The Ride of a Lifetime

Jul 22, 2012 17:01

Title: The Ride of a Lifetime

Author: stevwil

Disclaimer: They're not mine, I'm just playing with them.

Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex

Characters: Jack/Ianto, Tosh, Owen, Gwen

Summary: Basically, there's some adrenaline-fueled explicit sex and some more on the dark man.

“Where are we going?” Jack asked practically bouncing as he followed Ianto out the front door of his flat.

“I've already told you. I want to show you something. It's a surprise.” Ianto sighed.

“I already know what I want to see,” Jack replied, grabbing at Ianto's ass.

Ianto turned and grabbed him by his wrists. Leaning in and giving Jack a quick kiss he said, “You've already seen that this morning. It shouldn't exactly be a surprise anymore.”

They'd spent the early morning in bed. And in the shower. Rather than leaving Ianto exhausted and sated, the morning's vigorous sex had left him energized and ready to face the day. That and the particularly fine weather they were experiencing had lead him to decide to show Jack a little more about Ianto Jones.

“Don't underestimate yourself, my love. You're always a surprise to me.” He gave his lover a long, slow kiss.

“Stop it,” Ianto said pulling away. “Are you going to let me do this or not?”

Grinning, he said, “Fine. I won't spoil your surprise.”

“Good. I was hoping you'd see things my way.” Ianto released Jack and turned. “Make sure the door is locked, will you?”

“Why are you dressed like that?” Ianto was wearing dark jeans and a crisp white t-shirt. “And why can't I wear my coat? I love my coat. You love my coat.”

Sighing again Ianto said, “All part of the surprise.”

Jack followed Ianto out the front door of his building and past his car which was parked on the street. He stopped momentarily looking from the parked car to to his lover's back.

Without breaking stride Ianto said, “Are you coming?”

Jack hurried after Ianto, following him around the corner of the building down the narrow walkway separating Ianto's building from the building next to it. Turning the corner Ianto stopped in front of a locked shed. Pulling a key from his pocket, unlocked the door, pulling it open but blocking Jack's view.

“Here we are.” Ianto said still standing in Jack's way.

“What is it? Let me see!”

Grinning, Ianto stepped to the side with a flourish revealing a sleek red and black motorcycle.

Jack bounced. “You ride?!”


Jack ran his hands over the lovingly over the cherry red gas tank before straddling the seat and taking hold of the handlebars, testing the feel. “It's beautiful! Can I drive it? Please?”

Stepping around the bike Ianto took a fitted nylon windbreaker for each of them, one well worn and the other obviously new, off a rack on the wall. “I'm driving. You're riding with me.” Ignoring Jack's pout, he continued, “Here. I bought you this.” He tossed Jack the new windbreaker.

Jack reluctantly slid off the back of the bike and pulled on the jacket. “How long have you ridden?”

“Years. The bike's a 2005 BT 1100, a bulldog. She's not the fastest bike out there but she'll do.”

Jack's eyes sparkled. “How fast?”

“Fast enough.” He handed Jack a new helmet before placing a slightly battered one on his own head. “I got this for you too.”

Smiling a slow smile he asked, “How long have you been planning this?”

“A while. I thought I'd wait until we needed to unwind from something bad but then decided not to waste it.”

“Where are we going, Ianto Jones?”

“We're going to ride the Vale of Glamorgan. We won't be too far away if there are any problems. Did you tell them we'd be in later?”

“I called and told them we'd be in after noon. Said we'd be working late so unless there were any emergencies, they could all take an early evening.”

“How did that go over?” Ianto asked with one raised eyebrow.

Jack laughed. “Owen bitched about coffee, Gwen apologized again about last week and Tosh snickered and said to have fun.”

Ianto chuckled. “I think Tosh may be a bit of a wild woman underneath that quiet exterior.”

Looking pointedly at his lover Jack said, “It's been my experience that it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for.”

“Captain, you don't know the half of it.” Ianto mounted the bike and raised it's kickstand. Coasting it out of the shed he asked, “Lock the door please?”

Ianto started the bike and sat with it idling as Jack closed and locked the shed door. He mounted the bike behind Ianto and snuggled into Ianto's back wrapping his arms loosely around the young Welshman's waist.

Turning his head, Ianto raised his voice a little to be heard over the purr of the engine. “Hold on a little tighter.”

