Jun 12, 2004 19:15
Soccer is officially over for this season, although soccer really never ends. We lost our state games. Yeah it was kinda bad. Also i finished coaching my little kids team today 5-2-1 not bad 2nd in the league. For me soccer is over till mid-late august because thats my schedualed return from knee recovery/rehab. I have PT for the next month + to help that out. SO far all is going good with that. Then tryouts for school team and season next fall. Can't wait for that we should be good this year and instead of sitting injured on the bench i can play!
2 1/2 days of school left, can't wait for summer! 4 finals down 2 to go. All projects are finally done with now that we have made our chem presentation. I can't believe we are almost Jrs. Time flies.