Which is all well and good, because I missed the Democratic Convention.
So I get into work today before any other guest services people, and I think, All right, I've got my choice of shift order. My usual rotation goes something like
-Bottom of the slide
-Baby pool
-Trash pickup
-Breezeway (checking bags, whatever)
Which isn't a bad rotation, considering the breezeway is a nice place to end up because of its shadiness and breeziness and the fact that you can just sit and chill and maybe watch a little TV through the window to the office. But the finance lady was here today, and she watches out for laziness in the breezeway like a fucking HAWK. So I figure, where's the next easiest place to end out the day? Baby pool. Sit there and keep an eye out for... I don't know... someone drowning their baby. You can sleep half the time, there's a lifeguard there anyway.
So my rotation looks like this:
-Trash pickup
-Baby pool
I figured it was probably the easiest thing to get the trash pickup out of the way early, since it sucks and no one likes it. I'd have to say it would be the worst way to finish, considering it's August in Washington... and if you're not from around here, that means hot and disgusting, and the last thing anyone wants to do then is walk around on concrete for half an hour picking up the same trash like 3 times.
So I've got this cool shift going. On my second time through the rotation, I got to trash pickup to start it off. The last time I did trash pickup (two hours earlier), it had been a lot easier since no one was there. Like seriously, no one showed up till 11:30, and the pool opens to the public at 11. I got lucky then. But not now. Two, three, maybe eight camps had just rolled through, so I was just picking up straw wrapper after fry box after Capri Sun bag thing... thinking only of HOW AWESOME IT'S GONNA BE WHEN I GET TO THE BREEZEWAY NEXT. OH MAN.
So I get to the breezeway and I tell the girl working there that it's time to switch.
She launches into how she's not feeling too well, so could I just... kinda... skip over her this shift, cause she needs some time to relax or something?
Right now I'm a bit disappointed. There goes my ploy of ending the day in the baby pool. Since I skip over breezeway, I'd be going:
I'd be ending the day with fucking TRASH PICKUP. NOT GOOD TIMES.
But I figure, hey, she's feeling sick, what harm would an extra half-hour do? So I go over to the slide and start my shift there.
About ten minutes later, the guy on trash pickup walks by the slide and says, "Hey wait... aren't you supposed to be at the breezeway now?" I say, yeah, but I'm letting her chill a little bit. To which he says:
"Dude, she's been in the breezeway for two hours now. She asked me to skip over her too."
So now not only have I lost my last shift of my day to fucking trash pickup, I (and the other two people on the clock as well) have been fucking shafted for breezeway time. Hell, we're all not feeling too good. It's 90 and humid, and right before we would end up in the breezeway, we've been wandering aimlessly around picking up trash for the last half hour. But does she have to do that? HELL NO. She just gets to sit there in the shade, with the AC blasting at her through the office window, watching TV and generally being a waste of payroll.
And before you attack me for being ruthless and heartless because this girl was "not feeling so good", consider this:
The next shift, the one at which she could have come full circle from when she got into the breezeway, she comes skipping and bouncing out of the breezeway towards the bottom of the slide like nothing had ever happened.
AND if that's not enough, she then had the nerve to ask me if I would sub for her on Saturday night. She's gonna fill out her half of the sub form tomorrow and leave it in the folder for me to find on Friday. I'm thinking of bailing on her.