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Three more polls in the books with only nine face-offs left in the opening round as the first four regions have their Regional Quarterfinal matchups this coming week. Tight matchups made for an exciting poll in Week 7, while Week 8 gave tourney rookies a chance to shine alongside veteran competitors. Even though chest pains nearly took me out of commission like the Playbook, picks and predictions will begin gracing the bottoms of these reports.
Started: 4.20pmA: 69
52mA: 114
1h41mA: 156
2h34mA: 197
4h6mA: 244
6h55mA: 279
13h4mA: 321
21h46mA: 361
35h3mA: 380
-END-AM: 26.83%
Red XIII5395131167203232268306319MV: 60.30%
Tehya192330395360667279TV: 398
Socks Puppy17334451637894106110TV: 367
Ooga Chaka5179109142174191217242257MV: 40.05%
Kaleetan21304359667688101105TV: 366
Altrus Fox4681108131169194223247261MV: 42.62%
MightyTauren426987110135154176197210MV: 9.66%
Manda Panda28467191112128147168173TV: 383
Ciro416488111139157177197211MV: 10.18%
Rukario29516986109126148167172TV: 383
Koi Joi111726354651576674TV: 373
Treever5696130162196224257288299MV: 60.32%
Zeitgeist326082101125141155178184TV: 373
Xale36547291114131157175189MV: 1.34%
Koinu-kun386587101129146167185198MV: 2.59%
Brighton30476795114135157181188TV: 386
Bobby Bobcat436588116142162190216230MV: 22.34%
Lauren Rivers26476780101116129140146TV: 376
Saerak34577994115132154175188MV: 0.27%
Caspian355978101126144163180187TV: 375
Geronimo21344656698596101106TV: 393
Beef Jerky4982115146182204235272287MV: 46.06%
Nuku5488122153189216243273286MV: 51.72%
Valentine152735435262768691TV: 377
Fignuts!31547594115138162184194TV: 393
Bucktown Tiger396284105133146166189199MV: 1.27%
Started: 3.05pmA: 66
42mA: 100
1h36mA: 139
2h40mA: 192
4h13mA: 227
7h3mA: 283
17h52mA: 317
30h9mA: 342
52h55mA: 344
-END-AM: 33.26%
Pachinko396085123151189207224225MV: 29.68%
Alfa Fox304457727996112121122TV: 347
Ra'codo20274158698493101101TV: 331
Marf436994129151187211228230MV: 38.97%
Spots30486893111133150163163TV: 343
Markus36527097115148166178180MV: 4.96%
Yippee Coyote4871106142167207233247247MV: 40.34%
ArtySkox19283451648191103105TV: 352
Dakkota Wolf405984123147183208224225MV: 33.53%
Tsuyoto253953657593102111112TV: 337
Pepper Pup28446591106131144154156TV: 342
Twizzler DeLoup375474102120150172186186MV: 8.77%
Sairys5580112152182230260282284MV: 67.55%
Grizz91724354047525555TV: 339
Rattie23324660718895100101TV: 342
Kenova Wolf446893131154193220240241MV: 40.94%
Blazger2839597889113130145145TV: 355
Sophie Cabra406282118145178198208210MV: 18.31%
Tunguska172737526378919494TV: 341
Mozee Otter487198135160201223245247MV: 44.87%
Spook233750667994103106106TV: 345
Byakko446391127151191215237239MV: 38.55%
Scabrous Vermicelli34527295112143166173174TV: 359
Ruckus365273103124153166184185MV: 3.06%
Axel Wolf141626334250586364TV: 345
Cathlamet5384112159187232260280281MV: 62.90%
Started: 5.05pmA: 42
41mA: 87
1h20mA: 122
2h18mA: 170
4h2mA: 204
5h43mA: 240
11h25mA: 282
17h39mA: 327
46h40mA: 336
-END-AM: 21.79%
Rubix25506896117137181182186MV: 8.45%
Champ1839577690109126152157TV: 343
Peridot285676106126148169189192MV: 12.28%
Fireball Fox143248678298118144150TV: 342
Jenna Vixen233952718599119141146TV: 344
TaunTaun194973104124146170194198MV: 15.12%
Gaz_a26567899118138163195201MV: 18.24%
Towyn Coyote1630437287105121136139TV: 340
Vincent Valentino22487095112137161186191MV: 13.69%
Duncan1937517491104119141145TV: 336
Grev25517098121142164194199MV: 19.88%
Lupus Londonwolf163451718295113129133TV: 332
Terkwolf223652688397109126128TV: 341
Kellogg Collie215373106125147175206213MV: 24.93%
Tyler2040598195112127150155TV: 332
Foxwell22466389109127149173177MV: 6.63%
Silverbou19445984100107132153156TV: 342
Electropaw23446590109132154180186MV: 8.77%
Khortl Wolf51015232733384850TV: 328
Lenny Mutt3574105143173202235271278MV: 69.51%
Seifer1943577287101116136141TV: 324
Bliskwhiskers22436393112130153179183MV: 12.96%
Wooly Bully2249598099114134154159TV: 327
Tsune Murasame19376186101121139164168MV: 2.75%
Sultan4919233137434950TV: 334
Cary the Caribou3778102144169199235276284MV: 70.06%
A: Average Votes, AM: Average Margin of Victory, TV: Total Votes, MV: Margin of Victory
In the half-week after the Memorial Day holiday, 4943 votes were cast in the thirteen matchups of the Puerto Rico and Saint Kitts regions. There were also 26 new members to the voting community, for a 2.11% increase. The 30.2% representation for this poll follows the trend of the previous weeks, with the exception of last poll's 26.53% representation.
