My day.

Jun 07, 2007 00:09

> boot MyDay.exe
Welcome to My Day!

Your alarm is going off. You cannot see anything.
> wake up
That would be the normal thing to do.. How about instead you dont hear it, and continue sleeping for an hour?
> do i have a choice?
Time passes...
You wake up. It is 10am.
> get ready
On the way to the bathroom, you turn on the pc...
> move
You cant. People want to talk to you.
> talk
Time passes.. Your boss wants to talk to you...
> talk to boss
Time passes..
> check time
It is now 10:30. People start giving you odd stares if you're not in by 11am.
> get ready
You shower and shave.
> get breakfast
You are out of milk.
> go to work
You are on your bike to work. The brakes need fixing.
> check time
It is 10:55, shouldn't you be there by now?
> go faster
You pedal as fast as you can.
> go faster
It cannae take any more, captain!
> take shortcut
You are going through a construction site to get to work. There is a one way sign.
> ignore sign
You continue down a half built one way road.
There is a car coming towards you.
> brake
You cant.
Time passes.
> squeeze past
You manage to squeeze past the car. The driver makes an obscene gesture behind your back.
There are two construction workers measuring something ahead of you.
> something?
You cant tell. Hang on, whats that they are measuring with?
> look
You cant quite see.
> squint
You see a long-ish blur.
> wait
Time passes. The blur becomes a string held taut across the road, you know, like in the movies.
> brake
It doesnt really work.
> squeeze the brake until it leaves an indentation in my hand
The brakes squeal, and with a bit of luck and a ramp, you come to a screeching halt.
> carry bike past workers
They say hello, and carry on as if potentially unmounting cyclists is the most natural thing in the world.
> continue
After a relatively uneventful journey, which involves wondering if a roadside digger could knock you off your bike, you arrive at work.
Maybe you should look busy doing things so they dont realise that it is now 11:05.
> doing what?
Don't you have anything to do? SOAP?
> do soap
You check your inbox regarding the SOAP bug report you filed last night. He says its your fault.
> disagree
He says that its still your fault.
> fix it
It still appears broken.
> log the error
He says what you've done wrong.
> ah!
Yes, silly, huh?
> fix it
Although you appear to be making progress, and there is a different error message.. It still appears broken.
> log it
Although the error appears not to be your fault, your skills are in question.. Do you wish to compete? y/n
> why not
Ok, your current challenge is a "Hello World" program.
It requires a level of 2/10.
Your current soap skill is 4/10.
> code
You finish coding in 5 minutes.
> check
You detect a bug!
> compare
You find out that the bug is your own fault.
> code
You fix the bug. The code is ready for testing.
> test
The response looks normal.
> log it
The response was missing some functionality. It appears that your code is doing the correct thing.
> really?
You prove it, yes, its not your fault for once today. Their code isnt working normally. Its what you suspected all along.
Your soap skill improves by 1/10. Your soap skill is now 5/10.
You are advised to compare your code to someone elses.
> contact them
They arent on skype.
> text them
You text them, doubting they have written this code, but requesting it anyways.
They tell you that the computer you are connecting to is off.
> but we're getting a response
Ah. Well, in any case, you dont need to see the code, you need a book.
> ?!!
Yes, for someone elses problem. You can fix it with science!
> !?!?!
Good luck!
> quit for the day
Okay, but you do realise that you're going to spend the evening trying to fix a broken graphics card and leave your computer in an unstable state, giving it a 1/4 chance of even booting up again?
**Player 1 has left the server**
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