The Pipettes rock my life right now.

Sep 10, 2006 21:16

Hey, can someone tell me how to stop being naseous and headachey all the time? It would be much appreciated.

I was supposed to do homeworks today but I spent all day watching TV, which is the only thing my head would let me focus on. If I even attempted to try and read my book for Genocide class my sinuses started screaming and throwing tantrums. But it wasn't all bad - I watched some BBC, which I have decided to do regularly, to better immerse myself in British culture to ease the culture shock when I go there next year.

I also joined the Chico Cabaret Company this weekend, which is pretty grand. I've been terribly bored, but I don't want to get another job, so I figured theatre was the best outlet at this point in time. I'm still trying to brainstorm a way to make good money for the UK. I'm probably going to look hard for a job for the winter, but I think I could maybe do something else, like, selling art? I don't know, I still feel pretty untalented.

Don't be jealous that I'll probably be heading here or here by this time next year.

health, school, theatre, art, movies

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