I started classes today, and so far they've been going along well. I have another one this evening, though; it's from 6:40 to 9, which is not going to be fun. Thankfully, the class only lasts for 8 weeks, so by the time I get to the point where I want to start skipping, I'll be taking the final.
I'm excited about my Criminal Procedure: Investigations class. It seems to mostly be about the Fourth & Fifth Amendments, which is pretty frickin' cool (if you ask me). I'm also looking forward to European Union Law (the class I have tonight).
In other news, I reinstated my membership at the YMCA and have been going to work out every day this week. With some of the exercises, I'm surprised that a summer of fattening and laziness didn't harm my skill more, and with others I'm shocked at how much it hurts to lift half of what I was in the spring. Oh well. I guess I'll have time to catch-up (although those Christian exercise facility bastards are closing for a week this Friday so they can clean and make slight alterations. Does it honestly take a week to wax the gymnasium?)
I've been cooking delicious meals lately. Last night, I grilled pork chops and roasted potatoes on the grill. My next big meal is going to be tuna steaks, and after that I'll be trying a recipe for fritures, a French way of frying smelt/small whitefish. But that will be pushed back until Friday as Thursday is when Ginger and Heloise go to agility practice and I get to treat myself to fried hot dogs and steak fries.
I notice a theme in most of the meals: potatoes, fried things, and fried potatoes.
This weekend, when the hibachi was brand new, I grilled some ribeye steaks which Ginger had marinated in various "Asian" cooking sauces (soy, oyster...okay, TWO "Asian" cooking sauces) and I opened a delicious bottle of Beaujolais (the absolute best wine ever produced). I think it says something about my palette that my favourite wine is plonk.
Ginger and I were joking that I should get the Sartre quote "L'Enfer, ces les autres" (hell is other people) tattooed on my arm. The more I think about it, though, the more I like the idea.
To show how fractured my mind is, I'm pretty sure I had the idea to get that quote tattooed on my arm before, but I just can't remember it. I have the absolute worst memory. I bet when I actually get to practice law, I'll have to have a giant notebook spread in front of me to make sure I don't forget something important, like that my client is not guilty and that this whole trial is a travesty. That sort of thing.
Ginger has been daydreaming about where she would like to move and Seattle came to the forefront of the fancying. I wouldn't mind that. The weather seems exceptionally nice, I'm rather fond of rain and mountains, I like oceans/water, and there are criminals everywhere who need solid, bottom of their law school class representation.
Ha cha cha cha cha.
I took my shift key off my laptop last night to clean under it. Ginger had spilled a small amount of soda on my computer and some keys became sticky, the shift key especially so. It took my two seconds to pop it off but it took me about an hour to get it back on. I ended up having to bend metal clasps to coax that fucker back in place, but goddammit, I did it. I was still angry and fuming twenty minutes after I had finished. Maybe I have an anger control issue. Or maybe my shift key is just a motherfucking cocksucking terroristic racist sum'bitch.
...And there's the subject heading for this post.
Again...ha cha cha cha cha.
I suppose, for those that care (the one or...one of you that reads this), I can direct you to
a little webpage that Ginger has been maintaining for our parents' sake. It's cute and it obviously has a "look at our cute pets"/"give us money, mom and dad" editorial bias, sort of like the Washington Post.