Apr 22, 2008 09:21
"Too much coffee?" His knowing smile lighting up the whole back corner.
Jumpy and nervous, you turn to answer, "What! No? I, uh.." Haven't even finished this cup.
"You were drumming on the table. Thought maybe it was a caffeine overload. Those mochas are poison." Still smiling, but now it is more of a mocking.
Look at his face. He looks like everyone else you know and no one you've ever met. See what you did there.
"Cute. With the laughing. But, uh, yeah. I just drum. It's what I do." Tell him your name. Sit there with your mouth hanging open, staring, swallowing, self-deprecating.
He's smiling again, of course, the pretty bastard. You lick your lips and sit back. Drum and pretend not to.
"Do you maybe want another coffee?" There it is again, that tone. That voice is so unlike what you've heard before. Nothing like what you'll hear again. Want to hear it everyday.
You can do more than involuntary physical reactions. Do more.
It's the sexy, secret smile you hide. "More sounds great. Please sit." Ask him his name. Ask him to stay forever.
"I'll get that coffee first. You're drumming again. Maybe you get decaf."
"Maybe I'm strung out on more than coffee." And you're back. Use the dip in your voice to your advantage.
Still jumpy. You drum a little harder. He smiles a little wider. Caught in the net.
original fiction