this time...2 years ago..........

Mar 07, 2004 00:41

saturday nights....02'

3b2...for those who dont know.........

*pre-gaming it (for me that meant beers in the shower)
*making the first batch of punch in the 5-gallon cooler (the trick was to get the first batch perfect because after that everyone was pretty much drunk)
*johnny always being the first one over and always ready to get his drink on
*having people you dont even know show up in your apartment (its all good cause you are taking their money)
*mass quantities of alocohol.....15-20 gallons of punch
*mojo dissapearing then randomly showing up again
*me running away from girls
*jumping up on the table to get the crowd rowdy during pour some sugar on me
*everyone finally leaving
*doing a lil clean up before bed

the morning after.....

*counting up the money and splitting it up
*making some good eats
*clean clean clean all before the Pats game

then doing it all again next week....

man i miss that
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