But then they fight over her, and she has to leave until they beg her to come back. Then Dean gets sick, and Emily and Sam take care of him. Sam and Emily get married, but Dean lives with them for the rest of his life. His heart is broken because Emily married Sam instead of him."
Asked if she was concerned someone might believe Emily's stories were true, not fiction, Molly replied, "Duh! My sister's a big fat liar. Sam is marrying me."
Sincere apologies to the creator of the lovely unicorn picture.