Nov 06, 2005 00:35
well.. i'm 19 now.. and nothings different!
except for that weird growth that is starting to protrude from my upper lip.. hmmmmmmm..... haha
well school is going pretty good! classes are fun! i'm in film study (great class) and art (boring class) math (...i like to skip taht one) and ALS (very interesting class)
outside of class i'm on the volleyball team for osu.. division 1 athlete beotch hahaha
i really like our random food eating times and playing taboo.. oh and i've watched every episode of family guy, simpsons, all the matrix's, all the star wars!, working on lotor and workign of futurama!!
umm let' see what else is new?? uhhh well i was just dumped after a year and 3 months.. so that kinda sucked a lot but i guess it's better than not being happy in it.. right? meh.. there's nothing i can do about it.. every year for the last 3 years i've been dumped 4 days before my birthday so i've never in my entire life got a birthday present for a girl..
i'm in love with music, i cant stop listening/composing/writing/playing it!! and i'm also obsessed with movies and making them..
ok well i'm getting kinda tired and i'm home so i want to go sleep in my amazing bed!
i love you all!!!!!!