Jack tightened his grip a little.


Jack's grip tightened fractionally.

“You've never ridden on the back of a motorcycle have you?”

Jack shook his head and said, “No. I've always done the driving.”

“Just make sure you keep a good grip. I don't want to dump you on your arse.” Ianto kicked the bike in gear and motored down the narrow alley onto the street.

* * * *

They rode out of Cardiff, slowed by the morning traffic. Jack loosened his grip on Ianto's waist, watching the other drivers and enjoying the ride. Laughing at the shocked looks they occasionally got from passing motorists, Jack nuzzled his face into Ianto's neck breathing in the scent of his lover. Rubbing his hands slowly up and down the young Welshman's chest he settled in to enjoy the ride. He'd never minded making a spectacle of himself and while he would have preferred a little more speed, the simple fact that Ianto wanted to share this with him left him feeling warm and content.

Ianto smiled quietly to himself and shook his head. Ignoring Jack's roaming hands, he concentrated on the road. They were coming up on the A48 and as soon as the traffic thinned a little he could open the throttle up. He wouldn't intentionally dump his lover on his arse but he had warned him.

Ianto powered the bike up, swerving around a slow moving red Ford truck before punching it. The front wheel popped off the ground and Jack clutched at his waist and shouted in elation. Ianto smiled. That was the grip he'd been looking for. Their speed kept climbing; Eighty, ninety, one hundred, one hundred and four and still accelerating.

Rapidly approaching a black Peugeot, they swerved into oncoming traffic. Jack saw the startled face of a woman behind the wheel of a blue BMW. Horn blaring, the car was coming directly at them. Jack's grip tightened convulsively and he felt rather than heard Ianto's uninhibited laughter. Whipping back into his own lane just ahead of the black car, their speed topped out at one hundred and eight miles an hour and they rode on.

Ianto never slowed as the rolling farmland flashed by. They made their way back towards Cardiff on the B4265 completing a loop through the Vale, whipping in and out of traffic, dodging oncoming motorists and a single duck. They slowed as they entered the more congested streets of Cardiff, finally making their way back to the alley behind Ianto's flat, rolling to stop in front of the shed where the bike was stored.

Jack bounced from the back of the bike, yanking his helmet off. Face flushed and eyes shining he shouted, “That was fantastic!”

Still straddling the motorcycle, Ianto pulled his own helmet off and smiled indulgently at his lover. “Liked that, did you - umph!”

Jack silenced him with a savage kiss, which Ianto returned in full measure, filled with need and urgency and adrenaline fueled desire. Their lips crushed together, tongues intertwined, they ferociously explored each others mouths before pulling apart gasping for breath.

“That was amazing!” Jack said staring at the young Welshman. “You really do never stop surprising me.”

Eyes smoldering, Ianto whetted his lips with the tip of his tongue and said, “That wasn't the only ride I'm giving you today.”

“Oh,” Jack replied, eyes widening.

* * * *

“Take off your clothes.” Ianto ordered as he followed Jack into the bedroom. “Now.”

Jack kicked his shoes off and started unbuttoning his shirt. This newly discovered dominant side of Ianto had him more turned on than he would have believed possible. Ianto sat down in a chair and leaned back, crossing his arms and watching. Jack tossed his shirt aside and then got tangled in his trousers as he tried to kick them off, nearly falling before catching himself on the end of the bed.

“Careful. I want everything in working order.” Ianto said, the amusement showing in his voice.

Jack made a face but pulled his undershirt over his head and let it fall to the ground. Shimmying out of his underwear, he stood naked, waiting on the still fully dressed Ianto.

Ianto stood, closing the distance between himself and Jack. Looking him up and down from head to toe, he whetted his lips.

Smirking, Jack asked, “See something you like?”

“You'll do.” Leaning in and wrapping his arms around him, Ianto gave him a fast, hard kiss, fingers digging into the firm flesh of his ass. He could feel Jack stiffen through his own jeans as their bodies pressed together. With a playful swat, he stepped away and reaching up with his right hand, he used the tips of his fingers to shove Jack backwards onto the bed. “Stay there.”

