I had a good weekend

Apr 22, 2007 15:58

I was invited and had my tickets paid for so that I could goto the Ballet (yes, we even have Ballet here in Oklahoma, and it is done correctly, and it is also set to classical music) with OH. We had a lot of fun. It was rather neat, and it was called a Dancing Comedy. I would discribe it as a silent movie that was set to Ballet Dance. Basically, the story was a funny story about a couple who was newly married, and the bride was trying to get the attention of her husband, who had eyes for his sister-in-law, who just wanted his money and had eyes for the gardener, who had eyes for the bride. It was truly funny!

After the Ballet, while we were still dressed up, we went and ate $50.00 worth of Sushi, and then went to a Midnight Meeting, and then for coffee. It was 430am when we got to her house. We started to watch a movie, and when I woke up at 1130am I was drooling on the couch. All in all, we had a ton of fun. I ended up sitting at her house unitl 2pm talking. then last night, I went back to her house and we watched the movie that we did not make it through the previous day.

I am still looking hard for a job, it is getting time for me to do something. I am goiing to check out a temporary agency.

What American accent do you have?
Created by Xavier on Memegen.net

Midland. The Midland (please don't confuse with "Midwest") itself is the neutral zone between the North and South. But just because you have a Midland accent doesn't mean you're from there. Since it is considered a neutral, default, "non-regional" accent you could easily be from someplace without its own accent, like Florida, or a big city in the South like Dallas, Houston, or Atlanta.

Southern. Love it or hate it, your accent says you're probably from somewhere south of the Ohio River.

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