will you put my hands away? will you be my man?

Apr 09, 2009 02:05

i've been avoiding contacting simon unless he contacts me
so far for the past 3 days he's imed me or gone into my stickam room
what the sucka don't know is i don't play games
over him, have been
moved on

bamboozle left was utter amazingness

for the past month i've been talking to ryan
for the past 2 weeks i've seen him almost everyday
he's down to earth and chill as fuck

we went to see attack attack on monday
he met a few of my friends
he could hang with the rough environment
to my surprise he liked the music
he said he had fun
amazing (:

went back to his place after the show, laid in bed, cuddled, kissed
when he brought something up
"remember how earlier your friend asked if i was the new boy?"
"mmmhmm" of course i remembered, ja'rodd asked right after i see stars
"you know i like you" he said
"well, honestly, i like you too" i couldn't lie
"where do we stand then?" he asked
"well, if you're ready to be more than this, i am too" my heart sounded like a machine gun after i said this
"definitely" his answer slowed my heart and made my stomach flutter

it was great, fell asleep in his arms
woke up to his beautiful face and a kiss
i'm usually not into boys with blue eyes but goodness, he has the prettiest blue eyes i've ever caught myself staring into
my friends that i talk to like everyday want to meet him
well, soon enough
this feels legit

he says he misses me and he wishes he were here holding me on a regular basis, he makes me feel the way i've wanted a boy to make me feel
and i don't get all emo when i miss him because i know it's mutual
he's honest by default
i can be myself
he makes me laugh when he's his goofy self
he makes me smile when he says sweet things

he tells me how amazing i am
he notices if something is wrong
he's not straight edge but that doesn't bother me
he doesn't smoke and he's true to himself
sure he drinks, so what? doesn't bother me

i said i wanted a boy with a true heart
well, i got a man with a true heart
i'm happy, i like this feeling
i'm in control
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