Eyes never leaving Jack's, Ianto toed his shoes off and then bracing himself against the bed with one hand, he removed his socks. Straightening, he gripped the bottom of his t-shirt with both hands and slowly, teasingly, tugged it over his head revealing his bare chest, lightly dusted with fine dark hairs.

Jack's hands flexed. He ached to touch his lover, himself, something but he couldn't. Ianto's smoldering blue eyes had him mesmerized, unable to look away.

Ianto unbuckled his belt, drawing it slowly out of the loops, holding it out straight-armed to the side he let it drop to the floor. Popping the buttons on his jeans, he slid them down slowly and stepped out of them and repeated the process with his briefs never breaking eye contact. Jack, eyes dilated like liquid pools of night, biting his lower lip, was entranced. Smiling to himself, Ianto thought, “Gotcha.”

Sliding onto the foot of the bed, he crawled slowly up his lover's body touching him casually as he slid over him. Pinning Jack on the bed Ianto rested on his chest looking down into the blue eyes.

“Ianto-” Jack's voice burned.

Ianto shushed him. Leaning to Jack's ear he whispered, “I'm going to do what I want when I want and when I'm done, I'm going to do it again.”

Jack's hips flexed involuntarily at the husky tones, rubbing his manhood against Iantos. He nodded and Ianto covered his mouth with his own. Their tongues met and parted and met again. Jack expressing his desire and need and Ianto controlling it, fulfilling it but leaving no doubt that he was in charge.

He kissed and licked his way down Jack's chest, making his way to the stiff nipples. Jack groaned, a jolt of desire shooting through him, as his lover sucked and chewed delicately at one stiff, brown nipple then the other. Ianto's hands were everywhere, moving up and down his chest, gripping his hands, his ass, sliding up and down his inner thigh, everywhere but his cock. Jack squirmed, moaned, overwhelmed by desire. Ianto slid further down, kissing his way to Jack's navel. Ianto laying between Jack's legs, chest pressed to his throbbing manhood, tongue flicking around his navel was more than he could take. He started involuntarily thrusting at Ianto's chest, their combined heat offering an outlet for his craving.

“Easy there,” Ianto said pulling away from Jack's stomach briefly before diving back into his belly button with his tongue. Reaching towards Jack's face with one arm, the older man caught his hand in his own, bringing it to his mouth and sucking his fingers, tip of his tongue gliding across Ianto's finger tips. The younger man's breath caught, surprised by the unexpected sensation.

Pulling his fingers slowly, sensuously from Jack's mouth he slid further down his body, eliciting a low groan from him. He planted a quick kiss on the tip of Jack's prick flicking his tongue across the the slit as Jack thrust at him.

“Ianto,” Jack moaned in frustration as he slid further down, kissing his inner thigh.

Raising up onto his knees Ianto said, “Turn over.”

As Jack rolled onto his stomach Ianto grabbed his hips, guiding him to where he wanted him. Spreading Jack's legs Ianto covered his body with his own, chest pressing against his back, tip of his manhood resting just under Jack's balls.

Whispering in his ear, Ianto asked, “You want me don't you?”

“Yes, oh yes,” was the husky reply.

“You want me more than you ever wanted anyone before, don't you?” Ianto nipped at his earlobe.

“More... nnghh... than anyone...” Jack moaned.

“Good,” Ianto said sliding back down the bed.

Ianto licked the underside of Jack's balls, sucking one then the other into his mouth. He licked slowly from the base of his balls to cleft between his cheeks. Flicking his tongue across the tight ring of muscle, he gripped Jack by the hips, fingers digging into his flesh.

“Fuuuckk,” Jack rasped, gripping the headboard and shoving towards Ianto, spreading his legs wider.

Ianto teased Jack, tasting him, playing him like a musical instrument, driving him wild with his tongue. When he had his lover panting, barely able to speak, he pulled away. Reaching to the bedside table he removed a small tube and squeezed a little of the cool gel into his hand. Jack's breath caught as Ianto dribbled it onto his cleft and slid two fingers into his lover. He worked his fingers, loosening the already relaxed muscle then unexpectedly bit down hard on one firm cheek. Startled, Jack hissed and clenched around Ianto's fingers. Chuckling, Ianto kissed the red mark he'd just left and continued working his fingers, relaxing his lover and gently kneading the flesh of his thigh with his other hand.

Removing his fingers, he whispered, “Turn over, I want to be able to see you.”