Half of the face-offs resulted in blowout victories, the biggest belonging to Sphinxfox's Matrices creation Treever versus Scaredykat's creator-owned Koi Joy, just barely beating Red XIII's victory over Rayven Wolffe's Rose Quoll creator-collaboration Tehya. Of the remaining matchups, half of those were absolute claw-biters that pretty much came right down to the wire and the last few votes. Preliminaries winners Xale and Bucktown Tiger each squeaked by their respective opponents, Zeitgeist and Fignuts!, by only five votes, though the fox needed 10 less to win than the tiger due to less votes in their face-off.
Match of the Week: Saerak, Ayulf's creator-collaboration with Mixed Candy, versus Caspian, a Crafty Coyo creation owned by Orzel. The two-time veteran avian led the matchup for most of the poll, peaking at a 17-vote advantage about 24 hours in. The fox never managed anything higher than a 6-vote lead 2 hours into the leg, with 12 lead changes in the first 3 hours alone! It took the last 30 hours of the poll for Saerak's fans to rally back for a 13th and final lead change ending in the closest non-tied victory by 1 vote or 0.27%. His next opponent is Jimmy Wolf's Whitewolf creation Bobby Bobcat who defeated the Preliminaries winner Lauren Rivers, a Mixed Candy creation.
To offset the large number of new voters from the past week, no additions were made to the community for the duration of this leg. Even worse was the voting representation at 27.36% as a result of the 4478 votes that were cast. Not an auspicious start to the month, let alone the week.
The perennial veteran Yippee Coyote will join fellow creator-owned competitors Marf and Pachinko, a creator-collaboration with Mixed Candy, in the next round after each one had a victory of over 100 votes over their respective opponents. Matrices' Cathlamet outdid them all with an overwhelming win over the Chirrful Creations competitor Axel Wolf. Unfortunately, veterans Tsuyoto and Foofers' Scabrous Vermicelli, as well as Rainrat's Arend-Studios-collaboration Rattie and the rookie bear Grizz, these creator-owned fursuits will have to watch from the sidelines.
37 new additions to the community represents a 2.94% growth. 4365 votes for the matchups resulted in a dismal 25.93% representation. Of the 14 veterans in this leg, 8 will join 5 of the 12 rookies in the next round.
Two-time veterans Champ and Jenna Vixen were unfortunately eliminated by competitors from last year, Rubix and TaunTaun, respectively. Cary the Caribou, another three-year veteran, continues his run from the Preliminaries with a win over Schenzi's Stripeyfox creation Sultan, joining the creator-owned Foxwell who defeated the Arend Studios creation Tyler. Peridot, Cabby's creator-collaboration with Rarakie and Briana, gives the self-created suiters a perfect score in this poll by advancing over the veteran Fireball Fox, a Furr Happens creation owned by Wolver.
Match of the Week: Terkwolf, last year's Sabres Regional champion, versus Kellogg Collie, last year's Bruins Regional champion. Both suits are productions of One Fur All, and both were sporting new looks for this year compared to last year. Although the lupine held onto a slim lead in the opening hour, support for the Preliminaries winner gave the breakfast canine a healthy lead for the rest of the polling period. While it would have been exciting for Kellogg Collie if this matchup would've been for last year's championship, the ending numbers for the poll just pale in comparison to the votes pulled in by Jager and Greifer.
Of the final matchups left in the opening round, recognizable performers and owners and creators facing off against each other may prove to be difficult choices for the voters. Even more difficult would be the selections for the second round, as each opening round winner already proved very popular. The selected predictions below were the ones that showed interesting but not necessarily consistent results.
Mome Rath received a bye in the first round, the formulas were not kind to
Frisbee, giving the canine a 0.37% disadvantage to the creator-owned competitor. Another close match for the Mixed Candy creation, perhaps?
ARUBA: All attention is on the three-way, with
Furball2k marked as the community's potential overwhelming pick by about 74 votes.
J.R. Schnauzer does have a longshot chance of winning, having scored high in two of the prediction formulas, while the veteran
Walden seems to be just along for the ride in this matchup.
BAHAMAS: Not too sure how
Crygus ended up with the community pick by 0.82%, but
Frost T. Wolf only needs a 36-vote swing to give him the victory. Still, this lupine-versus-vulpine face-off is just too close too call at this point.
BARBADOS: The amazing draw of
Dieter has propelled this JavaChickn creation from the preliminaries to this second round match against
Blanko, the rookie canine leading by 4.16% in the calculations though a 31-vote swing could instead advance the veteran onto the next round.
Until next time...