Dec 10, 2005 12:13
Just got new furniture thursday, mad sweet! I have to get sheets for my new bed though, something that makes me and fama see ron a lot cause he works at Bed Bath and Beyond now, major suckage! Although entertaining at the same time. First time we saw him he walked up to fama and asked if fama was going to his bachelors party cause he claims hes getting married. the first time he mentioned this i didnt say anything cause i was being mature, but i did laugh after he walked away. after several more times of seeing him at the store he mentioned it again,i couldnt help myself so i asked him if he got the girl pregnant, he said no, and then i asked him what her IQ was...he said high, though i doubt it. it was the first time i ever said anything right when i wanted to and didnt feel bad about it.
Bitch?... i guess so
(Stevie J33k)