Sliding next to Jack, he helped him roll onto his back. Propped on one elbow he stared down at the older man, a gentle smile on his face. “You really are lovely,” he said, kissing him tenderly and he rolled on top of him. “You okay?”

At Jack's nod Ianto guided himself to Jack's opening, teasing him with the tip of his manhood before pressing slowly into him. Exercising more self control than he thought he possessed, Ianto propped himself on one arm, waiting for Jack to get used to him, the velvety tightness of him almost too much to bare.

Jack gasped at the faint burning as his lover stretched him, sliding all the way into him. Wrapping his legs around Ianto's waist he reached up caressing the young Welshman's face and moaned as Ianto turned his head slightly, sucking his thumb into his mouth.

Jack wiggled his hips experimentally and groaned, “Please... you can...move now...”

Bracing himself, Ianto started to press in and out slowly, then building speed as he found his rhythm, Jack matching him thrust for thrust. He jerked, gasping as Jack reached up pinching his nipples hard between thumb and forefinger.

Ianto's jerky thrust hit a spot he'd previously missed and Jack howled in pleasure. “That's... it...” he groaned. Ianto began to vary his rhythm, alternating between short, jerky thrusts and long smooth ones. Jack went wild, hands everywhere, grasping at Ianto, the sheets, the headboard, unable to find purchase.

Ianto pulled out rolling Jack onto his side. Lifting one leg to his shoulder he thrust back in deeper than before.

“Nnnggghhh,” Jack groaned, grabbing the headboard and holding on.

He pushed himself in and out of Jack a few more times before pulling out. “Come on, Jack. Up on your knees,” he said rolling him over.

“Don't... know if... I can,” Jack groaned, legs shaking.

Wrapping an arm around his waist, Ianto gently lifted him, “Sure you can. I'll help you.” He leaned down to his ear and whispered in a throaty voice, “It'll be worth it.”

Ianto slid back into him, this time the thrusts were slow, tender, loving. Jack gasped as Ianto wrapped a hand around him, fisting the length of him. Jack thrust into Ianto's fist, one, two, three times.

“Fuuuuck!” Jack shouted, clenching around Ianto's cock as he exploded into the young Welshman's hand.

The sensation was too much for him. He thrust jerkily into Jack half a dozen more times, burying himself fully as he erupted into him. Collapsing onto Jack, Ianto nibbled and kissed at his shoulder as their breathing returned to normal.

Jack reached up blindly running his fingers through his lover's hair and asked languidly, “What did you do to me?”

“Fucked you silly,” Ianto chuckled as he rolled off him. “I'll get a towel.”

After cleaning himself and Jack up a little, Ianto crawled back in bed with his sated lover. Jack snuggled into his chest and Ianto wrapped his arms around him, holding him and playing with his hair.

“Why haven't we done that before?” Jack asked. “That was..amazing.” He was lazily playing with his lover's pale pink nipples.

“It was a surprise,” Ianto said, gasping as Jack tweaked his nipple. “If you keep that up I'm going to surprise you again.”

Jack laughed and kissed him. “Again?” he asked, eyes darkening with desire.

* * * *

After showering, they had gotten dressed in their usual work clothes; Ianto in a dark suit and Jack in his 40's era shirt, pants and braces along with his military coat. It was quarter of one when Jack and Ianto arrived at the Hub. Jack sauntered in, waved a jaunty hello to Gwen and Tosh who were at their respective desks, dropped into Ianto's chair and propped his feet up on his desk. Ianto went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee humming to himself.

Tosh and Gwen both stared at Jack who put his hands behind his head and stretched, groaning and sinking into Ianto's chair.

“What's wrong with you? You look different,” Gwen asked.

Blushing faintly Tosh added, “Sort of relaxed.”

“I don't know what you're talking about,” Jack said, stretching again and nearly tipping out of the chair.

“Are you sure you're feeling okay?” Gwen asked again peering at him.

Owen walked out of the medical bay just as Ianto was bringing Jack his coffee. Jack smiled up at Ianto, touching his hand as he took the coffee. Ianto stepped around behind him, running his hand up his arm to Jack's shoulders and smiling down at him.

Owen stopped dead in his tracks and looked from Ianto to Jack. “You look totally fucked.”

Jack smirked.

