the easy part

Nov 05, 2007 01:58

Sitting in the car is the easy part. Cranking Zeppelin, speeding. Ignoring it all and taking in nothin'.

He doesn't talk to me. Maybe I pretend I can't hear him. That pipebomb to flush out the gremlins in '98. Can't hear much out of my right ear.

I'd ask him if he wanted to drive, but he'd ignore me back.

Like I said, sitting in the car is the easy part. Later, we'll get to a hotel. Later, we'll be bored and together, and I'll open my big fucking mouth.
He'll sigh and look at me with that face. The one I haven't been able to ignore since he was two. Can't shrug him off this time. Can't smooth it over.

He always was like a tenacious dog with a bone. I remember that Christmas in Canton when he just would not shut up about what his present was and how were we hiding it.
Can't hide something as big as Disneyland.

I'd bring it up. Ask him if he wants to go again. Just us this time. Drive straight through to Cali and be the first people at the gate.
I could go for some cotton candy and whirlygiggin' till I puke.

Maybe I should just talk to him.
Always did expect too much out of him. Not like Dad, but still too much.

And I was serious when I said letting go would be easier for him.
But I never expected him to listen to me.
He never does.


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