You'll have read all this by now, but since we have the likes of Lady Chatterly's Lover being ranked, I'd say that this is such decades step back in the wrong direction it needs to be cross posted and people need to see this. I have found stuff on the first page of a google search that is defending amazon, we need to knock that shit off the front page. Only good thing coming out from the defenders seems to be the suggestion that amazon is reacting and trying to sort this out (Btw, apparently a biography of a porn star is still ranked, whilst a children's book explaining why a little girl has to mummies has been stripped). So a bunch of links to bump up this whole thing and let those who aren't geeks or GLBT know about this.
Please feel free to join in boosting this site up the google ranks by posting and cross posting it yourself.
Further information on the whole thing can be had at
A list of the books affected is being compiled over here, Now I'm off to make sure other parts of the internet knows about this. (I actually read the top link yesterday, but didn't really believe it until this morning)
PS I've just had a better look over the books included. John's autobiography is apparently stripped on the .com site, but I just checked and that's still there and still has a ranking.