Been a while

Aug 23, 2005 17:29

Been a while since ive updated so i figure i'll do a little update.

kudos to my mom, fama, and sheppy who played a huge major joke on me the other night....they know what it was...soooo wrong lol but funny as hell! my face must have been sooo red. ill always remember it.

today gym class was the r0x0r. we played dodge ball and i pwned hehe. major fun stuff. lets just say i was one of the few girls who played as always and now some guys are going home with slightly bruised egos. i got out a few times, but hey, it was awesome! i mean who wouldnt like a game where you can throw balls across the gym at your friends who you always want a chance to throw something at, and of course your enemies who deserve it hehehe.

quick shout out to eric who is now in Virginia. i was going say that im going to miss you sooo much while you are gone. i was going to tell you i was going to miss hanging out, playing retarded word games, waking u up randomly with the guys, going over to your house at 7:30 AM cause i needed you, gamer nights, you being our leader of dip sh*ts lol, but then i realized...this isnt a miss type situation. this is a patience type situation. ya its gonna suck these next several months w/o you here, but im just going to look at it as a "cant wait til you get back dude" type thing. you'll be back soon enough and me and the guys cant wait! stay safe and keep me updated! i love u eric backman, my brother, my friend, my adviser, my punching bag lol. peace!

...i have to call Curtis..he called me last night all the way from Canada and i told him id call him back, im a terrible friend lol.. o-well, no1 is perfect.

much love to all,
(Stevie J33k)

*thinking about last night*
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