“He looks like that most of the time,” Owen nodded at the now blushing Ianto, “but you...”

Jack's smirk turned into a sleepy-eyed, lascivious grin.

“Were you two doing it in the SUV? I refuse to ride in that thing until it's cleaned up.”

“We didn't do it in the car. We did it in Ianto's bed. And on the floor. And in the shower.” Jack waggled his eyebrows.

“Jesus Tea-boy! What have you done to him?”

Ianto's faint smile turned playful, “If you really want to know, I...”

“Forget it! My mistake!” Owen backed towards the medical bay.

Ianto followed, “Really, I don't mind. The first thing I did was bend him over...”

Owen turned and fled.

Jack's laughter booming after him.

“I should have done that ages ago,” Ianto said. Turning to a giggling Tosh he asked, “Coffee?”


“How about you, Gwen?”

Avoiding his eyes, she shuffled some papers on her desk and said, “I'm fine thanks.”

It was Ianto's turn to smirk as he went to get Tosh her coffee.

Sipping his coffee Jack asked, “Ianto, do you have that information together?”

“What little I could find. There's not much.”

“That's okay. I'll take what I can get.” Jack removed his feet from Ianto's desk and leaned forward pressing the comm switch. “Owen, meeting in the conference room in 15.”

* * * *

Gathering the team in the conference room, Jack had told them about his meetings with the mysterious stranger. Predictably, Owen had gotten the most enjoyment out of it.

“So let me get this straight,” Owen chortled, “Basically, you're saying that you have a stalker?”

“I wouldn't go that far,” Jack replied. “I've see him two, maybe three times. The first time I'm not sure about. Someone else was in the car park above Gwen on the night she first saw us. He helped me with the Bijat worms and told me to help Ianto. The next time the bastard left me wrapped in chains and told me he was leaving.”

“Jack, I'm sorry-”

“That's enough Gwen,” Jack interrupted her. “You didn't know what you were doing.”

“But Jack...” She trailed off at his stare.

Ianto raised an eyebrow marginally as he shared a look with Tosh. Turning slightly so Gwen couldn't see, he curled the fingers of his right hand into the shape of a pistol. Tosh laughed out loud. Gwen gave her a hard look.

“What? Private joke.” Tosh said attempting to mollify Gwen before glaring at Ianto.

“Playtime's over children. Let's get back to work,” Jack said before things could get any further off track. He'd seen Ianto's gesture. “I had Ianto check the archives to see if he could find any other record of this man. What did you find, Ianto?”

Everyone turned their attention to the archivist. “Not much, sir. A report from 1986 by an April Tanner indicated she'd been nearly overwhelmed by three aliens when a stranger had stepped from the shadows and assisted her. According to her report, his face stayed concealed in the shadows and he told her to be more careful before disappearing into the night.”

“I knew April briefly. I was working freelance for Torchwood and helped her on a couple cases. She transferred to London rather quickly, if I remember correctly. Anything else?”

“The only other report I can find is a bit more nebulous. It's from 1961. Two agents responded to a call about a man terrorizing some locals near the Hub actually. They reported seeing a stranger in tattered dark clothing but when they tried to approach him the were overcome with fear. They fled in terror but recovered later. After undergoing a round of psychological tests they returned to field duty. They couldn't provide a description of the man because his face was cloaked in shadow. They were unsuccessful in their attempts to locate the stranger a second time.”

“That it?” Jack asked frowning.

“I'm afraid so, sir.”

“If it was the same man from 1961 he'd have to be at least 70,” Gwen said doing the math in her head. “How old did your...benefactor seem to you, Jack?”

“All I ever saw was a shadow. He didn't move like he was old though.”

“Neither do you and you're what? 300?”

“Fuck you, Owen.” Jack glared at the medic.

“Are you sure he was even human?” Tosh asked in her quiet voice.

“Now that's a thought. The silhouette looked human and the voice was slightly muffled but sounded human but that doesn't really mean much.” Steepling his fingers, he sat thinking. “Thoughts Ianto?”

“I'll keep searching the archives. There are so many anomalies-” A rift alert interrupted him.

Jumping to his feet Jack said, “Okay people let's go. We'll table this for now and get back to it later.”

They hurried out of the conference room, eager to see what the Rift had in store for them today.

nc-17, darkman, torchwood

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